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  1. #1
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006

    New cycle (mass/strength) ideas

    what up everyone im back and im looking into some new ideas this year so i can gain more LBM and some strength.

    my last cycle consisted of test P / Tren Ace / winstrol / proviron
    1.5 cc ed
    80 mg test p / 50 mg tren ace / 50mg winny / 50 mg proviron (Cut prop with grapeseed inject pain)
    test/tren 1-6 ed inject
    50 mg winny ed 1-6
    50 mg proviron ed 1-9
    end results 10 lbs LBM gain .... 18 lbs LBM while on cycle
    precycle stats: 6'5 234 bf 20%
    last inject stats: 6'5 252 bf 20%
    current stats 6'5 248 bf 24% (higher bf now due to stress in life... over eating)
    high bf due to lack of diet. mainly ate subway and chipotle burrito's with double meat amung other protien rich foods...

    strength was up big while on... kept most


    first is towards end of cycle
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2011-07-24_18_09_01.jpg 
Views:	347 
Size:	164.3 KB 
ID:	119874
    sencond is mid way 3 weeks in
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mail.jpg 
Views:	257 
Size:	72.7 KB 
ID:	119875

    so now ive been trying to limit bad carbs and add even more protien to my diet. I want to gain more size this time around. What im looking for in to be 235-240 @ >15%bf.

    So what to do this time around?
    I was thinking of trying hgh but it seems like a waste if i dont have the $ for phama (have access to yellow tops (sumatropin) but i hear they are crap?

    So if i dont go with gh im going to go with another AAS cycle:
    opt 1) same as previous cycle except drop proviron and add more tren 75+mg 6-7 weeks
    opt 2) test prop 80-100mg ED, NPP 75mg? ED, winstrol 50mg ed .....6-7 weeks? or 10?

    again im looking for strength and size while staying lean. open minded to critics.. please give me your advice/suggestions

    Thanks DB

  2. #2
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006
    wow no replys?? ....Whats up?

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    What PCT do you have in mind? And if you don't mind, what does your diet look like?

  4. #4
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    i ran clomid 200mg ....100mg ... 50 mg for about 3 weeks

    also ran hcg throughout and ran adex after clomid for 2 weeks @ 20mg e2d

    edit: Ran hcg throught cycle NOT pct. No hcg in my pct.
    Last edited by donberry427; 01-31-2012 at 09:16 PM.

  5. #5
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    new diet is still in the process...

    currently 249 @ 24+ bf% ... I look sloppy compared to 4-5 months ago. Ive had a few things dramatic happen in my life and its been hard to keep up my diet. training has been mostly heavy lifts ..lots of presses.

    For the past 2 weeks ive created a new w/o where i train for power 3 days a week with pressing exercises for chest/bis, legs/back, shoulders/tris .... then i train with isolated lifts 3 more days with dumbbells and cable exercises, working every group twice a week then resting 1 day on sunday. ...Honestly this workout is my best yet.. awesome natural pumps!

    ive been training myself to eat more veggies and lean meat the past 2 weeks also. My main concern is simple carbs. I eat alot of them and im carb sensitive... so i need to cut carbs and spread out my protien. ...I primarily eat my protien at night with 2-3 large meals after 5pm 1000 cals 100+ grams protien each.

  6. #6
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006
    Why is everyone leaving me in the dark? ... Should i join another site? ...Whats up guys????

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