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  1. #1
    J.Cutler is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    Short Winstrol/EQ/Test Prop Cycle

    Hey guys, I'm a little pressed for time this year so I was thinking about shortening my upcoming cycle. This is what it looks like:

    Weeks 1-8: Test Prop 400mg/Week
    Weeks 1-8: EQ 400mg/Week
    Weeks 1-6: Winstrol 50mg ED

    I`m looking for vascularity, definition, striations, and muscle hardness. Is this an adequate cycle for my goals, even though it is a bit short??

    Thanks, any response would be appreciated!!

  2. #2
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    St. Paul, MN
    Stats? Cycle experience? It makes no sense to run eq for only 8 weeks. It takes 4 or 5 weeks for that stuff to kick in. Also it is really going to mess up the timing of your pct. I suggest you stick to either all short esthers or long esthers... Also it makes more sense to run winstrol at the end of your cycle.

  3. #3
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    test and winstrol is fine, eq at that dose is very low and not long enough. i would up the dose to 600-800mg of eq a week, and if u only have 8 weeks bump up the eq for the first few weeks at 1200mg for 2-3 weeks to get it into your blood quicker.

    as far as vascularity straitions and muscle hardness that all will depend on your bodyfat and diet. ull need to be under 8% with a lower carb and sodium diet to notice big change, the winstrol will help with the water but dont expect anything for fat loss. and the eq will help increasing ur vacularity and tighten u up a bit. nothing like masteron but will help

    if it was up to me with your time frame i would change eq for masteron and make ur cycle something like this
    test p-400 weeks 1-8
    masteron p- 300 a week 1-8
    winstrol weeks 2-8 75 ED

  4. #4
    J.Cutler is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Age: Too young for steroids (20)
    BF: I think 12-16% (Ill post a pic in a sec)
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 190
    Cycle Status: Currently on first cycle of Test E 600mg/week (10 weeks), Tri Trenabol 450mg/week (10 weeks), Anadrol 60mg ED(5 weeks)

    I train 6 days a week, working muscles twice a week.

    ~20-25 Sets Per Muscle
    (10-15 sets for hamstrings,calves,forearms, and traps)

    ~2 warm-up sets by feel

    Day 1: Chest, Back, and Shoulders
    -----Chest 6-10 reps
    -----Back 6-10 reps
    -----Shoulders 6-10 reps

    Day 2: Legs, and Biceps
    -----Quads 8-12 reps
    -----Hamstrings 6-10 reps
    -----Calves 12-20 reps
    -----Biceps 15-20 reps

    Day 3: Chest, Triceps, and Traps
    -----Chest 6-10 reps
    -----Triceps 6-10 reps
    -----Traps 8-12 reps

    Day 4: Back, Biceps, Forearms
    -----Back 6-10 reps
    -----Biceps 15-20 reps
    -----Forearms 12-15 reps

    Day 5: Shoulders & Traps
    -----Shoulders 6-10 reps
    -----Traps 8-12 reps

    Day 6: Legs, and Forearms
    -----Quads 8-12 reps
    -----Hamstrings 6-10 reps
    -----Calves 12-20 reps
    -----Forearms 12-15 reps

    Day 7: REST
    ED: Cardio & Stretch
    EOD: Abs

    Since starting the cycle above I've been consuming 400g carbs, 250-300g protein, 70-90g fat.
    Really looking to bulk to 210-215 for this cycle, then cut during the one on the first post.
    Last edited by J.Cutler; 01-29-2012 at 11:49 PM.

  5. #5
    J.Cutler is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    Short Winstrol/EQ/Test Prop Cycle-untitled2.jpg

    Before pic, about 2 weeks ago

  6. #6
    J.Cutler is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    test and winstrol is fine, eq at that dose is very low and not long enough. i would up the dose to 600-800mg of eq a week, and if u only have 8 weeks bump up the eq for the first few weeks at 1200mg for 2-3 weeks to get it into your blood quicker.

    if it was up to me with your time frame i would change eq for masteron and make ur cycle something like this
    test p-400 weeks 1-8
    masteron p- 300 a week 1-8
    winstrol weeks 2-8 75 ED
    I dont have access to masteron so will the EQ still be okay? And i could frontload the EQ but Im not sure Ive got the budget to run at 800mg every week* afterwards lol..

  7. #7
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    St. Paul, MN
    You are overtraining. The amount you are training is counterproductive IMO. Dude I know you don't want to hear this but you are way too young. I really encourage you to wait a few years

  8. #8
    J.Cutler is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    Yeah I know, but honestly, and no offence to anyone, I've done my reasearch and I'm gonna run the cycle anyway, I was just looking for some personal experience. Whenever I look things up it brings me to a forum site anyways so I thought I might as well just start my ownthread!! Lol, thanks anyways guys

  9. #9
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.Cutler
    Yeah I know, but honestly, and no offence to anyone, I've done my reasearch and I'm gonna run the cycle anyway, I was just looking for some personal experience. Whenever I look things up it brings me to a forum site anyways so I thought I might as well just start my ownthread!! Lol, thanks anyways guys
    You can run the cycle all you want, but in the end you will be on hrt for life.. I was 20 years old when I did my first cycle and said it will be the only one haha yea right, it's addicting and i loved the way it made me feel.

    I been on hrt since I was 28 years old, but noticed the symptoms at 24-25 years old, always did time on with time off and correct pct, but after all that my test was at 167ng/ml so i fvcked my endo system by using so young...

    Sorry for hi jacking just makes me upset ppl don't listen to reason...

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