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  1. #1
    almostbigenuff is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    some advise, please

    Evening gentlemen, I am a noob so be gentle. I am running my first cycle. (test e 400 mg/ml). before i go any farther my stats are 6' 2" before cycle weight was 192. age =38 on and off lifter since about 15 years old. I am six weeks into my cylcle now. I have noticed some strength gains and some gains in appetite and libido as well. one of my questions is whether or not the stuff i am taking is underdosed. by the way i have put on around 12 pounds of weight since and now weigh in at 204 ish in the morning. i have read in a lot of different forums about stuff being underdosed. i know i am not allowed to post where i got the stuff from. and not sure how to find out if it is a reputable place. anyway i am pretty sure it is real but not sure how strong the stuff is. i pin twice a week sunday and wed. 200 mg on those days. 1/2 a milliliter that is. also run adex .25 ml every other day. i think for peace of mind more than anything else. should i expect any stronger sides? ( acne etc...) from the test that is.. also could use some help with a diet regime. i eat as frequently and balanced as possible under my given circumstances. AND some tips on how much to work out would be greatly appreciated. as of now i work every group of muscles once a week. usually i can muster an hour a day in the gym about 5 days a week. if needed i can expound on this. thanx

  2. #2
    tru3demon is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    What does a current average day look like for you for your diet. Include times you eat, what is eaten, and the maros please.

  3. #3
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    With the amount of arimidex you're taking (did you mean .25mg instead of ml?), I doubt you'll have to worry about sides being overly pronounced. You probably will see some acne eventually though. I'm not sure what you're "given circumstance" is, but 12 pounds in six weeks seems very weak for 400mg of test a week, which is probably why truedemon asked about your specific diet. If you could post that, we'd be able to draw some better conclusions here. Based on the limited info you provided regarding your workout regimen, it sounds like you're doing right, but the type of workouts you're performing are key. And as for your source, I'd be more concerned with the product manufacturer and the legitimacy of the label. If you want, feel free to private message me with the source and manufacturer and I'll help as much as I can in that aspect.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    12 lbs in 6 weeks isnt bad imop.Beacuse test dont kick in until week 4 or 5 and other things like your diet and your genatic limit.But post your diet in the diet section with macros to see if you need help.

  5. #5
    almostbigenuff is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    ok bbrian, thanks for responding by the way. my work day feeding schedule mon-fri. goes like this... wake up 6 am 1 glass of oj 1 multivitamin. usually have a protien shake muscle mlk. i mix in liquid 4 or 5 egg whites and a glass of milk. at about 730 or 8 i eat a breakfast sandwich sausage egg and cheese usually, at 930 i have a container of yogurt like a yoplait or cobani 5 ounces or so along with 1 banana and 1/2 to 3/4 cup of quaker natural granola cereal. at noon i usually eat at arbys ( not ideal i know) a big roast beef sandwich 2 potato cakes and sweet tea or a roast turkey and swiss or something similiar. for my 2 o clock snack i eat approx 1 ounce of beef jerkey and a half cup of almonds. sometimes a piece of fruit in there too, like a pear or apple. at 3 i have a big collosal meal repla***ent bar (metrx). Then at 5 i have either a salmon fillet or a sirloin steak or chicken along with rice or a potato and a medium salad or broccoli. up till this point i eat pretty much the same thing workout and non work out days. post wokout i have a mass gainer shake( a lot of protien and calories like 60 gms pro. and 8 or 900 calories! post work out meal i try and eat something like more jerkey , nuts or fruit , i understand this is an important meal. and before bed i have another protien shake musc. mlk along with a glass of milk. my circumstances are the fact that i have kids , girlfriend and a 40 + hour a week job. my workouts take place in the evening around 6 or 7. i will lay out my workout regime a little later. time 4 dinner. thanx

  6. #6
    almostbigenuff is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    my workout schedule is one muscle group pre workout. sunday legs full back squats 7 sets progressive resistance starting at about 100 pounds ending with about 175 pounds 1st set about 12 reps last set about 6-8 reps. leg presses 3 sets 8 reps 200- 300 pounds. leg extentions 3 sets about 10 reps 50 pounds.

    monday off
    tuesday arms bicep and tricep together
    wednesday shoulders barbell presses progressive resistance on all exercises by the way. arnold presses. superset delt front raise and shrugs
    thursday back, chin ups or lat pull downs bent over barbell rows, one arm dumbell rows
    fri or sat chest bench press, incline press, flies and dips
    on shoulder or chest or back days i also throw in calves and or abs on those days
    will give more detail on poundages per rep and sets if wanted. thanx. by the way i dont think this sit will let me private message you. not enough posts or something like that.

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Like I said go to the diet section lay out your diet with macros and they will help you.That diet isnt good and either is muscle milk.

  8. #8
    tru3demon is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    I'm not sure if you made a diet forum but I am willing to help you make a basic diet outline for your goals.

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