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  1. #1
    johnburke is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    2nd cycle Testostrone Depot250 and Anadrol 8week cycle Advice needed

    age 23
    weight 78kg
    height 5"8
    bf 12%

    my first cycle was
    1-4 d-bol 30mg ed
    1-12 test e 500mg per week
    10-14 Winstrol 50mg ed
    12-14 test p 100mg eod
    14-18 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    I am planning my second cycle i am going away traveling so only have enough time for a 8 week cycle and 4weeks pct in order to be finished before i head off other wise would extend it

    Second Cycle plans
    1-4 Anadrol 100mg ed
    1-6 Testoviron Depot250 (mixture of test enath & prop) 250mg eod
    6-8 Test prop 100mg eod
    8-12 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    1-8 Armidex 0.5 eod

    Do you think this would be a solid 8 week cycle for mass or should i change anything. I will start the nolvadex 3days after last test prop shot . I am also switching to test prop at the end of week 6 in order to start pct asap after last shot in week 8

    any suggestions on anything i should change or add in much appreciated

  2. #2
    johnburke is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    also what gains should i expect to be reasonable my 1st cycle gained 20lbs and kept 10lbs . lost alot of water weight during pct .

    i will be training 6 days a week . good clean diet 3000calories cardio 3days a week weight training 4days

  3. #3
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    ok so it will prob be a waste of time to talk about age and steroid use as this is second cycle

    i count 875mg test a week? an awful lot and especially for second cycle

    your first pct you omitted clomid, i suggest you use it this time at 100/50/50/50

    i also suggest hcg weeks 4-8 at 250 i.u. twice a week

    drop the test depot and use prop for cycle 100mg or even 150mg eod

    your talking 3500 clean cals a day to see optimum results, is your diet up to scratch? can you post your current diet for us?
    Last edited by DanB; 01-31-2012 at 11:21 AM. Reason: i cant spell

  4. #4
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    gains vary for everybody and depend on diet and training but 10lbs wouldnt be unreasonable if your dedicated and disciplined

  5. #5
    johnburke is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    yes i orginally was gonna use test prop the hole 8 weeks but i can get the test depot much cheaper . would there be much difference in results . also what if i was to inject 250mg of test depot mon/wed/friday so a total of 750mg a week .

    yes i only used nolvadex . i researched and alot of people find nolvadex better . what are the draw backs of not using clomid , should i use a combination of both for pct . i will also use hcg as u described

    also what 8week cycle would you suggest for optimum results?

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