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  1. #1
    nutrition7771 is offline Associate Member
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    Cool excellent cutting & muscle gaining cycle ????????

    okay so going to start third cycle 8 weeks of now.
    preveously used prop & var with great gains especially in the way of strength, second cycle was enanthate & d-bol with also good gains but not as much as first cycle.
    so this is third cycle and my goals are to add about 10lbs of lean muscle but also dropping b,f from 12% to about 8% or less.
    proposed cycle is:
    week 1-8 enanthate 250mg a week
    week 1-8 propionate 100mg eod
    week 1-8 tren (parabolin) 76mg eod
    week 1-8 anavar 100mg a day
    week 1-8 clenabuterol 40mcg a day 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
    clomid, nolva & will probally use HCG if its available.
    my goals is like i said to gain a decent amount of muscle but cut as much fat/water off as possible & get alot stronger too. diet isnt a problem as i know what im doin in that section.
    does this look like a good strong cycle for my goals ????

  2. #2
    Razor is offline Banned
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    You dont run HCG PCT, you run clomid and nova for that cycle
    You run HCG on cycle with a AI

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    X2 HCG . and add Aromasin in there 12.5 eod and you're grovin'

    Interesting looking cycle.


    1. why only 250/wk test e?
    2. did you post your diet someplace? i'd like to see it. (to learn from it)

  4. #4
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutrition7771 View Post
    okay so going to start third cycle 8 weeks of now.
    preveously used prop & var with great gains especially in the way of strength, second cycle was enanthate & d-bol with also good gains but not as much as first cycle.
    so this is third cycle and my goals are to add about 10lbs of lean muscle but also dropping b,f from 12% to about 8% or less.
    proposed cycle is:
    week 1-8 enanthate 250mg a week
    week 1-8 propionate 100mg eod
    week 1-8 tren (parabolin) 76mg eod
    week 1-8 anavar 100mg a day
    week 1-8 clenabuterol 40mcg a day 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
    clomid, nolva & will probally use HCG if its available.
    my goals is like i said to gain a decent amount of muscle but cut as much fat/water off as possible & get alot stronger too. diet isnt a problem as i know what im doin in that section.
    does this look like a good strong cycle for my goals ????
    your going to cut the water AI and eating right, keeping bf% low and doing cardio

  5. #5
    nutrition7771 is offline Associate Member
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    mickey the reason for only 250mg enanthate is to have it more of a base, i will therefor be doing 600mg test a week which is enough, yea i thought of using arimidex .25-.5mg ed as my AI. does this look a good cycle then would you say ??????

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    If you're doing an 8 week cycle, i'd drop the enanthate and stick w/prop. Why are you mixing the 2 anyway? I know people have done it but i've never understood it. Anyway, i'd also run the prop at least a week longer than anything else. I don't think your ready for tren or the sides associated w/it.
    HCG during cycle not w/PCT.

    Good Luck

  7. #7
    nutrition7771 is offline Associate Member
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    im using the enanthate 1.because i have 8 amps and 2 its just that bit more test to the cycle and will keep my levels more stable i believe. also is the amount of tren im using about the right dose for a first time ????

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutrition7771 View Post goals is like i said to gain a decent amount of muscle but cut as much fat/water off as possible & get alot stronger too. diet isnt a problem as i know what im doin in that section....
    Can we see it? Are you able to post it? I very interested in your diet. Thanks

  9. #9
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    Test E takes about 4 weeks to kick in. Test P test a couple of days. For an 8 week cycle it's not enough time for the Test E to stretch its legs and really start to run. Stick with the Prop and save the Test E for another cycle. I did the Test + Anavar cycle before and honestly, the anabolic effect of the Test over shadows that of Anavar. IMHO, you're wasting your money running Test + Anavar. Just watch your diet and Test P will help you build nice lean muscles. Tren is AWESOME stuff. Hurts like a mother though. Really nice lean looking muscles.

  10. #10
    Money is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Test E takes about 4 weeks to kick in. Test P test a couple of days. For an 8 week cycle it's not enough time for the Test E to stretch its legs and really start to run. Stick with the Prop and save the Test E for another cycle. I did the Test + Anavar cycle before and honestly, the anabolic effect of the Test over shadows that of Anavar. IMHO, you're wasting your money running Test + Anavar. Just watch your diet and Test P will help you build nice lean muscles. Tren is AWESOME stuff. Hurts like a mother though. Really nice lean looking muscles.
    I usually run Test E with either Deca or Tren . I want to add something to put some serious lean muscle on quickly on my next cycle but not sure what to stack with these that would do that. Don't want the water weight like I usually get starting myself with Dbol . What do you think could make this possible? Also, I saw what you just wrote about Test P. What about starting with both Test E and Test P and after a few weeks stopping the Test P and finishing up with Test E? Just a thought.

  11. #11
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money View Post
    I usually run Test E with either Deca or Tren . I want to add something to put some serious lean muscle on quickly on my next cycle but not sure what to stack with these that would do that. Don't want the water weight like I usually get starting myself with Dbol . What do you think could make this possible? Also, I saw what you just wrote about Test P. What about starting with both Test E and Test P and after a few weeks stopping the Test P and finishing up with Test E? Just a thought.
    I'm not sure why you'd actually want to do this. The only thing you'll achieve is lowering your test levels very quickly without the prop, and considering that by week 8 the enanthate has only been rendering effective results for approximately three weeks, you're basically just cutting yourself short at the end. It makes far more sense to run prop to the very end, and as the other guys pointed out in an 8 week cycle, not use enan at all.

  12. #12
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    If you're doing an 8 week cycle, i'd drop the enanthate and stick w/prop. Why are you mixing the 2 anyway? I know people have done it but i've never understood it. Anyway, i'd also run the prop at least a week longer than anything else. I don't think your ready for tren or the sides associated w/it.
    HCG during cycle not w/PCT.

    Good Luck
    If you've never considered running more than one ester in a single cycle you may want to. When running only a long ester, you have to wait several weeks before the full effects of the cycle even kick in, and I personally don't believe in spending several hundred dollars for a cycle that I am only going to feel 60% of. Injecting a short ester such as propionate by itself causes spikes in test levels, although of course the more frequent the injections, the more balanced these are. But combining the two provides a far more balanced delivery of testosterone to the bloodstream and as far as I'm concerned allows the user to have a greater level of control over these levels. I've cycled all three ways and will always combine a short ester with a long one from this point forward. And finally, during the last two to three weeks of the cycle, will opt for injecting only a short ester so that I can begin PCT with as little time as possible between my last injection and PCT, ensuring even further control over my testosterone levels .

  13. #13
    Money is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    I'm not sure why you'd actually want to do this. The only thing you'll achieve is lowering your test levels very quickly without the prop, and considering that by week 8 the enanthate has only been rendering effective results for approximately three weeks, you're basically just cutting yourself short at the end. It makes far more sense to run prop to the very end, and as the other guys pointed out in an 8 week cycle, not use enan at all.
    Actually, I would do a cycle of 12 weeks. I always do 12 weeks, never only 8 weeks. That being said, why would I not use Test Prop to kick start myself like I sometimes do with Dbol and still run Test. Enan at the same time but of course run Test. Enan for the entire 12 weeks.

  14. #14
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    If you've never considered running more than one ester in a single cycle you may want to. When running only a long ester, you have to wait several weeks before the full effects of the cycle even kick in, and I personally don't believe in spending several hundred dollars for a cycle that I am only going to feel 60% of. Injecting a short ester such as propionate by itself causes spikes in test levels, although of course the more frequent the injections, the more balanced these are. But combining the two provides a far more balanced delivery of testosterone to the bloodstream and as far as I'm concerned allows the user to have a greater level of control over these levels. I've cycled all three ways and will always combine a short ester with a long one from this point forward. And finally, during the last two to three weeks of the cycle, will opt for injecting only a short ester so that I can begin PCT with as little time as possible between my last injection and PCT, ensuring even further control over my testosterone levels.
    nicely written and a great piece of advice!

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