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  1. #1
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Body recomp on reduced cals and test p

    205 lbs morning weight
    15% bf
    26 years old
    3+ years training
    1 cycle test and tbol (250 mg test e e3d, 60 mg tbol daily for first 3 weeks) cut short due to bunk test

    question is: can i lose body fat and build muscle with 160 mgs of test p every other day on around 2800 calories?

    weeks 1-10 160 mg test p every other day
    weeks 1-10 250 iu hcg e3d (beginning the day after the first test pin)
    weeks 1-10.5 0.5 mg adex eod

    nolva 40/40/20/20
    torem 120/120/60/60

    Diet: cal/fat/carb/pro
    meal 1
    2 whole eggs
    1 cup egg whites
    1 cup oatmeal

    meal 2
    1/4 cup reduced fat feta
    8oz chicken
    2 tblspn dressing

    meal 3
    1/4 cup reduced fat feta
    8oz chicken
    2 tblspn dressing

    pre workout
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    25 gm dextrose

    1 cup oatmeal
    25 gm dextrose
    2 scoop whey

    meal 6
    1/4 cup reduced fat feta
    2 tblspn dressing
    8oz tilapia


    Training (reps x sets)

    monday- heavy upper body ( 3-5 minute rest periods)
    decline bench 5x5 (may do a rest pause to switch it up)
    flat bench 5x5
    T bar row 5x5
    lat pull 8x5
    standing OHP 5x5
    lateral raises 10x4
    gonna throw some arm exercises in here too but i switch up to much to list

    tuesday- heavy lower body
    squat 5x5
    deadlift 5x5
    leg press 5x5
    calf raises 8x5

    wed off

    thursday- moderate weight upper body (1-2 minute rest periods)
    flat dbell bench 8-10x5
    incline dbell bench 8-10x5
    shoulder dbell press 8-10x5
    lateral raises 10x5
    front raises 10x5
    upright rows 10x5
    tbar row 10x5
    iso lateral row 10x5
    arms to many different exercise change ups

    friday moderate lower body
    leg press 10x5
    leg ext 10x5
    leg curl 10x5
    calf raises 10x5
    45 minutes pwo cardio low intensity

    sat and sun
    45- 1 hour fasted am cardio

  2. #2
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    do the math on how many calories you need to eat to maintain and then go 500 under that for weight loss. everyones results on test are different. I personally would run test for muscle building. if you need to lose weight then diet is your best bet..

  4. #4
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    what would you use if you were cutting then if not test?

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