I am currently 5'11 270lbs. and have been waiting to start using my gear I acquired some time ago. I have a 40" waist, and realize why, it's because of my appetite I know I can control it , but do you recommend a lower dosage of a variety of things I have along with a balanced diet to get started. I know this is going to get some bump or you�re an f�n idiot reply, but I really want to grow and thin out from my supplies help. Stupid or worth it! Your vote! Stats been lifting for 20 yrs I'm 40 and missed 3 full weeks in last 10 years probably a 25%bodyfat questionable I don't believe in BMI. I know what the experts say but do I have as shot from peaople in the same position I know you're out there let me know if you tried this and it worked. I can stay on gear for a long time no limits.