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  1. #1
    bigjaylow's Avatar
    bigjaylow is offline Associate Member
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    Stupid or worth it! Your vote!

    I am currently 5'11 270lbs. and have been waiting to start using my gear I acquired some time ago. I have a 40" waist, and realize why, it's because of my appetite I know I can control it , but do you recommend a lower dosage of a variety of things I have along with a balanced diet to get started. I know this is going to get some bump or you�re an f�n idiot reply, but I really want to grow and thin out from my supplies help. Stupid or worth it! Your vote! Stats been lifting for 20 yrs I'm 40 and missed 3 full weeks in last 10 years probably a 25%bodyfat questionable I don't believe in BMI. I know what the experts say but do I have as shot from peaople in the same position I know you're out there let me know if you tried this and it worked. I can stay on gear for a long time no limits.

  2. #2
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Alot of people are going to tell you you need to diet before hitting the gear. But I know a lot guys at the high end of the body fat scale that juice for powerlifting. Some AIs will alleviate most of the estrogen related issues you'll experience. Gear won't shed weight per say. More lean mass will raise your BMR and make it easier to lose weight. But it's your life and if that's how you want to play it out I'd say go for it.

  3. #3
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    I've always have cut fast weight just had death in family plus out of work and holiday dishes been hard to stay strict!

  4. #4
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    Last time I did this I didn't lose weight but it all adjusted out waist thinner arms chest etc.... Bigger!

  5. #5
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    You and steroids should be NOWHERE NEAR ONE ANOTHER.
    You have absolutely no control over your diet, just a ton of excuses.
    Your posts from 2008 states you wanted to lose weight, yet you weigh more now than you did then. That was four years ago, and still no diet in site. I see no control.

    Take a look at your post from June of last year; You asked if it's a good idea to take steroids while on blood thinners.
    I've made the assessment that you're into the steroids, that's all.

    This isn't a toy you're fiddling with here! You need to throw away your gear, and get yourself some closure in whatever is causing you to take comfort in food.

    The way you're going about gear and your lifestyle isn't healthy for you, brother.
    Get your ass to the DIET & NUTRITION SECTION! Ask some questions!! I'll reply; I'll even give you some of my recipes I use for weight loss! Just get your ass over there! Knowledge is power!

  6. #6
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    whats your bp (blood pressure) and you may want to get a full blood work before you think of anything first

  7. #7
    AD's Avatar
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    were you really taking blood thinners last june? that sounds serious

  8. #8
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    Sorry man I was asking a question for a friend of mine no bs my health is in check that was for a buddy who had no access to this site. Thanks for you your thought and in part u are right I will feel much better starting lighter but love to hear thing may work out the way I and others wish it would it has for me but would be better with a better start once again I answer my.own question!

  9. #9
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    Blooddwork is a okay
    Last edited by bigjaylow; 02-17-2012 at 10:09 PM.

  10. #10
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    Bp okay
    Last edited by bigjaylow; 02-17-2012 at 10:09 PM.

  11. #11
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    Get your diet under control man your risk Of gyno is really high

  12. #12
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    Get your diet under control man your risk Of gyno is really high
    I'm more worried about this guy having a heart attack.

  13. #13
    gearbox's Avatar
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    i need some numbers..not just my bp is okay...

  14. #14
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Good lord man, are you on the same diet and workout regimen that Greg Valentino was on? Your triceps are grotesquely large and completely out of proportion to their accompanying muscles. I take it that you are a power lifter with god-like strength and a diet that has no guidelines. I figured that your question couldn't be for yourself as you clearly have (ab)used a lot of anabolics. Anyway, it's impossible to even answer your question directly considering the fact that you didn't even bother to explain what dose of steroids or specific compounds you're talking about using in the first place.

  15. #15
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    gear is not for you right now, u need to drop alot of weight before u should consider going on steroids . going on steroids will not make it easier for you to loose weight or fat. and i can tell from reading ur post ur mindset will be must eat the most i can to gain the most i can leaving u even fatter on cycle. drop down to at least 15% should be easy and u can probably do it in months. you wont look good even if u cycle ull just look heavier and fatter. trust us all and loose fat first.

  16. #16
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    gear is not for you right now, u need to drop alot of weight before u should consider going on steroids. going on steroids will not make it easier for you to loose weight or fat. and i can tell from reading ur post ur mindset will be must eat the most i can to gain the most i can leaving u even fatter on cycle. drop down to at least 15% should be easy and u can probably do it in months. you wont look good even if u cycle ull just look heavier and fatter. trust us all and loose fat first.
    I'm curious as to why most power lifters have no regard for their fat percentage. It occurs to me that being obese, despite having huge muscles and strength, would only serve to detract from their stamina and overall health. But then I don't romanticize about being able to lift the most weight only once either. It's like getting into a fight and realizing that if you don't land the first punch, you're absolutely screwed. I have the need for speed.

  17. #17
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    Alot of people are going to tell you you need to diet before hitting the gear..
    Well I'm not so bring on the the shit talk...
    My guts bigger then yours ATM and I'm going to run a cut cycle in about 2 months .. Ive done some looking into this and the bad points are not that many that i can find..

    1) waisting of some gear
    2) increased risk of gyno
    3) high blood presser

    Everything else is pretty much hear say .. the thing is if you already do heaps of cardio and push you body to the limit and you haven't had a heart attack yet then your in ok shape for you size ..

    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    But I know a lot guys at the high end of the body fat scale that juice for powerlifting. Some AIs will alleviate most of the estrogen related issues you'll experience. Gear won't shed weight per say. More lean mass will raise your BMR and make it easier to lose weight. But it's your life and if that's how you want to play it out I'd say go for it.

    I agree.. back in the day i new quite a few massive buggers that ran juice. Not just for power lifting but for strong man comps and just to lift more.. i believe there still alive

    Being 40yrs old you have lived this long I'm sure you know how to weigh up the pros and con's of things..

  18. #18
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    The picture in my profile is not me BTW so the member referring to my triceps IS MISLEAD I have one of those bodies that puts on water easily and takes it off just as fast. As far as gear I'm going to take I don't want to go full blast like in the past I want to eat good and take lower doses to get to a suitable point then beef up the dose.

  19. #19
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjaylow View Post
    Sorry man I was asking a question for a friend of mine no bs my health is in check that was for a buddy who had no access to this site. Thanks for you your thought and in part u are right I will feel much better starting lighter but love to hear thing may work out the way I and others wish it would it has for me but would be better with a better start once again I answer my.own question!
    Yet you used the word "I" in every post in the thread. Your friend just happened to be the same height at you and your friend was 36 years old 4 years ago and you are 40 years old now. The "I was asking for a friend" excuse has been used more times than I can remember. Sorry man but this makes you lose credibility.

  20. #20
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    wow this is just crazy i have no reason to lie in these posts my typing sucks and was babbling in my post in the paragragh starting at thank i was referring to myself i just want someone to make me feel or give me their experience doing what i may attempt member named GYM has it right!

  21. #21
    bigjaylow's Avatar
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    In the future I will be more direct and word my questions and responses properly!

  22. #22
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjaylow View Post
    wow this is just crazy i have no reason to lie in these posts my typing sucks and was babbling in my post in the paragragh starting at thank i was referring to myself i just want someone to make me feel or give me their experience doing what i may attempt member named GYM has it right!
    Then why are you?????

  23. #23
    dumbtoad is offline Associate Member
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    What are your goals? Roids don't really help with the fat loss. You're already big as hell, so I wouldnt think size would be your goal. My advice is to wait and "run forest, run" to drop bf and your cycle would heed much better results with much less sides...

  24. #24
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjaylow View Post
    I really want to grow and thin out from my supplies help.
    Well this is my plain whether your interested or not and if not then just skip over
    For the next 2 months I'm going to be busting my ass doing cardio and some lifting am sticking to my Keto diet.

    in 5 weeks I'm due for a blood test to see if my HRT has leveled out my test to a stable level and if it has ill consider a cutting cycle
    that will consist of Test and T3 Cytomel .. may even run some Albut or Clen ( this is my plan but it depends on my blood work in the next 5 weeks .. if my test is not high enough then ill have to have my HRT increased and will be forced to wait another 6 weeks ..

    As for you my freaind... you say you like to eat.. ( Me too ) Have you tried a Keto / Atkins / 0 carb diet ?
    Thats what most of us big guys are on these days its basically a All you can eat diet .. Sound good ?

    Check out the link to more info on it in my profile and have a read.. you can drop some serous weight wist still eating heaps big ass meals ... if anyone said to me a few years ago that i could drop 10kg ever two months but eating bacon and eggs for brkfst i would have thought they were full of it ...

    Us Big Boyz have to stick together.. to many runts on here singing the same song over and over .. cant juice because you have some BF .. BS !!!

    I'm not saying there is not a ideal BF ratio that is good for juicing.. I'm saying that you only need to have realistic expectation on what will happen if you do this or that blah blah blah ..

  25. #25
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjaylow View Post
    I've always have cut fast weight just had death in family plus out of work and holiday dishes been hard to stay strict!
    Sorry to hear about your loss but dont use it as an excuse, we all have them. Trust me when I say there is always someone who has it worse than you. You either learn/grow from these experiences or use them for excuses not to succeed in life.

    As mentioned, you need to diet, get in shape before using and AAS our you will be compounding your issues 10x.

  26. #26
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    Yet you used the word "I" in every post in the thread. Your friend just happened to be the same height at you and your friend was 36 years old 4 years ago and you are 40 years old now. The "I was asking for a friend" excuse has been used more times than I can remember. Sorry man but this makes you lose credibility.
    I was wondering what the deal with that was. He went out of his way to state that it was for his friend, then says that he has no reason to lie. Well bigjay, you're right, you really do have no reason to lie here. So why do it in the first place? Anyway, sorry for amusing myself at your expense but you're pretty weird man.

  27. #27
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjaylow View Post
    The picture in my profile is not me BTW so the member referring to my triceps IS MISLEAD I have one of those bodies that puts on water easily and takes it off just as fast. As far as gear I'm going to take I don't want to go full blast like in the past I want to eat good and take lower doses to get to a suitable point then beef up the dose.
    I can see in your case that you probably posted this avatar picture for amusement, as that guy looks pretty damn ridiculous. But on that subject, there are a lot of members here who post body parts or poses of other bodybuilders than themselves and quite frankly, it almost always misleads me into believing that the picture is actually them. Seems really dumb to me. Are you guys ashamed of your own body, or are you looking for a misled source of respect? As soon as I find out that the ripped arm or professional bodybuilder in someone's avatar is not them, I lose all respect for that person's character. Even if you don't have an arm like FireGuy or Ronnie Rowland, be proud of what you've built for yourself. I sure as hell don't have that, but I'm proud of myself all the same.

    The only people who can get away with this in my opinion are people like gixxer who are showing off their 10+scaled hot wife. Showing off what kind of a woman we can pull is definitely worthy of respect.
    Last edited by BBrian; 02-19-2012 at 02:37 AM.

  28. #28
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    there are a lot of members here who post body parts or poses of other bodybuilders than themselves and quite frankly, it almost always misleads me into believing that the picture is actually them. Seems really dumb to me. Are you guys ashamed of your own body, or are you looking for a misled source of respect?
    Yeah, & putting a pic of yourself on a website where you openly admit to buying, importing & using illegal drugs is NOT "really dumb"? Nobody is trying to fool you into respecting them. Its all about remaining anonymous, & for some its more important than it is to others, like myself for example, it is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to my career & my future that I remain 100% unidentified. You wouldn't believe the extents I go to, to ensure this, I actually have a fake I.D. I use to "order" with, & that's just a drop in the bucket. Nobody is trying to fool you Brian.............

  29. #29
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    You are right!

    I'll adjust my avatar and be more specific in my posts in the future it just seems funny that people can make such crazy assumptions based on a pic and a question that goes against everything you read. Like being too fat to use gear adn using it because of life problems. I just have time now to dedicate to lifting, eating right, and using gear all at the same time, since I have control over the hours I work if at all right now. I just don't always have control where I'm working which makes it hard to get on gear, but I do know I have at least 3 months to put my feet all the way in......

  30. #30
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    My vote is......stupid.
    You won't be able to control your eating more than likely on a cycle and you'll wind up looking even worse with more health problems.

  31. #31
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    If you're just now getting the time to go all in, spend the next 3 months learning your body, learning your diet and critique.them both to work to their full potential. You may be surprised how great things can happen w the 2 perfected to your needs

    As a prevoous powerlifter who had used gear w a higher bf and poor diet, I can say your best bet is to get everything elseon track, including your personal life. It's not worth it if you're not in it all the way, and getting your wagon in front of the horse is not the way to goi. It sounds like you're trying to.jump the gun a bit. Maybe over the next 3 months, focus on your diet, a little cardio each day along w heavy weight training and try to go from 270 to 250ish. That's about 10% less body fat and a better base to start your cycle

  32. #32
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Yeah, & putting a pic of yourself on a website where you openly admit to buying, importing & using illegal drugs is NOT "really dumb"? Nobody is trying to fool you into respecting them. Its all about remaining anonymous, & for some its more important than it is to others, like myself for example, it is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to my career & my future that I remain 100% unidentified. You wouldn't believe the extents I go to, to ensure this, I actually have a fake I.D. I use to "order" with, & that's just a drop in the bucket. Nobody is trying to fool you Brian.............
    This was more aimed at people who seem to be attempting to fool others into believing their picture belongs to them, and I know that this isn't always the case. But it definitely was not directed at you, I know your situation and you do what is necessary for yourself, so no need to feel defensive over the comment. I'm well aware that you don't have red skin and fire for a throne A lot of people post pictures of themselves flexing and edit out the face for anonymity. Those guys are proud of heir physique and more power to them I say. But again this comment was not directed at you, not sure why you felt the need to explain yourself over it.

  33. #33
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    This was more aimed at people who seem to be attempting to fool others into believing their picture belongs to them, and I know that this isn't always the case. But it definitely was not directed at you, I know your situation and you do what is necessary for yourself, so no need to feel defensive over the comment. I'm well aware that you don't have red skin and fire for a throne A lot of people post pictures of themselves flexing and edit out the face for anonymity. Those guys are proud of heir physique and more power to them I say. But again this comment was not directed at you, not sure why you felt the need to explain yourself over it.
    And I guarantee, I could pick any one of them out of a line up with nothing more to go on then their "blurred face pic". I didn't intend on starting an argument over this, & I feel no need to defend myself, I just found it hard to believe that you couldn't understand why someone would use Avi pics that aren't them & that you consider it dumb to do so in an environment where we all openly admit to illegal / felonious activity.

  34. #34
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Yeah, & putting a pic of yourself on a website where you openly admit to buying, importing & using illegal drugs is NOT "really dumb"? Nobody is trying to fool you into respecting them. Its all about remaining anonymous, & for some its more important than it is to others, like myself for example, it is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to my career & my future that I remain 100% unidentified. You wouldn't believe the extents I go to, to ensure this, I actually have a fake I.D. I use to "order" with, & that's just a drop in the bucket. Nobody is trying to fool you Brian.............
    WHAT??? That ISN'T you in your avatar? But you do have red skin though, right? Because that would be awesome.

    I always figured my avatar was generic enough. But I knew I was giving up anonymity when I posted pics of my car in a couple of gearhead threads.

  35. #35
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your not anonymous. There's no such thing as anonymity anymore. Bear de-rails wayyyy too many threads, back to the op. Imo you should have all aspects of diet and training in order long before you start taking aas.

  36. #36
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Yeah its me, keep it under your hat though. That's what happens when you tell your wife her sister has a nice ass, & would it be OK to bring her "to bed" sometime........... she handcuffs you, sets you ablaze & takes a pic! ...............I'm all better now though, I just cant go out in public handcuffed & on fire anymore, someone might recognize me........

  37. #37
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Your not anonymous. There's no such thing as anonymity anymore. Bear de-rails wayyyy too many threads, back to the op. Imo you should have all aspects of diet and training in order long before you start taking aas.
    I'll bet you ANYTHING, I am 100% anonymous. Like I said, you wouldn't believe the extents I go to..................this IP cant even be traced to me.

  38. #38
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    I dont really give a rats ass i have a prescription so I'm 100% legal .. even if i wasn't i still don't think i would care .. the amount of shit you would have to get done with here to get sent down would be more then i could ever afford to buy

  39. #39
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    I dont really give a rats ass i have a prescription so I'm 100% legal .. even if i wasn't i still don't think i would care .. the amount of shit you would have to get done with here to get sent down would be more then i could ever afford to buy
    Then put up a legit avy pic!!

  40. #40
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dumbtoad
    What are your goals? Roids don't really help with the fat loss. You're already big as hell, so I wouldnt think size would be your goal. My advice is to wait and "run forest, run" to drop bf and your cycle would heed much better results with much less sides...
    There are cycles specifically for fat loss and running isn't the only valid way to lose bf. Id recommend someone who is late 30s and early 40s to swim because of the damage running can do to your knees

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