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  1. #1
    johnnycasino23 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2012

    Long time reader, first time poster. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...

    Hello board members, I first thanks for clicking on this link and taking the time to read this post. I've used this site for many years and the information I've gotten from this forum has been a huge help.

    I'm 28, live in Kentucky, and have been lifting on and off for around 6 years. I got into lifting at 18, didn't take it seriously until 20. Lifted full time (5 days a week) for around 3 years straight from 21-24. I've done two cycles in my life. One cycle at the age of 21 (Test Cyp 500 mg/wk 10 weeks) and another at the age of 24 (Test E 500/wk 10 weeks, along with DBol ).

    First cycle I made tremendous gains, ate properly, trained properly, did PCT the whole nine yards. Put on some solid mass and kept about 75% of my gains.

    Second cycle, ate properly, trained properly and was noticing gains until the unthinkable happened...

    I was at a party during the 4th week of my second cycle when I was challenged to an arm wrestling match on my opposite hand (left hand). And no, I hadn't been drinking, just decided "why the hell not? I'm on the juice, NOTHING can go wrong!" Well long story short I snapped my humerus bone midshaft. Had to have surgery, damaged my radial nerve a little. I have a titanium plate and 9 screws holding my left humerus together, and have done very little physical therapy. I had no health insurance at the time and felt that I could just rehab it on my own.

    It's been exactly 4 years later and I have yet to do any physical therapy. I'm able to use my arm just fine, it's just I know that my left arm has been completely weakened from not really doing much to it. Ever since the accident I'm afraid to put any resistance to it at all, no matter how little it may be. I have health insurance now, but in all honesty I'm lost. I don't know who to turn to or what the first step is I need to take to get back to where I once was. All of my gains that I once had are gone, not long gone but it seems like it would take an eternity to get back to where I once was. I feel like the only way I can do this (and I may be wrong) is through the use of AAS. I just don't know what to do though. I'm not asking for a source for steroids , a website or any of that. I'm asking if anyone has been in the same boat as I, what are YOUR experiences with coming off of a long layoff? What steps did you take? Did you do any physical therapy? What doctors did you consult? I miss lifting so much. I miss the feeling like a badass after an hour-long beast mode workout. But most of all I just miss being healthy and knowing that I'm healthy.

    At the time of the accident I was 24 years of age, 6', 195 lbs, 11% BF. I'm currently 28, 215 lbs, around 18-20% BF. I eat like crap and feel like crap almost every day and I can't keep living like this.

    Any help/suggestions is much appreciated. I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback.



  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2011
    Welcome Chris. My first suggestion would be to design & implement a healthy, sufficient diet. Then start exercising, start small, just enough to get broke in again. I promise you will notice a difference in 4 - 6 weeks.

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Welcome bro. Get on the diet and shed it up.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Welcome...And i agree w/Bear, get a good diet together first. It's easy to imagine if you eat like crap, you're going to feel like crap. Don't jump back in it too hard too soon. Start slow and you will eventually(probably sooner than later) get back in the groove of things. I don't think AAS is the answer just yet.

    Good Luck

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