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Thread: clenbuterol?

  1. #1
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    For thos who have used this compound, what were your results? Side effects?

  2. #2
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    I just did 2 two-week cycles. Went from 225 at 20% bodyfat to 195 at 12%.

    I used the two-week on/two-week off method and tapered from 60 micrograms to 220 micrograms. My dosing was a little harsh because i've been on clen all my life for asthma and had a pretty good tolerance to it. A more conventional cycle would be tapering from 20 to 120 micrograms incramenting by 20 per day.

    The only side effects I got were mild shakes. No headaches, no insomnia, no cramps etc.

    I think the greatest benefit of clen is its anti-catabolic properties. It is possible to run a huge calorie deficit while losing minimal muscle. For instance, I bulk at about 7 kcals/day and cut at 1.5 /day. Even with this huge difference, my strength has pretty much stayed the same. I ended my bulk with 5 clean reps of 295 on bench, and after the 30 pound weight loss, I am still at 4 reps.

    Hope this helps bro. I'll check this thread periodically, so if you want more info from me, just post it up!

  3. #3
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Wow...You make it sound like a miracle pill SBK!

  4. #4
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportbikerKid View Post
    I just did 2 two-week cycles. Went from 225 at 20% bodyfat to 195 at 12%.

    I used the two-week on/two-week off method and tapered from 60 micrograms to 220 micrograms. My dosing was a little harsh because i've been on clen all my life for asthma and had a pretty good tolerance to it. A more conventional cycle would be tapering from 20 to 120 micrograms incramenting by 20 per day.

    The only side effects I got were mild shakes. No headaches, no insomnia, no cramps etc.

    I think the greatest benefit of clen is its anti-catabolic properties. It is possible to run a huge calorie deficit while losing minimal muscle. For instance, I bulk at about 7 kcals/day and cut at 1.5 /day. Even with this huge difference, my strength has pretty much stayed the same. I ended my bulk with 5 clean reps of 295 on bench, and after the 30 pound weight loss, I am still at 4 reps.

    Hope this helps bro. I'll check this thread periodically, so if you want more info from me, just post it up!

    Thank you! Im looking into running it. Just need to make sure I can get it.

    Also how did you ramp, and deramp it throught the week? Like if I was going to run the same cycle "2weeks on, 2 weeks off for two weeks each" how would you start it 20 to 120?
    Last edited by t-dogg; 03-05-2012 at 12:15 AM.

  5. #5
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Thank you! Im looking into running it. Just need to make sure I can get it.
    T-Dogg... Just so you know. I was being saracastic towards SBK's comment. Clen is not a miracle drug!!!! Nor would it be solely responsible for any of the effect SBK mentioned! You WILL more than likely experience headaches, cramps, jitters, or the combination of all of them. Diet will be the single most important factor involved in weight loss...NOT clen.

    I have nothing against clen. As a matter of fact I'm starting a cycle tomorrow and it'll make 10+ times I've used it. So I'll tell you again. It's not a miracle drug!!!

  6. #6
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    T-Dogg... Just so you know. I was being saracastic towards SBK's comment. Clen is not a miracle drug!!!! Nor would it be solely responsible for any of the effect SBK mentioned! You WILL more than likely experience headaches, cramps, jitters, or the combination of all of them. Diet will be the single most important factor involved in weight loss...NOT clen.

    I have nothing against clen. As a matter of fact I'm starting a cycle tomorrow and it'll make 10+ times I've used it. So I'll tell you again. It's not a miracle drug!!!

    Ive been reading up on it. Pro's and Con's.

    So what are your thoughts on the compound? 10+ cycles is alot. Most like it lol.

  7. #7
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Thank you! Im looking into running it. Just need to make sure I can get it.

    Also how did you ramp, and deramp it throught the week? Like if I was going to run the same cycle "2weeks on, 2 weeks off for two weeks each" how would you start it 20 to 120?
    Day 1: 20mcg
    Day 2: 40
    Day 3: 60
    Day 4: 80
    Day 5: 100
    Day 6 : 120
    Day 7 : 120
    Day 8 : 120
    Day 14: 120

    Then stop for two weeks and repeat. Also, if the side effects get too bad before you reach 120, just stay at that dose for the remainder of the two weeks (maybe try to taper up a little bit during the end of the two weeks). I have a friend that can't get above 80mcg/day because the side effects are too bad. If it becomes intolerable, your body is trying to tell you not to go any higher with the dose.

    Conversely, if you are not feeling any sides at 120 (not even mild shakes), you could probably taper up even higher.

  8. #8
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Looks good to me..I'm a clen fan..for me it is the wonder drug?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Ive been reading up on it. Pro's and Con's.

    So what are your thoughts on the compound? 10+ cycles is alot. Most like it lol.
    I do like it a lot, but those who get the most benefit are for those trying to get off the last bit of bodyfat, not starting it at 20+% bodyfat. It just pisses me off when people make it out to be some type of infomercial miracle diet pill because it's not. People think all they have to do is take clen and they'll have a six pack in 6 weeks.

    I let myself go here a while back and get over 25% bodyfat. Do you think I started clen then? Nope!!! I dieted down to my current 11-12% bodyfat and now I'm ready.

    I don't know your stats and I'm not telling you not to run it. I'm just saying be prepared to be dissapointed if you're counting on it to drop significant amounts of bodyfat.

    As much as it hurts me to say. The layout that SBK recommended would be a good way to run it if you decided too. I'm doing something a little different, but the way he laid it out is acceptable.

  10. #10
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Thanks guys! My bodyfat is somewhere around 15% if I guessed.

    What does the average cost of that kind of cycle cost?

    Also is this better to run after a cycle, or along with it? As Im about to run a 12-14week run of Test E again.

    Aslo its good to take taurine and milk thistle correct?
    Last edited by t-dogg; 03-05-2012 at 01:12 AM.

  11. #11
    slfmade's Avatar
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    It's against the rules of the forum to discuss prices!

  12. #12
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg
    Thanks guys! My bodyfat is somewhere around 15% if I guessed.

    What does the average cost of that kind of cycle cost?

    Also is this better to run after a cycle, or along with it? As Im about to run a 12-14week run of Test E again.
    Hmm would like to know that also about using it with the test E. also do you split the dose, say if your doing 120 mcgs a day do I split it and do 60 mcgs in the morning and 60 mcgs say around noon time?

  13. #13
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Hmm would like to know that also about using it with the test E. also do you split the dose, say if your doing 120 mcgs a day do I split it and do 60 mcgs in the morning and 60 mcgs say around noon time?
    I split mine like that, but you don't have to. Personal preference really

  14. #14
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    It's against the rules of the forum to discuss prices!


    Figure asking the average price would be ok. Its funny because in the sub-section of steroids . It goes into detail of each compound and talks about rates of the compound.

  15. #15
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade

    I split mine like that, but you don't have to. Personal preference really
    Cool sounds good

  16. #16
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    Forum Rules:

    10. There is to be no price discussions of steroids . Price discussions often lead to source discussions, both are not permissible.

    12. Do Not post names or links to research or supplement companies companies with the exception of the board's sponsor. If you wish to use another research company, or communicate via pm concerning one, that is fine, but please don't advertise them on the main board.

    Number 12 is my free hint to you!

  17. #17
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    But Clen is sold on the boards source? Ar-r oops I didnt read all your post and posted this lol

  18. #18
    ddp2727's Avatar
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    On my dealings with clen if I didn't spit the doses when I was at the higher end of my ramp I experienced sides pretty bad. If I did split them the only side I got was sweating really bad. Also each and everytime Ive came off the next morning I had a headache so bad it was damn near intolerable. Just my experiences as you asked for them.

  19. #19
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    For the shear fact that you made this thread makes me assume you are lazy............

    If you do a search on this board there is a PLETHORA, i mean a PLETHORA of threads on this, more than you could possibly read.

    Fyi, if you are sensitive to STIMS or CAFFEINE then this shit is going to rock your world and you will get ALOT of sides most likely.

    With that being said I am starting Albuterol in 3-4 weeks, and that has the same chemical compound as Clenbuterol with less sides and a 1/10th length of a half life. (Clen being 36 hours and Albuterol being around 4 hours). Another possibility for you to look into. In the AR-R section of this forum I bumped an old thread in there that has a great deal of information, title of the thread is Clenbuterol or Alburterol..........

    Once again search and you will be overwhelmed....................

  20. #20
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK
    For the shear fact that you made this thread makes me assume you are lazy............

    If you do a search on this board there is a PLETHORA, i mean a PLETHORA of threads on this, more than you could possibly read.

    Fyi, if you are sensitive to STIMS or CAFFEINE then this shit is going to rock your world and you will get ALOT of sides most likely.

    With that being said I am starting Albuterol in 3-4 weeks, and that has the same chemical compound as Clenbuterol with less sides and a 1/10th length of a half life. (Clen being 36 hours and Albuterol being around 4 hours). Another possibility for you to look into. In the AR-R section of this forum I bumped an old thread in there that has a great deal of information, title of the thread is Clenbuterol or Alburterol..........

    Once again search and you will be overwhelmed....................
    That's my type of word: plethora

  21. #21
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    That's my type of word: plethora
    It is such a descriptive word and just puts everything into perspective, lol.

  22. #22
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    For the shear fact that you made this thread makes me assume you are lazy............

    If you do a search on this board there is a PLETHORA, i mean a PLETHORA of threads on this, more than you could possibly read.

    Fyi, if you are sensitive to STIMS or CAFFEINE then this shit is going to rock your world and you will get ALOT of sides most likely.

    With that being said I am starting Albuterol in 3-4 weeks, and that has the same chemical compound as Clenbuterol with less sides and a 1/10th length of a half life. (Clen being 36 hours and Albuterol being around 4 hours). Another possibility for you to look into. In the AR-R section of this forum I bumped an old thread in there that has a great deal of information, title of the thread is Clenbuterol or Alburterol..........

    Once again search and you will be overwhelmed....................


    I have searched, and funny I did post in another thread on the subject.

    I always find it to be funny hearing people say "search and you will find" because if people didnt post new threads "most of which threads are just the same thing over and over" ALL forums would be dead as it would be pointless to post
    Last edited by t-dogg; 03-05-2012 at 09:54 AM.

  23. #23
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    I always find it to be funny hearing people say "search and you will find" because if people didnt post new threads "most of which threads are just the same thing over and over" ALL forums would be dead as it would be pointless to post
    True dat. All we need here are stickies and the lounge...

  24. #24
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Also what did all of you choose clen over albuterol? Seems like it has less side effects?

  25. #25
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    I'm on day 6 of my first cycle. Yesterday was 120, jitters and headache back down to 100 and all is good. Weight is coming off slightly faster than if just dieting. Strength is staying up higher than if just dieting... I like it... Just not at 120mcg. Just got some taurine supp and drinking 2 gal of water sleeping fine.

  26. #26
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    I'm on day 6 of my first cycle. Yesterday was 120, jitters and headache back down to 100 and all is good. Weight is coming off slightly faster than if just dieting. Strength is staying up higher than if just dieting... I like it... Just not at 120mcg. Just got some taurine supp and drinking 2 gal of water sleeping fine.

    Thank you. Keep this thread updated with results please!

    Also how is your cardio?

  27. #27
    Catdad's Avatar
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    Once again like almost everyone else says, #1 is diet #2 is cardio. I tried clen when I was in Thailand, (I'm a Muay Thai fighter not a body builder) I was told it would make me smaller and stronger.

    I'm 5'7 140lbs when I'm biggggggg lol and that's just because it's hard to find light fights over here but in Thailand you have to be small.

    I got headaches for the first few days but after that it was no problem and went away, I got really cut but I felt so ****ing speedy, so make sure you take it in the AM.

  28. #28
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catdad View Post
    Once again like almost everyone else says, #1 is diet #2 is cardio. I tried clen when I was in Thailand, (I'm a Muay Thai fighter not a body builder) I was told it would make me smaller and stronger.

    I'm 5'7 140lbs when I'm biggggggg lol and that's just because it's hard to find light fights over here but in Thailand you have to be small.

    I got headaches for the first few days but after that it was no problem and went away, I got really cut but I felt so ****ing speedy, so make sure you take it in the AM.
    Thanks. Im compete in mma/bjj. I just dont want it to hurt my cardio.

  29. #29
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    Clen in my opinion is the most dangerous drug on the market. It is Very bad for ur heart, and had terrible long term effects. I run it yes because I can't get my hands on another substance that I won't name cause it's very dangerous. I would only use Clen a few times and not make it a part of regular drug arsenal diet and cardio is everything. Proper carb cycling is ur best tool

  30. #30
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Im only looking into this compound for cutting. Im still looking into what is best for my area that I do. With my training, workouts, ect there is alot of cardio. Im also looking at anavar , winny as well.

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