I have 25ml bottles of both andro and test 400 a couple of each actually. What would anyone reccomend as a 4th cycle.
Also should i stack and if so what?

28 6 foot 210,

Previous cycles were andro 275 2x a week for 12 weeks, 2 weeks of then 6 week pct 1ml of liquid stane while on cycle

test 400, 300 mg 2x a week for 12 weeks same pct and dropped the ai down to half a ml due to lack of estrogen problems.
( got ****in huge on this cycle)

Most recently ran just a light cycle for the winter months 10 weeks andro 275 2 x a week. Same pct and ai...

been about ten weeks off planning on starting in two months. Really feel like doin the test 400 2x a week , ... any thoughts?