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Thread: Anavar & Winstrol cycle for Athlete

  1. #1
    RVD is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    Anavar & Winstrol cycle for Athlete

    I am a college football player and I am trying to put together a few good cycles for the season. I have 1 season left and football is my only way out and if I can get an upper hand on the field I want to go for it. I was thinking of stacking anavar with winstrol EOD, both orals. I know that they are liver toxic which is why i have a great supply of milk thistles. I have done a cycle of winstrol only and it worked just fine for me, i liked it a lot but the only downfall was that it made my knees hurt, and I need my tendons. which is why I am substituting it with anavar because Ive read it does not effect your tendons. I would use the winstrol only if it did not make my joints hurt. I got the results I wanted.

    I play Safety
    6'1 205
    8.5% body fat

    The cycle I had in mind is:

    4 weeks on Anavar 50mg & Winstrol 50mg EOD
    3 weeks Clomid 50mg
    4 weeks on Anavar 50mg & Winstrol 50mg EOD
    3 weeks Clomid w/HGH
    4 weeks on Anavar 50mg & Winstrol 50mg EOD
    3 weeks Clomid w/HGH
    3 weeks on Anavar 50mg & Winstrol 50mg EOD

    For 6 months

    I am currently in training and will still be training in season. I just need some advice and touch ups on my cycle from someone with more experience. Please help. I will appreciate all comments. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    IMO, this is not a good cycle. There is no rest for your HPTA to reset. Yeah, I know you're doing PCT but there is no guarantee that you're gonna be back to normal before you cycle again. If you're gonna "go for it" why not do a cycle of Testosterone ? That will add more power per pound then the Anavar . The entire cycle with rest and PCT will be about 5 months. At the end of the Test cycle I think you're gonna end up with more usable muscle then with the Anavar.

  3. #3
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    wooow. buddy, this is a bad idea imo. first thing, i dont think ur liver wod handle winny that long, n those short blast peroids arent gonna b beneficial. the var isnt gonna b that hirtful on ur body bus its not too powerful. some evn use ot as a bridge between cycles. not saying u shod, but do your hw and read. u may find out there is a dif route to go. like just a test.

  4. #4
    RVD is offline New Member
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    Thank guys, but i have taken a test prop cycle before and it hurt like hell and it bulked me up more than i wanted to be bulked up, i could not run and at my position, i could not afford to lose speed. I was not trying to take something that would be too powerful. i am only looking to gain about 5-8 pounds but feel as strong as i did on my winny only cycle. and when I did the winny only, i did it without ant PCT and did not feel any side effects

  5. #5
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RVD View Post
    Thank guys, but i have taken a test prop cycle before and it hurt like hell and it bulked me up more than i wanted to be bulked up, i could not run and at my position, i could not afford to lose speed. I was not trying to take something that would be too powerful. i am only looking to gain about 5-8 pounds but feel as strong as i did on my winny only cycle. and when I did the winny only, i did it without ant PCT and did not feel any side effects
    Your going down the wrong route here bro a PCT is a must!

    Also how old are you?

  6. #6
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RVD View Post
    Thank guys, but i have taken a test prop cycle before and it hurt like hell and it bulked me up more than i wanted to be bulked up, i could not run and at my position, i could not afford to lose speed. I was not trying to take something that would be too powerful. i am only looking to gain about 5-8 pounds but feel as strong as i did on my winny only cycle. and when I did the winny only, i did it without ant PCT and did not feel any side effects
    also wat you need to realize, is that no matter what sup u use, if u eat like shit your going to look like shit. which i bet any amount of money is why u bulked up and lost speed. if you stick to a clean diet, u mite bloat and have lil water retention but ill def get shredded.

  7. #7
    RVD is offline New Member
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    ok thank guys. but im really trying to avoid the needle as much as i can.

  8. #8
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    just do some research bro. u mite decide to go against gear, as wear I'm at ncaa regulates randoms and that wod turn ur situation bad.

  9. #9
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thats 6 months of oral medication!! Even with milk thistle I would never use that many pills for that long! You need to man up and go for a test cycle for 8 weeks and add the winny.

  10. #10
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    Or test with anavar and run an AI on cycle that will help with water and bloat.

  11. #11
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    lol hold on. my last post just made realize, if your a college athlete, u have to be under 23, which means u shodnt use gear. thas the best advice you'll ever rec. get the diet in check

  12. #12
    Homeslice12 is offline Associate Member
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    Do you need the Ai for winnie? Var dosent need Ai. Right?
    Shabaranks likes this.

  13. #13
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    1. bad layout on a cycle
    2. too young
    3. winstrol could lead to injuries and then you will have nothing to "go for"

    3 reasons to not do this ^^^ and i could think of a lot more

  14. #14
    Glycomann is offline New Member
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    This is all brologic blather. Athletes do oral only cycles all the time. I did them myself 20 years ago and fought at national and international level. You guys know fuggall about athletics. Completely different goals than BBers.

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