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  1. #1
    Eman is offline New Member
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    First cycle sustanon 500mg/week

    Stats 6'1 175lbs 21 yr old yes I know i still have much potential to grow naturally but it's a personal choice. Anyways, into week 7 of a 9 week cycle and gained about 10 lbs so far but not noticing very much size/strength gains. Eating around 4000cals should I be eating more since I have a very high metabolism? Started taking .5mg Adex since nipples were starting to itch and for pct nolva 40/40/20/20. Any advice on why I am not seeing bigger gains?


  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
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    got to look at your diet and training program in detail.

    you are a little young to be cycling. you're also a little too light to be cycling.

    any blood works before your cycle? baseline test and thyroid levels?

  3. #3
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    got to look at your diet and training program in detail.

    you are a little young to be cycling. you're also a little too light to be cycling.

    any blood works before your cycle? baseline test and thyroid levels?

    I agree he is too young to be cycling, but I don't agree with 'too light to be cycling'. Instead, it should be 'too early to be cycling' if one isn't yet at his natural limit or doesn't have much lifting experience. I never understood the 'too light to cycle' mentality. I have similar stats as he does. I started out at around 130 lbs. and am around 175 lbs. right now. Been lifting for years so I know unfortunately I'm at my (inferior) genetic limit. Does that mean I don't have the right to cycle since I'm considered very light for my height? I used to be 20 lbs. heavier, but that was extra weight was fat from forced feeding. According to the mentality here, it seems only the genetically gifted have the right to cycle. If everyone followed this way of thinking, the big would keep getting bigger while the small stayed small. lol Anyway, I apologize for the rant here. It's just that it gets depressing seeing how if one can't get to a certain weight naturally, he can't cycle.

    And btw, I'm not planning to cycle anytime soon. I've decided to stay natural for now.

  4. #4
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    natural is best, you're right.

    i am 5'9 and 175lbs. natural as well. but is this my genetic potential? height, probably. weight/build? maybe not.

    it will take years and years or training and eating right to reach your genetic potential. most people will hit a plateau. or many plateaus. but how many has reach their true genetic potential? very few.

    since op is already 7wks into his cycle, i wasnt trying to stop him. i was only pointing out the possible reasons why his gains were not as he had expected.
    Last edited by AD; 03-14-2012 at 04:20 AM.

  5. #5
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMcB View Post
    I agree he is too young to be cycling, but I don't agree with 'too light to be cycling'. Instead, it should be 'too early to be cycling' if one isn't yet at his natural limit or doesn't have much lifting experience. I never understood the 'too light to cycle' mentality. I have similar stats as he does. I started out at around 130 lbs. and am around 175 lbs. right now. Been lifting for years so I know unfortunately I'm at my (inferior) genetic limit. Does that mean I don't have the right to cycle since I'm considered very light for my height? I used to be 20 lbs. heavier, but that was extra weight was fat from forced feeding. According to the mentality here, it seems only the genetically gifted have the right to cycle. If everyone followed this way of thinking, the big would keep getting bigger while the small stayed small. lol Anyway, I apologize for the rant here. It's just that it gets depressing seeing how if one can't get to a certain weight naturally, he can't cycle.

    And btw, I'm not planning to cycle anytime soon. I've decided to stay natural for now.
    no one is holding back information cus we are afraid that you young guys will find out its as easy as taking a pill or doing a shot to get dosent work that way..there is so much to this if done properly and none of you young guys want to hear or learn what it takes they just want to take aas and get big your at your genetic potental or not when you stop taking gear you gains will diminish so why not build a better base of muscle from which to build apon using aas...then you may actually get to hold on to some of it post cycle...

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    4,000 cals? I suggest you post your diet in the Nutrition Forum for those experts to critique. Don't understand the nolva only PCT and a 9 week cycle. Besides your age, your inexperience is another reason not to be cycling.

  7. #7
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    1. post ur diet
    2. since you're already at week 7, make it a 8 week cycle
    3. start PCT 19 days after last injection and add clomid 100/50/50/50 to your nolva

  8. #8
    Eman is offline New Member
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    I did tons of research on pct and nolva should be enough for such a light cycle shouldn't it?

  9. #9
    Eman is offline New Member
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    Also have a hyperactive thyroid which is why my metabolism is so high. Going to up my calories even more

  10. #10
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    adding clomid wouldn't hurt. at least 50/25/25/25

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMcB View Post
    I agree he is too young to be cycling, but I don't agree with 'too light to be cycling'. Instead, it should be 'too early to be cycling' if one isn't yet at his natural limit or doesn't have much lifting experience. I never understood the 'too light to cycle' mentality. I have similar stats as he does. I started out at around 130 lbs. and am around 175 lbs. right now. Been lifting for years so I know unfortunately I'm at my (inferior) genetic limit. Does that mean I don't have the right to cycle since I'm considered very light for my height? I used to be 20 lbs. heavier, but that was extra weight was fat from forced feeding. According to the mentality here, it seems only the genetically gifted have the right to cycle. If everyone followed this way of thinking, the big would keep getting bigger while the small stayed small. lol Anyway, I apologize for the rant here. It's just that it gets depressing seeing how if one can't get to a certain weight naturally, he can't cycle.

    And btw, I'm not planning to cycle anytime soon. I've decided to stay natural for now.
    You dont think 6ft 1 175 isnt a problem beacuse it was like you! All that says is your diet isnt right and maybe his training.With aas if you cant gain weight w/o it you wont keep it.I would suggest you learn before you try to teach.Beacuse you sound like a guy who didnt want to put in the time in the gym.Now you want to spread your ill faded advice.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eman View Post
    I did tons of research on pct and nolva should be enough for such a light cycle shouldn't it?
    I have a real hard time believing this at all. If you researched even a little bit here in the stickies you would have know that your PCT is insufficient.

    Too young and too inexperienced imo.

  13. #13
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You dont think 6ft 1 175 isnt a problem beacuse it was like you! All that says is your diet isnt right and maybe his training.With aas if you cant gain weight w/o it you wont keep it.I would suggest you learn before you try to teach.Beacuse you sound like a guy who didnt want to put in the time in the gym.Now you want to spread your ill faded advice.

    This comment offends me. lol I am in my 30's and waaay too embarassed to admit how many years of lifting experience I have. But I felt like I tried it all. Turns out I respond best to very low sets (1-2) and 4-7 rep range of compound movements. Took me a while to realize how much of a hardgainer I was. Whenever I added more sets + exercises, I would actually lose weight and strength (while being natural, of course). Alot of you guys here sound like mesomorphs so there is no way you could possibly understand what it's like to be a severe ecto. And from my experience, force feeding extra calories only resulted in a few extra lbs. of bodyfat. For a mesomorph, the more sets and exercises you add to your workout + the more extra calories per day you force feed = unlimited amount of new muscle and strength that can be gained. I can tell you from my personal experience that this equation doesn't work for the ectomorph.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eman View Post
    Stats 6'1 175lbs 21 yr old yes I know i still have much potential to grow naturally but it's a personal choice. Anyways, into week 7 of a 9 week cycle and gained about 10 lbs so far but not noticing very much size/strength gains. Eating around 4000cals should I be eating more since I have a very high metabolism? Started taking .5mg Adex since nipples were starting to itch and for pct nolva 40/40/20/20. Any advice on why I am not seeing bigger gains?

    You are definately doing something wrong. It could be your diet, your training or maybe partying too much on the weekends, or maybe it's weak gear from an underground lab.

    My stats were very similar to yours when I did my first cycle, same weight, fast metabolism, 2 inches taller and 2 years older. It was a 10 week course of sutanon at only 250mg/week. I gained 11kgs and 6 weeks after my last shot I still had 8kgs of the weight I gained. I didn't really know what I was doing with steroids at that time but I was very knowledgeable about diet and training which I think lead to such a good result from such a low dose.

    FYI, doing a course with shit PCT is like doing a shit course. You'll just lose whatever you gain. Might as well not make any.
    Last edited by DGHGM; 03-17-2012 at 07:56 PM. Reason: type-o

  15. #15
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMcB View Post
    This comment offends me. lol I am in my 30's and waaay too embarassed to admit how many years of lifting experience I have. But I felt like I tried it all. Turns out I respond best to very low sets (1-2) and 4-7 rep range of compound movements. Took me a while to realize how much of a hardgainer I was. Whenever I added more sets + exercises, I would actually lose weight and strength (while being natural, of course). Alot of you guys here sound like mesomorphs so there is no way you could possibly understand what it's like to be a severe ecto. And from my experience, force feeding extra calories only resulted in a few extra lbs. of bodyfat. For a mesomorph, the more sets and exercises you add to your workout + the more extra calories per day you force feed = unlimited amount of new muscle and strength that can be gained. I can tell you from my personal experience that this equation doesn't work for the ectomorph.
    Well sometimes the truth hurts but I tell it like it is.Someone at 6ft1 130lbs cycling isnt smart.Then thinking he did something when he hits 170.Sorry bro but he shouldve been at 180 or better if he did things right.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eman View Post
    Also have a hyperactive thyroid which is why my metabolism is so high. Going to up my calories even more
    are you sure you have hyperthyroidism? thats a serious medical condition that you'll need medication to control. when that is under control, your weight will balloon up automatically. you may even have to start eating less, not more.

    better get some blood works to be sure

  17. #17
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    and no, you can't treat hyperthyroidism with AAS..

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