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  1. #1
    Thunderforge's Avatar
    Thunderforge is offline Associate Member
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    So I got this friend....

    No really. I know. I know. But REALLY.

    I have a buddy who has run extensive gear throughout the last ten years. Lots of test, Deca , E.Q., Tren . He's pretty much done it all and never really had a sound plan for cycling. Would run for 8-9 months at a time, take three months off and do it all over again.

    Now I know this isn't good.

    I warned him he was going to take major heat here for his recklessness.

    Here's the thing. He recently, and to his surprise, got his girl pregnant. Unfortunately it wasn't to be, but he was and is very excited. He very much wants to try again but is worried because his sperm count is very low. He's had it checked and it's not good at all. Getting her pregnant was very lucky.

    He contacted me today inquiring about PCT and trying to get his nuts working again. He's stopping all gear. I told him I wasn't really qualified to help but I know where to go to ask. It's true he hasn't been very smart about his protocols in the past but guys, he is a good dude and he's asking for help. I know he's going to be judged a bit and I explained that to him. I advised him to come forward with his doctor and he is doing that and seeing a urologist as well.

    Is there any advice you vets can offer up? Is there a PCT that might be able to help him?

    Thanks very much for any help. He's going to be watching the thread too.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    is he on anything now. If so what?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    what was his last cycle? compounds, time, etc.

    Also if he has sperm count problems he can go to his doc and they can work on the problem legally.

  4. #4
    Thunderforge's Avatar
    Thunderforge is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    is he on anything now. If so what?
    He just pinned Test enanthate 250 but is done with it now.

  5. #5
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderforge View Post
    He just pinned Test enanthate 250 but is done with it now.
    for how long???

  6. #6
    Thunderforge's Avatar
    Thunderforge is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxin23 View Post
    for how long???
    I'll have to get back with you.

    I know this isn't a convenient way of doing things. I've advised him to sign up and he says he will.

    Thank you guys for being patient and willing to help.

  7. #7
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    Are there really people who cant have babies cause they did juice too hard / long? Kind of ironic..

  8. #8
    Kk570h's Avatar
    Kk570h is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper
    Are there really people who cant have babies cause they did juice too hard / long? Kind of ironic..
    Of course there are ..just me a big time competition lifter said he regretted it being on meds the rest of his life and unable to make an offspring ,, sucks man .. DON'T ABUSE IT , that's why it will never be LEGAL Americans love abusing anything and everything ..

  9. #9
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    Spend all that time trying to get in a vagina and cant even put the jelly in the donut

  10. #10
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    I would probably try to run a 5 week PCT with Nolva and CLomid, maybe he is a lucky one and will actually recover from that beating on his HPTA. Do a sperm count test a good 4 weeks after PCT is over and most likely he will still have to see a doc because his recklessness may have cost him his fertility.
    I doubt he used any hcg ever, right?
    no BS... If I was him I would take a DNA test for sure, although some guys can make babies on cycle in his case I would sooo do a DNA man, sorry for the honesty.

  11. #11
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    Regardless of whether or not he can get his HPTA to function properly again via a standard nolvadex /clomid pct, I'd advise him to look into HMG if he's just looking for temporary fertility.

  12. #12
    elitepowerlifter is offline New Member
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    Ok Im his Friend... I'm wanting to have kids. My sperm count was 2.9 million with 10% moptility.. Im 39 but wehn I was 29 I tryed to have kids and stoped for 8 months and it came back to 47 million with no PCT. I have Ran AS for 13 yrs or so. Ive did (tren /test/eq/) for ten weeks then ran (test/deca and dbol ) cycles like this on and off for the past 13 years. Most time I would take off would be 4 months. I have been running test for about a year straight. The cycle I just finished up was test/deca/winny/dbol mixed it up each week.. and I feel great and super strong. I have been in the top 20 in powerlifting for the last 10 yrs.., 850 squat 615 bench and 700dl.. at 220/242. I'm wanting to have kids. I just got married... two weeks after she moved in..she was pregnate..but miss carried. I was on a ton of stuff when she got preg.. and my spermcount was 2.9 million at the time. Im wanting to have kids and get my sperm count to a normal range. I have access to about anything. 30 amps of hgc and 180 clomid.. a bunch on nolvadex ... Im wanting to know how to get my sperm count up. I really never planned to come off AS till now. Also I never ran any AEs or PCT(lots of powerlifters do this) I would get off for 4 months a year... and jump back on,... there was always another meet... u know... Like I would plan to get off then get talked into a meet again. what can i do tio get my count back up... I want to get her pregnate... Im 39 with no kids.. can u please help me......!

  13. #13
    elitepowerlifter is offline New Member
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    she had a blighted ovum/miss carriage..btw

  14. #14
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    Look into HMG. There's some guys on here that are pretty knowledgeable about it in the hormone repla***ent forum. You should start a thread over there.

  15. #15
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Swifto would be your best bet here..... a fertility doctor would be the best route IMO.

    I'll tell you what I did.....

    I was on cycle for sometime.... not 13 years LOL not even 1 full year but close enough. I was injecting the wifey with baby batter on the regular and she never got pregnant. I then came off and used hcg , clomid, nolva in a format something like this..... 500iu's HCG per day for a week or so followed by 125iu's HCG per day for another 3 weeks. Clomid was 100mg/day for a week and 50mg/day for 3 weeks, and Nolva was 40mg/day for 4 weeks.

    6 weeks after my last test injection she was pregnant.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  16. #16
    AD's Avatar
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    even arnold have a kid. who did more juice than arnold?

    there's definitely hope.

  17. #17
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    not impossible to have kids on gear, look at branch warren, ronnie coleman, evan centapani. tons of pro's have kids and they have the kids on grams and grams of gear. i cant help you with this as im not a fertility doct, but personally i have sum friends who just took very large doses of hcg while on heavy cycles and they got there girls knocked up no problems

    edit- i would just go see a fertility doc as posted above

  18. #18
    elitepowerlifter is offline New Member
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    If I can get my sperm count up.. we might try IUI if I can talk her into it.. Im going to try and get a Dr. Help also.. I need to take a break anyway.. I have just had my shoulder completely rebulit.. 4th shoulder sugery... and 2nd knee sugery. Im still super strong... One my body recovers ( if it does) im sure my next cycle would be the best ever......... HCG and clomid for her would work also if did right

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