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Thread: First steps

  1. #1
    eazyduzit's Avatar
    eazyduzit is offline Associate Member
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    First steps

    G'day gents, i'm here doing a bit of research. I've been training for a good 3 years. It's pretty much my lifestyle now along with my diet. I want to start looking into this as a bit of a booster. So tips on what to take and how much etc would be appreciated. im aware of side effects and etc. Heres my stats....

    I'm 26 years old and i've been training for 3 years. I'm currently on a bulk so im consuming about 3200 cals/day (P=240g C=320g F=88g). Training plan currently is a 4 day split i wrote up myself, doing most body parts twice a week and is working out great so far (8 weeks in). Right now i'm weighing in at 80kgs and my bf % is somewhere between 14-17%(havent checked recently). I have about 4.5 months of bulking to go until i start my cut so im looking to hit about 85-88kgs (fingers crossed).

  2. #2
    curly_vancouver is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012
    You forgot to include you height in you starts.
    But this would be a great place to start in my opinion
    Fist cycle should be a simple one with test only

  3. #3
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    cut your bodyfat down to 12-14 percent max, continue to read and research about cycles and all that jazz

    but for the sake of answering ur question

    test 500mg a week for 12 weeks
    amiridex .25 e3d weeks 2-12

    pct nolva,clomid hcg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    For a first cycle Test E for 12 weeks is pretty standard. Get the Arimadex but don't take it unless you have gyno issues. I am opposed to taking medicating yourself more then necessary. At the first sign of nipple sensitivity or lump in the chest, take the adex. Wait 14 days then PCT. Nolvadex for 4 weeks at 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50. Run the HCG throughout your Test cycle at 250iu twice a week. Stop the HCG with the last shot of Test.

  5. #5
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    For a first cycle Test E for 12 weeks is pretty standard. Get the Arimadex but don't take it unless you have gyno issues. I am opposed to taking medicating yourself more then necessary. At the first sign of nipple sensitivity or lump in the chest, take the adex. Wait 14 days then PCT. Nolvadex for 4 weeks at 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50. Run the HCG throughout your Test cycle at 250iu twice a week. Stop the HCG with the last shot of Test.
    I'm sorry to be argumentative but waiting until estrogen levels are so high for so long that you're encountering gyno to use an AI is terrible advice, especially to a novice. High levels of estrogen have terrible affects on the male body, some of which are not detectable as estrogen is in fact a carcinogen. Without the AI, you're going to encounter an unwanted amount of bloating and mood swings regardless of whether or not gyno occurs. The benefits of taking Arimidex while on cycle are so great that the concern of over medicating should not be a concern at all.

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