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Thread: so far so good

  1. #1
    SIZZLA is offline New Member
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    so far so good


    I've been a steroid user for the majority of the last ten years. I've never been one to stack and follow regiments, but more of a poke of test e once every 7-10 days and i maintain my 25 lbs i've accumulated since i started. I usually do a 30 day nolvadex PCT after 3 or 4 cycles of test and a few years ago i started adding milk thistle and cranberry extract to my PCT.

    My question is should i be worried about long time liver or kidney damage or general internal damage? I have 3 kids so i guess everything down there is still fine, but just thought i'd pose the question before i head to my dr's to see what he has to say.

    flame away if you have to...but i know i'm not the only guy to do this.

    appreciate any input!

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    how much are you injecting every 7 or 10 days?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    As far as liver and kidney damage goes, I wouldn't be too concerned. Just go pee in cup and get some blood work done to check your enzymes (ALT/AST).

    However, I'd be more concerned about what your natural test production is going to look like when you come off... Your HPTA.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree with the above post.But you need to learn how to do a real pct.You been lucky with just nova so far.

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    And what exactly would we be flaming? I would run a little more than nolva for PCT.

    Get the blood work done is my best advice.

  6. #6
    SIZZLA is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies, I take 1ml injections at a time gixxer.

    JDBeretta you got me a little bit concerned, if anything about 3-4 years ago i came off for about a year. My testicles came back to normal size and i produced my first thats a decent sign correct? Excuse the ignorance...i'll bring this up to my Dr as well.

    stpete, Well i know i'm throwing out all the rules of engagement as for as it goes for the use of steroids , there could be some die hards out there that may take offense lol.

  7. #7
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SIZZLA
    Thanks for the replies, I take 1ml injections at a time gixxer.

    JDBeretta you got me a little bit concerned, if anything about 3-4 years ago i came off for about a year. My testicles came back to normal size and i produced my first thats a decent sign correct? Excuse the ignorance...i'll bring this up to my Dr as well.

    stpete, Well i know i'm throwing out all the rules of engagement as for as it goes for the use of steroids, there could be some die hards out there that may take offense lol.
    If you seem to bouncing back, that is a good sign. What I was referring to is your (excuse the spelling) hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis. This is basically the relationship between those 3 organs. When you introduce external testosterone , you're basically telling your natural production that it no longer needs to produce... I would bet that it takes a while for you to get your sex drive back to normal after using AAS for an extended period like that.

    Okay, so with that extremely vague description ('cause I don't know too much yet) I would like to suggest that you look into HCG after you start seeing testicular atrophy while on cycle. For more precise info in HCG dosing and time to start, there're lots of good stickies on this site.

    And if you're using AAS for getting huge (not HRT purposes), get on a better laid out cycle. 1ml dosed at 250mgs every 7-10 days isn't gonna do what is optimal for gaining.

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