Thread: dianabol and winstrol help
03-21-2012, 03:36 PM #1
dianabol and winstrol help
Ive just got back into training, after about a year break away from the gym, now into my second month and havea good routine 5 days a week,previous to the year break i trained for about 3 yeap naturaly with the use of just protein shakes and tribulus terestris,had good results as trained hard with a good routine and in result gained a good strong phisique and was as you would say "one of the bigger boys in the gym" people would ask me for advice and i would just tell them what worked for me,after a year out ive lost definition and size,altough stil have a good structure, to get to the point, im now thinking of doin a steroid cycle, although ive researched alot ,many forums have diferent views and contradict each other, i want to put on size but lean muscle and get cut at same time which is a modern day cliche, at first iwould rather take an oral steroid im able to get them of a guy i know and i was thinking of taking dianabol 10mg tabs (alphabol) and winstrol 50mg tabs (rexobol) which are alpha pharma brand, what would be a good dosage of each , should i split them through the day and what results are expected, any advice much apreiciated.
03-21-2012, 04:14 PM #2
I am gearing up for a similar cycle but... There is a hell of a lot more to it than just taking dbol and winny at the right dose. Even if your diet and workout routine have been spot on for years it's still no good. Bare minimum being being a small test base, liver support, pct and an AI. You will need to post your stats in more detail to get good help but you came to the right spot! Read the stickies while you wait for advice and fill in any details you can.
Welcome and good luck.
03-21-2012, 04:30 PM #3
Thanks my stats at mo are 76.2kg
14% b.f
I have a good diet and knowledge of nutrition fró my job, yea the pct was another aspect i could do with some information on as research ive gathered sais its hard to keep gains from d.bal,not so sure on winstrol , ive researched tamoxifen (nolva) and a bit On clomid. Are there any oral test base that are effective and do you have any ideas what may be a good pct for this cycle , my knowledge. Of steroids are stil quite limited but any ideas are apreciated kinda point me in the right way so i can research further and know what im looking for.
03-21-2012, 04:32 PM #4
Well imo test should be ran with all compounds. Winstrol in my opinion is pointless unless competing. It is really mild and all it does is dry you out and makes your joints hurt. Some people will tell you oral only is ok some say it sucks. Running two conpunds like that will bring hell on your liver. Your best to just run a easy test only cycle.
03-21-2012, 04:52 PM #5
Are there any effective oral test based steroids available, or would running a test based oral pro-hormone be effective,i know that alot of oral steroids are toxic on liver and so a cleanser such as milk thistle is needed and alot of water, also would an oral test be waste of time rather than injectable as the half life is short? And in this case which injectable test would be best to use, and also i know dbal caries alot of water retention so would runin dbal and winy togetha be counterimg eachother as the winny dryes u up? Coz few guys down the gym do winy and dbal there quite big lads and only cycle on them which spur? a bi. Of confusion???
Last edited by taz89; 03-22-2012 at 07:38 AM.
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