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  1. #1
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Question my test cyp/enth and dbol.

    i've turned a trt into a cycle and wanted to share my results so far..

    started trt feb 22nd @ 200mg Depot test cyp every 2nd wk. in the off wks i self medicated 125mg test e. so, 200mg test cyp wk1. 125mg test e wk2 and repeat. and wks 1-4 i did 40mg dbol ed. i've completed my 4wk dbol and just received my 3rd trt shot (200mg Depot test cyp)

    doc says my next trt shot will not be for a month. then he will give one more shot 30 days after that as well. THEN he will do a "trough" blood test. (this test is administered the day before the next required dosing to acquire blood levels at their lowest possible point) when i questioned him on this he indicated that Depot test cyp is administered monthly @200mg but its front loaded every second week for 4 wks like we just did. yes, this is incorrect info and a horrible way to administer trt. but i cannot challenge him or provide information that i have learned and know to be true, otherwise he's liable to get angry again and i need him to be my doc for OTHER specific unrelated reasons. btw, my blood test for testosterone before starting trt came back at 6.9. i am .9 above a dying 90 year old man! (scale is in nanomoles per liter 6-27nmol/L in Canada) to convert to USA version multiply by 29. so that would = 200ng/dl yeah, at 200ng/dl my doc thinks that once a month dosing is ok?? my plan is to finish up with him and then politely ask to be referred to an endo.

    QUESTION: doc continues to refer to test cyp as Depot as if it's "different" from regular test cyp that i'm familiar with. is this true? does this "Depot" test cyp able to remain stable in your system for a month?? wouldn't there be a huge spike someplace? and then a crash. i'm almost positive of this. but he has me questioning myself now.

    ok, up to now my experience has been interesting. on this board i aways give the best advice that i know to be true and the most updated information available. and i usually only comment on threads that i feel i can be of some help - again based on up to date and accurate information. having said that, i did not take my own advice literally. i did this because i wanted to see my body's reaction to the test and dbol. i also wanted to attempt to understand my e2 levels by mood and feel. yes i realize only bloods will be accurate but i still wanted to get a feel for my own body and it's reaction to the introduction of test and dbol.

    so, i did not do an ai eod as i would/have recommend to anyone else. instead i waited for some physiological "sign" - whether that be a side effect or something else. so here we go..

    day 1 FEB 22 was 200mg Depot test cyp and 40mg dbol. dbol was 20mg in the am 20mg in the pm every day for 4 wks. every 3.5 days i would self dose 125mg test enth except on trt doc administered dosing days which was 200mg Depot test cyp. ok..on day 4 i felt i could tear down was crazy. this continued to day 13. then i felt down and had itchy sensitive nips. i did 12.5mg L-stane for two days and felt amazing! did another dose the following day to make sure and felt neutral. two days later felt tired so i dosed again 12.5 and the same the following day. felt lousy and i noted a big crash. the next day felt great and for the next few days it was amazing. then on day 20 felt lousy so i decide at this point to start eod with stane. and from here on in i felt pretty good (hey, i had to learn for myself) but i aslo noted my wood was up and down like an elevator. one day is was great and the other it was not so great. but i think i can feel the test just starting to kick in now.

    since the doc has decided to wait one month then another month then 3 wks for trough, i have decided to continue dosing up to the week before last trt dose, BUT increase to 250 e3.5d except when doc has scheduled me for 200mg Depot test cyp.

    QUESTION: if i stop my dosing at last week before last trt dose, would 4weeks be enough to stabilize my bloods so that it would NOT appear as though i have included additional test in my system?

    i'm one month in and feel pretty good. i look forward to working out. i just need to get more calories in me. the food i'm eating is very clean but i'm not eating enough (currently about 2000-2300) i must work harder towards this goal.

    NOTES: i'm definitely thicker. my strength has increased. my weight has increased but nothing too dramatic. my paper diet is terrific but sticking to it religiously is not easy. but i'm forging ahead and have no complaints. im 204lbs. i started at 196. i could barely do the 35's on the easy curl bar for skull crushers. and now i'm doing the 45's and a dime for skull crushers. i used to curl 85lbs. now i curl 105 comfortably and 115 for max 7 reps. wide grip pull downs were 240. dumbbell press machine was 140lb 190. these are just some of my improvements.

    the reason i wanted to share this was simply for anyone who felt they may learn something here (i know have so far) or have questions, or to criticize, or offer advice. either way, i'm all ears..

    bf% unknown (15%?)
    working out on and off for years but steady for last few years natural.
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 03-21-2012 at 05:21 PM. Reason: Stats..

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
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    Depo-testosterone is the brand name of the Pharm grade test produced by Pfizer. Test C is its chemical name. They mean exactly the same thing and last about 2 wks (quoted half-life on the drug info insert is 8days). You wont get a big spike cos its a slow ester. But there will be one slow spike and one slow trough. Which you will definitely notice if you dose monthly!
    Last edited by AD; 03-21-2012 at 06:41 PM.

  3. #3
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    4 wks is probably enough for most of the test to clear your system. but i think it may be in your interest not to up the dose on your last pin. this is to ensure that your trough reading will be nicely low, so your doc will be inclined to up the maintenance.

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    Depo-testosterone is the brand name of the Pharm grade test produced by Pfizer. Test C is its chemical name. They mean exactly the same thing and last about 2 wks (quoted half-life on the drug info insert is 8days). You wont get a big spike cos its a slow ester. But there will be one slow spike and one slow trough. Which you will definitely notice if you dose monthly!
    thanks. so one month between dosing is ridiculous, as i originally thought. and yes, the ester its about 12 days according to most literature. however, the active life for cyp is only 18 days..not a month as my doc is suggesting, in a round-about way.

    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    4 wks is probably enough for most of the test to clear your system. but i think it may be in your interest not to up the dose on your last pin. this is to ensure that your trough reading will be nicely low, so your doc will be inclined to up the maintenance.
    great advice. i will ensure my dosing is tapered at the end and 4wks before trough.

  5. #5
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    glad to help out

    i think most times, most docs do not intentionally lie to patients. cos on the drug info insert, it actually says test c can be given "at intervals of 2-4wk". the next time you see your doc, gently request for a copy of this, so you can understand where he is coming from. i am sure he does not visit this site, so his only info of the drug is from the insert... not ideal for a doctor, but thats life

  6. #6
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    hey, just curious. i got lost somewhere in the count. from beginning to end, will you be able to squeeze in 12 wks on your cycle? or is it shorter?

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    11 wks (in the 11th week i will taper that dose down) and this gives me a 4 wk buffer before bloods.

  8. #8
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    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    cool. good luck!

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