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  1. #1
    surfyshred is offline New Member
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    First time cycle

    Hey guys I'm looking to do my first cycle ever
    I'm 22 years old
    6"5 weighing 97kgs.
    I'm benching around 80kg
    Bicep curling around 24kg each arm
    I'm not buff but have been training on and off for the past year.
    Im looking to put on lean muscle mass and also cut up my abs.
    My friend has recommended me this:

    10 week cycle
    Test enthate 250mg
    Deca 250mg
    2mill a week of each Tuesday , Thursday
    Then last 3weeks and 3 weeks after tramadex using 1ml a day

    What do you think?
    This will be my first and hopefully last cycle, I just want a boost in my physical appearance.
    I was also wondering what the potential wife effects might be?
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Cycling under the age of 25 could land you in the middle of some serious irreversible damages to your body. Do you what the Endocrine system or HPTA are? What is your BF%? Your diet, I assume is insufficient, based on your stats of 6'-5" / 97kg, & you're not even lifting your own weight, which leads me to believe your training is also, either insufficient or you haven't been at it long. My advice would be to take a couple years to work on getting your diet & training tuned in & build a solid, natural foundation. Meanwhile, stick around, do some research, learn as much as you can about EVERY compound, not just the ones you want to use, & when the time comes, you will know it inside out & be able to cycle safely & effectively.

  3. #3
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    BTW, we can help with your diet & training if you would like.

  4. #4
    adamjames is offline Member
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    6.5!!! Dont you think you stand out enough already!! joke

    Some would say 250 mg is a good starting dose but id say 350 upwards is a good starting point, the test alone is the best option for a first cycle, for a 213 pound guy 80 kg bench is not great but i guess you have very long limbs, when you come off you will lose most of your gains and go back to what you were before, you will get water retention with that cycle so your ripped abbs wont happen unless you run anti cancer drugs

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Cycling under the age of 25 could land you in the middle of some serious irreversible damages to your body. Do you what the Endocrine system or HPTA are? What is your BF%? Your diet, I assume is insufficient, based on your stats of 6'-5" / 97kg, & you're not even lifting your own weight, which leads me to believe your training is also, either insufficient or you haven't been at it long. My advice would be to take a couple years to work on getting your diet & training tuned in & build a solid, natural foundation. Meanwhile, stick around, do some research, learn as much as you can about EVERY compound, not just the ones you want to use, & when the time comes, you will know it inside out & be able to cycle safely & effectively.
    ^^^^ This.

  6. #6
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    6.5!!! Dont you think you stand out enough already!! joke

    Some would say 250 mg is a good starting dose but id say 350 upwards is a good starting point, the test alone is the best option for a first cycle, for a 213 pound guy 80 kg bench is not great but i guess you have very long limbs, when you come off you will lose most of your gains and go back to what you were before, you will get water retention with that cycle so your ripped abbs wont happen unless you run anti cancer drugs
    Of coarse.........another under 25 "to the rescue" Don't listen to this bullsh!t OP, he obviously knows NOTHING of the potentially permanent side effects of cycling too young, & / or, doesn't care. Either way, don't fvck yourself up because this genius says its OK.

  7. #7
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Of coarse.........another under 25 "to the rescue" Don't listen to this bullsh!t OP, he obviously knows NOTHING of the potentially permanent side effects of cycling too young, & / or, doesn't care. Either way, don't fvck yourself up because this genius says its OK.
    where in my post did i say it was a good idea you muppet?? lol If you read my post properly i said things to try and make cycling sound like a bad idea to this guy!!!! And stop pretending you care about someone you dont know just to look good to other board members whos admiration you crave!!! I can see straight through you!! you couldnt give 2 craps if he cycles or not!!

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfyshred View Post
    Hey guys I'm looking to do my first cycle ever
    I'm 22 years old
    6"5 weighing 97kgs.
    I'm benching around 80kg
    Bicep curling around 24kg each arm
    I'm not buff but have been training on and off for the past year.
    Im looking to put on lean muscle mass and also cut up my abs.
    My friend has recommended me this:

    10 week cycle
    Test enthate 250mg
    Deca 250mg
    2mill a week of each Tuesday , Thursday

    Then last 3weeks and 3 weeks after tramadex using 1ml a day

    What do you think?
    This will be my first and hopefully last cycle, I just want a boost in my physical appearance.
    I was also wondering what the potential wife effects might be?
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    so am i reading that right? you want to do 2ml of each compound twice a week. So 1000mgs of test and 1000mgs of deca week for your first cycle?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    where in my post did i say it was a good idea you muppet?? lol If you read my post properly i said things to try and make cycling sound like a bad idea to this guy!!!! And stop pretending you care about someone you dont know just to look good to other board members whos admiration you crave!!! I can see straight through you!! you couldnt give 2 craps if he cycles or not!!
    I never said you claimed it to be a good idea tough guy. Take your own advice & read the post. But don't even try to claim you tied to say things to detour him from cycling, when you clearly started 350 Mg & up is a good starting point & even suggested a compound. Further more, I crave nothing from anyone here, I do care what happens to uneducated kids (like yourself) & that's why I post the things I do, not for admiration.

  10. #10
    IRISH87's Avatar
    IRISH87 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so am i reading that right? you want to do 2ml of each compound twice a week. So 1000mgs of test and 1000mgs of deca week for your first cycle?
    strong math skills. hes proposing 250mg of each twice a week so 500mg of each total. which is a relly awful idea for all the reasons listed above ^^^^^^

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by IRISH87 View Post
    strong math skills. hes proposing 250mg of each twice a week so 500mg of each total. which is a relly awful idea for all the reasons listed above ^^^^^^
    he says 2ml of each 2x a week. So 2ml of test is 500mg and 2ml of deca is 500mg. Do that 2x a week what do you get?
    So read closer before you want to make fun of my math skills
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    blksavage's Avatar
    blksavage is offline Member
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    dang is everyone in a pissy mood today, lol, kid leave the roids alone and the rest if you guys should hit the gym and use some if that built up aggression you have

  13. #13
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I never said you claimed it to be a good idea tough guy. Take your own advice & read the post. But don't even try to claim you tied to say things to detour him from cycling, when you clearly started 350 Mg & up is a good starting point & even suggested a compound. Further more, I crave nothing from anyone here, I do care what happens to uneducated kids (like yourself) & that's why I post the things I do, not for admiration.
    If you think 24 is a kid then im guessing your an old man who thinks he knows everything about everything, my knowledge is actually quite extensive on anabolic steroids ive been a member here for a year longer than your old ass. Also, i told this guy that water retention would prevent him reaching the goals he stated, i told him he would lose all his gains after the cycle and that he would haveto take anti estrogen drugs which i called (anti cancer drugs) to make them sound bad. So how is that not trying to detour him? its not exactly encouraging!! Anyway, the reality is that its more than likely he wont listen to advice here that says dont do them!! Thats why i advised that if he does go ahead with a course to drop a compound he had mentioned (deca ) and just use test!! ....damb your dumb!!!

  14. #14
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    LOL, you're fvcking pathetic. Just because you've been here longer doesn't mean you know more, that's like saying I'm a better shot than you or a better golfer than you because I've been a member of the gun club or the country club longer than you. Your intelligence is sub par, anyone that spends even 10 seconds going through your post history can see you're as sharp as a bowling ball. If you're gonna accuse someone of being dumb, you better be able to prove your smarts above & beyond.....................btw, "damb" is spelled damn, smart guy. I called you a kid because you're acting like one. As far as being an old man goes, well, that's just a desperate cheap shot from a desperate child, I'm only 32, if you want to call me old, that's fine, but I guarantee you our any other 20 something or teenager for that matter, couldn't keep up with me, I've got just as much, if not more, power / strength, endurance & agility than anyone in their 20`s or teens.

  15. #15
    surfyshred is offline New Member
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    Yes I did mean 1 mill of deca and 1 mill of test on Tuesday an Thursday.
    The only reason I'm considering it is my friend who is younger than me has been on it and he had only good things to say and show.

    I am only looking to do 1 cycle. Would it really be that bad? I know of the side effects but I'm unaware of the serious effects.
    Some people come out with no side effects right? Deepening on the person.

    My diet definitely could improve.
    My 80kg bench that's 3 sets of 6-8 reps not 1 rep max.
    Yes I have long arms! Lol
    But I just wanted to use steroids to speed up my physical image. All my fat goes straight on my waist and iv tried hard to lose it.

    I know you guys don't recommend I use steroids but could anyone let me know if this cycle could work?

  16. #16
    bob87's Avatar
    bob87 is offline Member
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    Listen to bear he doesn't say these things for no reason hold off till your older mate

  17. #17
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    LOL, you're fvcking pathetic. Just because you've been here longer doesn't mean you know more, that's like saying I'm a better shot than you or a better golfer than you because I've been a member of the gun club or the country club longer than you. Your intelligence is sub par, anyone that spends even 10 seconds going through your post history can see you're as sharp as a bowling ball. If you're gonna accuse someone of being dumb, you better be able to prove your smarts above & beyond.....................btw, "damb" is spelled damn, smart guy. I called you a kid because you're acting like one. As far as being an old man goes, well, that's just a desperate cheap shot from a desperate child, I'm only 32, if you want to call me old, that's fine, but I guarantee you our any other 20 something or teenager for that matter, couldn't keep up with me, I've got just as much, if not more, power / strength, endurance & agility than anyone in their 20`s or teens.
    Sorry did i touch a sensitive spot bear? 32 you say?.. maybe you should act your age then : ) You spent all that time on your post and all you could talk about was a word i spelled wrong? who is pathetic now? If you want to bring up grammar and spelling mistakes then look at the post you just sent me and tell me there is no grammar mistakes?? ROFL, how dumb can you get you hypocrite!!!! grow up old man, and i noticed you mentioned rather childishly how a younger person would not be able to keep up with your agility, power, endurance and strength LOL but failed to mention how the the look of your physique would measure up?? Im guessing you didnt mention that part because you look like shit ; )

  18. #18
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfyshred View Post
    Yes I did mean 1 mill of deca and 1 mill of test on Tuesday an Thursday.
    The only reason I'm considering it is my friend who is younger than me has been on it and he had only good things to say and show.

    I am only looking to do 1 cycle. Would it really be that bad? I know of the side effects but I'm unaware of the serious effects.
    Some people come out with no side effects right? Deepening on the person.

    My diet definitely could improve.
    My 80kg bench that's 3 sets of 6-8 reps not 1 rep max.
    Yes I have long arms! Lol
    But I just wanted to use steroids to speed up my physical image. All my fat goes straight on my waist and iv tried hard to lose it.

    I know you guys don't recommend I use steroids but could anyone let me know if this cycle could work?
    You might want to edit your post mate! You spelled deepening wrong and BEAR (the online spell checker) will flag you up on it : )

  19. #19
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Jesus fvcking christ, you're literally acting like a fvcking 12 year old. You've seen my profile, you know what I look like, twice your size & strength.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 03-23-2012 at 04:22 PM.

  20. #20
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    OP, How bout you let us help you put together a diet & training regime that will yield some very impressive gains in pretty short order, if executed correctly. You'll see results within 30 days bro.

  21. #21
    surfyshred is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    OP, How bout you let us help you put together a diet & training regime that will yield some very impressive gains in pretty short order, if executed correctly. You'll see results within 30 days bro.
    Yeh that sounds really good would love your help.
    What stats do you need from me?
    My biggest downfall is preparation for diet. I own my own business and it's hard for me to always be cooking.

  22. #22
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Already got your stats bro. Right now, just post your current diet, include times, cals, carbs, proteins & fats of each meal, & we'll modify from there.

  23. #23
    surfyshred is offline New Member
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    Thanks mate I will get you that info when I get back from sydney

  24. #24
    surfyshred is offline New Member
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    My nutritious stats

    Breakfast 6.20am- 2 wheetbix, oat bran, handful of just right cereal, banana

    9.30am- can of tuna

    11am- can of tuna, grilled chicken

    1pm- fruit salad

    3pm- workout ( no shotgun before workout shake, extend, post workout protein (evolve anabolic injection powder))

    6pm- dinner grilled chicken 250g, boiled broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes.
    If I'm still hungry before bed il have some milk and sheet bix.

    What do u think???

  25. #25
    Piotr75's Avatar
    Piotr75 is offline Junior Member
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    I will wait for more detailed suggestions from more experienced members then me, but if my english still serves, i see that your diet is very low in calorie and just little in carboidrates. Probably one of the reasons you are lifting too little comparing to your stats. You didn't post how much you eat every meal, like " 200 grams of", but i assume this is very poor diet. Personally im' 78 kg and 172, nowhere near your stats, but i must eat much more then that to just mantein my weight. Go to diet section and get a good read from that, this will be the best starting point.

    on the side a question for the other members...How is possible to be that heavy eating like this? And how i'm not like that

  26. #26
    Piotr75's Avatar
    Piotr75 is offline Junior Member
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    Here is a diet for gains in lean muscle mass, for a 90 kg person

  27. #27
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Dude, I eat way more than that when cutting.
    How many cals is that? Maybe 1500?

  28. #28
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Yea your not eating enough u need to speed your metabolism up and u have to eat carbs and protein together to get the essential amino acids so u can cut fat and build muscle and drop the fruit cup that is nothing but sugar replace that with another meal with lean carbs and protein if u can't get a meal I'n then have a shake on hand. In all honesty it's really not a good idea to try to build and cut. You need to put your body I'n one direction either up your calories ALOT and gain without the dream 6 pack u want and then when your done bulking then put your body I'n the other direction and cut. Thats why I'n the offseason while your gaining your gonna have sum fat no way around it
    Last edited by bigswoll; 04-21-2012 at 07:12 PM.

  29. #29
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfyshred View Post
    My nutritious stats

    Breakfast 6.20am- 2 wheetbix, oat bran, handful of just right cereal, banana

    9.30am- can of tuna

    11am- can of tuna, grilled chicken

    1pm- fruit salad

    3pm- workout ( no shotgun before workout shake, extend, post workout protein (evolve anabolic injection powder))

    6pm- dinner grilled chicken 250g, boiled broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes.
    If I'm still hungry before bed il have some milk and sheet bix.

    What do u think???
    Yeah that's not gonna work bro. I would like to see you redesign your diet to meet the following criteria: At LEAST 3000 calories, 300 g protein, 300 - 400 carbs & 60 - 80 fats. After you get it all put together, re-post you new diet here for some fine tuning & advice.

  30. #30
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Yes surf lay off juice your 22 and u said you've been on and off for a year. You don't have a solid foundation yet. I think( know) that if you weren't on and off but just ON and committed for some time with your training and diet you will c great results. Like i said chose to bulk or cut don't do both. Since your such a newbie and young and metabolic rate high you'll have no problem getting results. Now after a few years of consistent training and diet and your mid to upper 20"s and u start to Plateu and u get your levels Checked and there lower then they Shud be then hell yes get the juice till then be a sponge at gym learn and read as much as u can and build a strong natural foundation of muscle. Good luck bro

  31. #31
    surfyshred is offline New Member
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    Thank guys.
    Any idea on a BASIC brekky, lunch, dinner diet to meet that standard of 3000 calories, 300g protein, 300-400 carbs and 60-80 fats??
    That sounds like a lot......... How fat will I be after this diet plaan!? Hahaha.

  32. #32
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Breakfast lunch & dinner ain't gonna cut it dude. You should be getting the above named nutrients every 3 - 4 hours spread out over the coarse of at least 5 or 6 meals. Example: 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm. Repeat.............If you eat the right food & incorporate sufficient cardio, you wont be fat at all.

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