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  1. #1
    Skullvonkrush is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Important question on test e cycle

    I am currently takin a test e cycle I am 3 weeks in 500mg a week 2 shots a week of 250 mg. I was told a million different things about estrogen blockers. What I've been doing is taking half a tab of femera once a week. For the past 2 weeks its been fine. The last one I got some sick side effects from the femera. Shortness of breath, light headed, nausea, diareah and hot flashes. Which lasted a few hours. So I'm thinking of stopping the femera/letro. I also have chlomid on hand for my post but I'm thinking of not taking an E blocker keeping an eye on things and if I see some side effects of estrogen then I would start taking the chlomid during my cycle. Is this ok? I need advice on a post cycle as well I am new to this this is my first cycle and I want to keep most of my gains and I want my natural test to go back to normal. Advice is appreciated thanks guys.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I personally wouldnt run letro as a ai to strong.But a couple guys hear do.I use adex .25 eod you can get it at arr top rt corner.

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