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  1. #1
    RuckusDC5's Avatar
    RuckusDC5 is offline Junior Member
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    1st cycle success, 2nd cycle

    So my first cycle was a 10 week cycle of test cyp @ 500mg EW, this was a bulking cycle. Just strated my PCT today, I must say I have never grown so rapidly.. getting new shirts. Most don't fit thanks to my back. I did gain a good amount of BF, and I was wondering how long do I have to wait for my second cycle.

    For my second cycle can I use test E and DBol or anavar ? This will be a cutting cycle
    Last edited by RuckusDC5; 03-26-2012 at 02:19 PM.

  2. #2
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    As a good rule for optimum recovery, Time on + pct = time off..

    I'd drop the dbol on the 2nd cycle.. why use something that makes you blow up when you're trying to cut?

  3. #3
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Dec 2010
    Congratulations on the gains, if you gained a lot of fat i imagine your diet would need sorting out for your next cycle first of all, time on and time of depends on ones goals? how much did you gain in all? did you use an ai throughout the cycle? Ive not started my 1st cycle yet but i would say dbol is not ideal for cutting although it can be used if you have an ai and a tight diet in place from what ive read

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Use the Var for a cutting cycle bro.Time on + pct is wat most recommend.

  5. #5
    TheCookieMonster is offline New Member
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    Do you have any pictures ? how much did you gain from this also interested to see you after the anavar

  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Also interested on how much weight/fat you gained. . .

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