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Thread: Infection?

  1. #1
    Caden2685 is offline New Member
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    Question Infection?

    I'm sorry i'm sure this question has been asked a million times but i'm really concerned. Did an injection 6 days ago It's a blend of 100mg test prop..100mg mast prop..100mg tren ace..injected in the glute..Experienced extreme pain and a horrible charlie horse in the glute area. Still pretty sore and have some swelling but not at the inject site. no heat at the site of injection. Do I have anything to worry about here or am i paranoid? Would the pain be getting worse if infection was setting in?
    Last edited by Caden2685; 03-28-2012 at 01:08 AM.

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if it's an infection, the pain will get progressively worse every single day. and you will start to have a fever within the first few days. if there is no fever, and the pain is already slightly less, that probably means it is not an infection, maybe just pain from the chemicals.

  3. #3
    nilrac is offline Member
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    If the effects get worse, or you are really concerned, see a physician.
    Redness, burning, swelling, pain... could indeed mean an infection and it's obviously UGL gear you are using, so be smart about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    lets have some stats this your first cycle?...

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Most likely from the prop it can be a killer

  6. #6
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    im just curious if he stopped the cycle cus as we all know that particular blen is made up of short esters and needs to be injected at least eod...from what ive read he has done one shot in 6 days....op what is your doseing protocol?....

  7. #7
    Caden2685 is offline New Member
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    Had a low grade fever with flu like symptoms for a few days. pain is nothing compared to what it was a couple of days ago.. I didn't know if my gear might be bad or what so i haven't injected again.. this is my second cycle. Also using test E with no problems. No heat or redness at the site. just some mild swelling in the area but not injection site. yes it's ugl gear. if it's just a painful inject i will continue with my cycle. just threw me off. thanks for all the responses.
    Last edited by Caden2685; 03-28-2012 at 08:42 AM.

  8. #8
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    The flu-like symptoms may very well be Test Flu. I get it for 3-4 days everytime I start a cycle. It's effects are very pronounced early in the morning, but fade around late morning/early afternoon. I get a minor fever, disorientation, stomach sickness, fluctuating body temp..

  9. #9
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    If you injected 6 days ago did you inject in a different area since then? Any problems with the new area? You just shot 3 short esters into a virgin muscle (if this is your first shop) and you're gonna pay for it. Sometimes it'll get fester and get red and hot. You need to check your body temperature to make sure it's Test flu and not an infection. It happens to me at least once on every cycle. Red, swollen, sensitive to the touch injection area. It's followed by "kicked by a mule" charlie horse when I change to a new site. It's part of the AAS lifestyle. If you're sure all of your equipment and injection area was sterile you should be ok. Infections do happen, don't get me wrong, but if you're careful about using sterile equipment you don't have to worry.

  10. #10
    nilrac is offline Member
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    Does it say what the BA level is in the gear? I remember I had some Primo and the BA level was 3%!!!! Huge. To begin with I pinned it with pharma test and the injections were fine, no issues, however with the primo being only 100mg per ml I was trying to get the level of compound up higher with more injections. Because of this I tried pinning the primo on it's own. Firstly into the quad. I got bad PIP, more than usual, but nothing too ominous, however, when I put the primo only into my deltoid it was a different story. A day or two after the shot my arm swelled up, was red, angry to touch with that "burning" feeling etc. I was positive I had an infection, however it eventually, after about 4 or 5 days, dissipated. So IMO was the BA level in the gear and not an infection... as my quad was fine after a few days (which was the reason I chose not to see a doctor with the deltoid, and also because I had anti-biotics to hand).

  11. #11
    Caden2685 is offline New Member
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    .that's exactly what happened with me. low grade fever. bad pain in glute..sick to my stomach for a few days and a little achey all over. I know everything on my part was sterile. It was so bad I could barely walk. Today it's like a deep brusie but it's gotten a lot better. I haven't injected this since 6 days ago because i was worried it might be bad i'm thinking it's just going to kick my ass every time i inject. lol. The BA level says 2% Thanks for all the great replies and info! I'm gonna suck it up and finish it!

  12. #12
    poppz's Avatar
    poppz is offline Senior Member
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    That sounds like what I had. It'll pass. Just watch the amount of oil per muscle.

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