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  1. #1
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    i know i know, a couple more clen questions

    1. I took my first dose of 20mcg at 6am. I want to split my dose through out the day. I want to take another 20mcg today. Would dosing at 6a and 10a be ok? I understand and grasp the concepts of single ridings or splitting it. I choose splitting it up because I feel that it will work best for me.

    2. When I read that you can run clen and keto indefinantly, what exactly dies that mean? I know 6 wks is typical but have read about doing up to 12 wks.

    3. Is keto supposed to be run every 3rd wk? Or every day starting the 3rd wk the entire length if the cycle?

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2011
    6 & 10 will be fine. I would not run Clen . and Keto. indefinitely, your heart is gonna need a break bro. I'd say no longer than 8 weeks without AAS & no longer than 6 weeks with AAS. You shouldn't need the Keto. until the end of week 2 or possibly the middle of week 3, you'll notice "the change" in the feeling & effectiveness. Stay away from other stimulants, caffeine, ephedrine, etc....... Good luck.

  3. #3
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thanks bear. Just wanted to clear the last couple things up. Still not sure exact cycle yet. I might just do the 2 on 2 off. I do know that I miss the ephedrine and the energy that comes w it.

  4. #4
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    Also, when you start w keto, does the stimulant effects of the clen com
    eon stronger after the keto?

    Also, using the 2 on 2 off, how long could I safely run that?

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2011
    No, the Keto. wont make the Clen . stronger. Prolonged use of Clen. down regulates the beta 2 receptors, making the Clen. less effective, Keto. up regulates those receptors making the Clen more effective again, but not as effective as your first week or so, because your receptors wont make a full recovery until you come off completely for a month or 2. As for your second question, I honestly don't know, I would assume maybe 10 or 12 weeks...............but like I said, I don't know so don't quote me on that.

  6. #6
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    Ok thanks a lot bear I appreciate the help!

  7. #7
    stjohn07 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012
    what is aas and what it keto i know clen but other two terms i am not familiar with appriciate it

  8. #8
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroids Click here for Keto. profile.

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