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  1. #1
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    Question Can I take testosterone if I have controlled high blood pressure?

    I'm about to be 26. I've had high blood pressure since I can remember, first found out when I was 18. I take medication for it and it is controlled. Most of the time, when I'm just sitting, the resting blood pressure is about 127/70.

    As far as lifting, I've been doing it since I was 15 more seriously. The past 8 years have been a constant training session. I'm not seeing any more results, and haven't since I was 22. When I think I'm getting bigger I'm just getting fat. I always end up looking the same. I've been on a semi-dirty bulk (no chips/sweets/soft drinks/etc). Kind of just eating a lot of meat, eggs, a couple of slices of whole wheat bread, and my daily Carls Jr Steakhouse burger (no fries). So I'm just looking at myself again in the mirror and I see the same old shit. I'm not growing. I'm just getting back my love handles. I thought to myself, why do I even do it anymore? I guess I'm just trying to maintain an average physique (for someone who sees guys on the juice daily and compares himself to that).

    So I'm thinking about riding some bicycles, but, being that I have high blood pressure and even though it's controlled, I would like to do some easy cycles for fewer sides. Technically, I should be able to produce muscle mass if I take anything over my natty weekly testosterone output. I'm thinking that I should be good even taking something as low as 150 mg a week, like a self-prescribed TRT dose. That way I could manage my blood pressure.

    I think at that level I would finally start looking like what I wanted to look like all these years. Boy if I only knew how things would slow down when I was 21. I remember saying to my friend "dude if we're this big now, we'll be huuuuge when we're 25!" Yeah, tough luck.

    On the downside, since I know that I'll eventually permanently damage my HPTA, I will require TRT for the rest of my life. I've read that TRT can play games with libido and I've read of guys who don't even think about sex at testosterone levels that would make a normal man hump Deena from Jersey Shore. Is this true? Can TRT doses make a man not get aroused or get aroused but not be able to get it up?

    Sorry for the long questions. Just looking for some answers.

  2. #2
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    I can almost guarantee that if you stopped eating ANYTHING with wheat in it that your BP would drop as fast as your weight. You sound like someone who is not allergic, but intolerant to wheat. I have seen and felt the results in 6 people now. Just try it for a month. Absolutely no wheat. First 2 weeks might be a bitch but when the month is up you will never want to return. No whole wheat bread, no breaded chicken, no cereals with wheat. Read all labels and don't cheat. Prepare to be amazed if you choose to try it.

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
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    If your pressure is well controlled, i guess AAS shouldn't be more dangerous than it usually is. Just make sure you monitor your pressure everyday and don't forget you meds!

  4. #4
    Big Balta's Avatar
    Big Balta is offline Junior Member
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    I have never heard about this and I'm skeptical to try it. Wheat bread is supposed to be healthy, lower cholesterol, etc. I'm talking about whole grain. Are you telling me white bread is better?

  5. #5
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    It's not wheat bread or white bread. It's the gluten in the wheat that can be the problem. You may be allergic to the gluten. Here's a link about gluten allergies:


    It's worth experimenting with to see if you are allergic.

  6. #6
    pregan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Balta View Post
    I'm about to be 26. I've had high blood pressure since I can remember, first found out when I was 18. I take medication for it and it is controlled. Most of the time, when I'm just sitting, the resting blood pressure is about 127/70.

    As far as lifting, I've been doing it since I was 15 more seriously. The past 8 years have been a constant training session. I'm not seeing any more results, and haven't since I was 22. When I think I'm getting bigger I'm just getting fat. I always end up looking the same. I've been on a semi-dirty bulk (no chips/sweets/soft drinks/etc). Kind of just eating a lot of meat, eggs, a couple of slices of whole wheat bread, and my daily Carls Jr Steakhouse burger (no fries). So I'm just looking at myself again in the mirror and I see the same old shit. I'm not growing. I'm just getting back my love handles. I thought to myself, why do I even do it anymore? I guess I'm just trying to maintain an average physique (for someone who sees guys on the juice daily and compares himself to that).

    So I'm thinking about riding some bicycles, but, being that I have high blood pressure and even though it's controlled, I would like to do some easy cycles for fewer sides. Technically, I should be able to produce muscle mass if I take anything over my natty weekly testosterone output. I'm thinking that I should be good even taking something as low as 150 mg a week, like a self-prescribed TRT dose. That way I could manage my blood pressure.

    I think at that level I would finally start looking like what I wanted to look like all these years. Boy if I only knew how things would slow down when I was 21. I remember saying to my friend "dude if we're this big now, we'll be huuuuge when we're 25!" Yeah, tough luck.

    On the downside, since I know that I'll eventually permanently damage my HPTA, I will require TRT for the rest of my life. I've read that TRT can play games with libido and I've read of guys who don't even think about sex at testosterone levels that would make a normal man hump Deena from Jersey Shore. Is this true? Can TRT doses make a man not get aroused or get aroused but not be able to get it up?

    Sorry for the long questions. Just looking for some answers.
    I'm 38 and have been the way you described pretty much my whole life too.

  7. #7
    Big Balta's Avatar
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  8. #8
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yes you can. Cause you are under controlled Bp yours may not even raise. But start a cycle and always monitor it. I check mine a few times a week. Some bros on here check daily. Its a side affect that you will not know until you try it out. I naturally have slightly high 130/80 and during my test only cycles it didn't raise at all.

  9. #9
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    Awesome. Thanks. Good to know there are other people like me that can cycle safely.

  10. #10
    smallnutz is offline Banned
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    I agree i wud stop starchy carbs such as wheat, rice, pasta. And no white bread is not better and if u font have high blood pressure and is trying to gain mass then u wid eat starchy carbs. Only tine white bread/simple carbs are post workout. U want to eat slow digesting carbs/ complex carbs so it keeps your blood levels steady .make sure your eating protein and carbs 5-6 meals a day. And are u doing cardio? Your probably maxed out and Shud do aas. I'd get my test. Tested to c what my levels are at after that i wud run 500mg a week and stack with Eq. That is a nice stack that will lean u out and put solid muscle on

  11. #11
    smallnutz is offline Banned
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    Also don't be eating burgers WTF stick to lean proteins especially if u have high blood pressure. On the libido issue of course it will rise and yes certain anabolics Wil cause impotency . However everyones different the most common is deca dick which i personally went thru for everything else do not worry i wid run 500 of test and 300 of Eq and u will have imazing results

  12. #12
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    Thanks man. Alright, I'll cut the red meat out. I got some chicken and catfish on hand lol. I have not done cardio but I just started doing some biking. I go hard enough to get a sweat so I'm actually getting some benefit out of it. Still confused on the wheat part. Is there any kind of bread that's not made from wheat? I buy the whole grain kind that has double fiber. I need that fiber I get constipated than a mofo.

  13. #13
    smallnutz is offline Banned
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    Unless u r allergic i don't c a problem with wheat bread however i wudnt eat late at night or any starchy carbs stick with protein and vegetables . U want to go to bed and have Ur body burn fat for energy. Instead of going to bed on starchy carbs so instead of it feeding off fat now uve giving it a slow digesting carb such as wheat bread that will take about 4 hrs to digest so instead of body burning fat for energy now u jus gave Ur body carbs to feed off

  14. #14
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    I could eat so much at night. That's when I eat the best I swear. Gotta stop that.

  15. #15
    smallnutz is offline Banned
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    U can eat jus protein an vegetables or cottage cheese or casein protein if Ur tring to lose fat and maintain/ build muscle

  16. #16
    warren916's Avatar
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    Test only (600mg) never raised my bp, only when adding other should be fine.

  17. #17
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    I like cottage cheese. It has very little fat and high protein.

  18. #18
    minitourwvu is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smallnutz
    U can eat jus protein an vegetables or cottage cheese or casein protein if Ur tring to lose fat and maintain/ build muscle
    Horrible advice, op you need to eat a balanced diet that contains c/p/f, dont replace meals with shakes as you will waste them, insted go to the nutrition section and get help, whole foods and good nutricion will show mich better results for fat loss.

  19. #19
    gearbox's Avatar
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    I also suggest diet section. When you are cycling we need a good balance and especially our good fats to help control cholesterol levels. Oats are very popular cause there are a good complex carb but also help lower ldl.

  20. #20
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    Gearbox, I have tried oats and I seem to be allergic to them. After I eat oats I curl up in a ball from stomach pain and nausea. My mouth starts watering a lot too. Overall, my diet is in pretty good shape, minus a hicup here and there.

    Today I went to the store and bought some healthy stuff. 2 Cartons of egg whites. Organic skim milk. Broccoli, carrots, brown rice. Chicken breast. Also grain bread with double fiber (need that!). Also got some avocados and cottage cheese. This is pretty much what I eat for the most part. Like I said I'll usually have a daily burger without fries and with water/ no soft drinks. I drink water all the time. I don't drink juice or sodas. Hardly drink alcohol except like once a month.

    I grew up with a mother that made me eat healthy and never bought junk food. My dad would try to sneak some stuff in but he'd get scolded lol. So, I kind of got used to the health foods and it's really nothing for met to abstain from sweets and junk food if I know I have to.

  21. #21
    John Andrew's Avatar
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    My BP was never an issue until I had a severe break in the leg bones 4 years ago, since then I have had 3 surgeries, BpPis controlled, I monitor it all the time. I find that heavy squats and dead lift work outs where I go to the limit reduce the BP. Slowly I have reduced meds and kept the pressure down. I just think it best to work in with my doctor. He tells me I am fine!

  22. #22
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    OP, if you're BP is under control I suppose you could do a cycle. But, from your story, it doesn't sound like you should. What it sounds to me is your diet is really whacked. You shouldn't be shoveling that shit they serve at Carl's Jr. down your throat. Also, eat leaner cuts of meat and use No Salt as a substitute for salt.

    And as far as bread goes, give this one a try. It's a gluten-free potato bread:

  23. #23
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    Ok so I posted a reply from my phone but I guess it forgot to send it so I'm gonna retype on my computer.

    Honkey: Don't get me wrong, I don't go there often. I eat there once a day at most and I only get a burger with one patty, no fries or drink. Theoretically, I don't see what's wrong with a burger as it is just ground meat. Now if they add a bunch of salt and sauces and cheese, then it becomes unhealthy. I get that. I had some burgers that I was making at home and I was tossing all the grease and eating them with grain bread, no bun.

    But yeah, I deff understand you though. Fast food in general is garbage. Even Subway. A bunch of bread... but I guess I'd do Subway as a cheat meal instead of Carl's.

  24. #24
    Big Balta's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the help guys. I'll check out the nutrition section next.

  25. #25
    Big Balta's Avatar
    Big Balta is offline Junior Member
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    Potato bread sounds yummy but that link is tougher to work around than a cycle + pct lol!

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