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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    London, UK

    Do dht based aas such as var, primo, winnie and mast act as ais????


    I have a lot of fat which I have read contains alot of aromatase enzyme.

    Would it be beneficial to me to take some kind of inhibitor.

    So therefore to cut and build strength I was thinking of a taking some a very mild DHT based AAS with some Andriol !

    Do DHT based AAS like var, primo, win n mast act like Aromatase Inhibitors such as DHt itself and Proviron ?

    I am a climber and an Alpinist/mountaineer who needs to be light yet strong!


  2. #2
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011
    as far as i know, only winstrol has shown to have light aromatase inhibiting properties. still, nobody uses winstrol as an AI. it's better to go with arimidex or aromasin . but more importantly, you can cut that fat naturally in no time, just have a strict diet you'll be losing fat quickly. no need to take AI's for fat loss

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    London, UK

    The ai was for stopping my testosterone turning into estrogen

    Quote Originally Posted by DamageDealer View Post
    as far as i know, only winstrol has shown to have light aromatase inhibiting properties. still, nobody uses winstrol as an AI. it's better to go with arimidex or aromasin. but more importantly, you can cut that fat naturally in no time, just have a strict diet you'll be losing fat quickly. no need to take AI's for fat loss

    Thanx for the reply.

    My diet consists of high protein, high efas and low impact carbs!

    The AI was for stopping my test turning into estrogen?

    I have alot of abdominal fat!

    I think that is why I am a bit of a pushover!

    Does Grape Seed Extract actually work as an AI?

    Does nandrolone burn fat? Will it help me reduce estrogen by reducing the test substrate that the aromatase needs?

    As an alpinist I need to be fast to avoid dangers such as rock fall and avalanches so I need to be cardio-fit so I will be doing alot of cardio to!

    Including cycling, circuit training, HIIT and kettlebells!

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    as far as i know, only winstrol has shown to have light aromatase inhibiting properties.
    I have never found winstrol to do that and i have ran it from 50-100mg daily on several cycles. I am currently running Mast E at 400mg/week and it most definitely helps with estrogen, I am currently only taking 12.5mg of aromasin twice per week with no problems and I am on a pretty advanced cycle.

    Having explained all of this you definitely should not cycle with high bf. Gyno is not the only issue there are other possible problems like high blood pressure just to name one. Cholesterol etc. You need to forget using steroids and get your diet tuned up and start doing massive amounts of cardio, it's tough but it really works.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Oh boy, here we go...

  6. #6
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    You need to forget using steroids and get your diet tuned up and start doing massive amounts of cardio, it's tough but it really works.
    that's what i was getting at in my first post. op, just do cardio, make sure your diet is well planned (go to the nutrition section if you need help), and you'll be getting rid of that fat pretty quickly. steroids are a no-no if you're overweight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    London, UK

    Im a bit of an oddity!!!!


    Thanks for your replies!

    I am overweight but alot of it is stomach as in the organ!

    The thing is my bp is fine at 120/80 and my cholesterol is good at 3.6!

    My other blood work is all good to!

    I have to bump up the cardio anyway!

    I have read that a really safe stuck for people who are worried about their blood work is a cycle of Andriol (Test Undecanaote), Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate) or NPP and Primo (Methenolone Enthanate)!

    What about some HGH to help the fat burning?

    I heard var is good for burning abdominal fat but then it is liver toxic - only just - and does play with HDL/LDL lipids and bp!

    I do not want to go on a diet where I will sacrifice strength!


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