
I have been lifting for 3 years on and off, and been lifting consistantly for 2 years. Within those two years I have been experimenting with a perfect diet for myself and the styles of lifting to achieve maximum gains. Within in the last year I have been extremely hard forcing each and every last rep with pain. My addiction to lifting is growing and I can't seam to fathom pulling my self from my diet cardio and exercise. I tend to feel that the gains i am achieving are maxing out my genetic potential considering I am far larger than my family in muscle mass. Actually come to think of it out of everyone in my family: uncles, cousins, dad. I would be the largest when it comes to muscle mass. I know 19 is young to start, but I feel my start to bodybuilding at a younger age might drop the age as to when I can juice. If I am wrong I want to hear it with no sugar coat. If I should be able to use now I would like to know a nice starter with minimal sides and a good pct incase s*** hits the fan.

6am: multi, water
630: 8 egg whites sometimes a few whole eggs, oatmeal, peanut butter, banana, coconut oil
900: tuna sandwich on rye bread
1100:chicken, broccoli, with some evol
PRE-100: shake, little oatmeal
POST-400:shake, combo of white and brown rice, peanut butter
600: steak yams or sweet potatoes and some sort of greens
800:can of tuna
10:steak or cottage cheese

Gallon of water daily
cardio in morning M/W/F