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  1. #1
    randomname2012 is offline New Member
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    I was Using Deca - test to bulk, Ran it at a Min of 10 weeks, still some decent gains (25lbs), but I am considering since today it the last day of Week 10 of my Test - deca cycle, Jumping into Tren / test / epi / t3 for another 10weeks, making it more so 10weeks of deca, 20 weeks of test, 10 weeks of tren

    deca - 400/400/400/400/400/400/400/400/400/400
    Test - 500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500
    Tren - 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250
    Epistane - 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/40/40/40/40/0/0/0/0/0/0
    T3 - 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/100mcg/100/100/100/0/0/100/100/100/100

    **The first 10weeks was the bulker, figured i may cut down Calories slowly from 4,000**
    Week 1-10 4000
    11 3500
    12 3000
    13 3000
    14 2500
    15 2500
    16 2500
    17 2000
    18 2000
    19 2000
    20 2000

    I would change my routine from the one im using now that is

    Mon- chest/bi's Sets 5..... Set 1 - 10 reps, set 2 - 8 reps, set 3 - 6 reps, set 4 - 6 reps, set 5 - 5 reps,10min cardio,
    Tues - Shoulders/Tri's Sets 5..... Set 1 - 10 reps, set 2 - 8 reps, set 3 - 6 reps, set 4 - 6 reps, set 5 - 5 reps,
    Wens - Back Sets 5..... Set 1 - 10 reps, set 2 - 8 reps, set 3 - 6 reps, set 4 - 6 reps, set 5 - 5 reps,
    Thurs - legs Sets 5..... Set 1 - 10 reps, set 2 - 8 reps, set 3 - 6 reps, set 4 - 6 reps, set 5 - 5 reps,10min cardio
    Fri - off
    Sat - 15min cardio
    Sun - off

    **Towards more of a Cut routine***

    Mon - Shoulders/bi's - 10 sets, Set 1 - 25reps, Set 2 - 25reps, Set 3 - 20reps, set 4 - 20 reps, set 5 - 20 reps, set 6 15 reps, Set 7 15 reps, set 8 - 15reps, set 9 - 10reps, set 10 - 10reps, 1 Hour Cardio,

    Tues - Back - 10 sets, Set 1 - 25reps, Set 2 - 25reps, Set 3 - 20reps, set 4 - 20 reps, set 5 - 20 reps, set 6 15 reps, Set 7 15 reps, set 8 - 15reps, set 9 - 10reps, set 10 - 10reps, 1 Hour Cardio,

    Wens - Chest/Tri's - 10 sets, Set 1 - 25reps, Set 2 - 25reps, Set 3 - 20reps, set 4 - 20 reps, set 5 - 20 reps, set 6 15 reps, Set 7 15 reps, set 8 - 15reps, set 9 - 10reps, set 10 - 10reps, 1 Hour Cardio,

    Thurs - Legs - 10 sets, Set 1 - 25reps, Set 2 - 25reps, Set 3 - 20reps, set 4 - 20 reps, set 5 - 20 reps, set 6 15 reps, Set 7 15 reps, set 8 - 15reps, set 9 - 10reps, set 10 - 10reps,
    Fri - off

    Sat - 1 hour Cardio

    Sun - Off

    Now im not saying im actually going to do this, I am just curious on if any of you guys think it is worth it to run it like this, I may also Put off the Tren/Epi/Test/T3 till after the PCT of my bulk and run more so a 15 week cut that looks like

    Test - 500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500
    Tren - 300/300/300/300/300/300/300/300/300/300/300/300/300/300/0
    Epi- 40/40/40/40/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
    T3 - 100/100/100/100/0/0/100/100/100/100/0/0/0/0/0

    Still going to Slowly drop down calories Right Before cycle, and use the Same cutting routine that I have wrote down at the top ^^^^.
    Anyways any information would be helpful,

    Stats - 6'0
    26years old
    I have ran 3 Cycles of AAS, and 1 Ph, I ran the PH before i ever touched AAS,

    Ph Cycle -
    1: Epistane 40mg E/D 4weeks (started 195, Ended 180lbs)

    AAS cycles -
    1: Test Cyp 250 10weeks,(Started 180, Ended 190lbs) <--Bulk 1: Epistane 40mg E/D 4weeks (started 195, Ended 180lbs)
    2: Test Cyp 500 10weeks,(Started 195lbs Ended 185lbs) <--Cut
    3: Deca/Test/ 10weeks, (Started 190lbs, Ended 215) <---Bulk, Ive lost about 2lbs this week While i was sick for about 48hrs,

  2. #2
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your routine shouldn't be based off of what you are trying to do with your body (cut, bulk, maintain...) I don't believe in certain routines and rep ranges that make you "cut." It's all about how much cardio you are doing and what types of food that you are putting in your body.

    That's a really strange cycle btw..

  3. #3
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    i hope u have tons of hcg and anti progesterone stuff

  4. #4
    randomname2012 is offline New Member
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    I was gonna say only problems ive had from sides are the Deca Gyno, But i have Tons of Cabergoline whiche cleared it right up,

    And which one is a strange cycle?

  5. #5
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    run epi as a front load not on the end. you will add tren at the end so you dont need an oral. deca /tren are pretty harsh anyway and adding an oral is not what i would recommend.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    IMO I think it is way to much and only your 3rd cycle.Where are you going with all this?

  7. #7
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Am I doing the math correct. Your doing a 20 week cycle with 10 of deca and 10 of tren with test all the way through. Would you mind sharing your PCT. or do you plan on TRT?

  8. #8
    randomname2012 is offline New Member
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    I was "Considering" to run a 20week cycle, but decided to just hold onto my test and tren u have to run as its own cycle after my PCT from the Deca /Test, I just finished the Deca/Test cycle and was debating if i was going to extend it to a 20week bulk 10week, cut 10 week cycle and decided it would be easier to go ahead and run my pct and spend some more time setting up my cut and run a cut cycle later on

  9. #9
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Wise choice.

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