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  1. #1
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    Clenbuterol use at a young age.

    I just had a thought and figured id ask here while im researching about it.
    So my friends little sister and her friend have been nagging me to get them some clenbuterol they are both 18.

    I've always refused, purely because they both want an easy way out and it wont work for them without a major diet change.

    but is there any harm if they did use it?

  2. #2
    0tolerance's Avatar
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  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    just tell them to get their butts outside and start jogging.

  4. #4
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    yea i did, then they told me about some diet their friend at work is on.. your allowed two pieces of fruit per day and 2 black coffees and thats it.
    i was like... do yourself a favor and dont follow your friends advice, you will more likely end up with more fat in the long run.

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    albuterol may be a safer alternative. it is used in asthmatic patients, including children.

  6. #6
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    Albuterol is the same deal as clen really, im never 100% but i think the only real difference is the half life times.

  7. #7
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    People are always looking for the easy way out, it's really sad that there just not willing to do the work. I wouldn't get it for them bro. Instead buy them a book On dieting or a consultation with a personal trainer in your local gym.

    Good luck

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    What ever happened to work? If they follow the friends diet they will end up damaging their bodies. This is why people have such problems with diet because they want instant results and it's un healthy. Exercise a little and burn off the fat. If they use starvation the body just makes sure that 1st thing it does with anything you eat is store it as fat for when it's needed later.

    Ask them if they want to be fatties all their life? If not they dont need to diet but need to change their lifestyle. Eat less junk and get out and mover around burning fat. To many people dont want to do what is actually the easy and healthy way to do things.

  9. #9
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    i told them i wouldnt get it for them, i even talked a nutritionist in my gym to give them $20 off a diet plan each because hes a mate, but they both said to me "how long do i have to do the diet for?"
    I just said look, before or after work, go for a 45 minute jog , cut out some of your bad foods and carbs and you will lose all the weight you want without changing your diet too much.

    And they both gave me a blank stare and said that seams like alot of work.

    you cant get something for nothing.
    I sound like an idiot when i talk about how this generation is because im fairly young myself, but seriously this generation has been given what they want whenever they want and they expect nothing less than instant gratification.

    On another note though, i have another 18 year old friend from gym whos going to take Clen , he is the kind of guy that can atleast appreciate its properties.
    hes about 6ft 1 and in the last 2 years with alot of hard work hes lost about 80lbs from like 264lbs to 187lbs, hes using clen to cut right down to about 10%.

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well since they dont want to put in any work and they are both 18 show them the study how sex burns a lot of callories and tell them you will help them out with that if they are cute.

  11. #11
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    hahahahaha oh god, good suggestion but.
    definitely be taking that into considering in the coming weeks of my cycle haha.

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