hey im dan im 24 years old i weigh 78kg i can bench heaver then my weight at 98kg.
i am needing a questions about steroids

my mates are on them and they are cut as and just got a good muscle tone i was thinking of going back on steroids to get nicer muscle tone and bit bigger.

i have been on steroids before i used to have 2ml of testprop every 2 days and i did that for 6 weeks
but i stoped it all together because all i have had so much water retention doin it i have bigger arms my chest was alot bigger but i never had it toned or anything it just looked like i was fat with alot of water retention so i stoped and just did it normal., what i say i did it normal i just been having my supplements and worknig out 7 days a week 2 hrs a day, i eat very healthy i have a very good diet im lean and cut now but i want more muscle tone and bigger and thats when i seen my mates and there liek dude get onto this but i want advice first. but i see my mates on it and eating very wel taking the right stuff and there muscle tone looks insane n makes me wanna get back onto it again but i wanna do it the right way and with professional advice what to take what do to and im doin this for myself no one else and i would love to do body building as a career but i dont wanna be big just wanna be nicly toned cut and bit bigger with muscle tone
but some of my mates they wont tell me what they have or what that take or supplements you need to take

i know everyone starts from the bottom and thats what i wanna do