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  1. #1
    christian123's Avatar
    christian123 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2012

    Help brahs' please

    Hey bros,
    Need your opinion on whats up with me!
    Im on a cutter right now! Sust/clen /t3/winny
    Sust 325 @ 0.65 eod
    Clen is the basic 2on 2 off
    T3 is starting tomorow (week 5)
    Winny taken ed 50mg
    Adex eod 0.25

    Im also on a keto diet! Cardio 5times a week 30-60min low intensity.
    I started at 240 around maybe 15-18%bf
    I lost 6-7 pounds in 5 weeks and proabably a feew % of bf
    Previous cycle test e 500 a week 225-260 lbs alot was water i kept around 20-25lbs. (diet was rly

    SO MY QUESTION is: Why am i not loosing more weight? Is there a way that im building alot of muscle as well? (my strengh is trhu the. Roof) . Or i should switch to a carb cycle diet? Or stick to the original plan?

    Thanks alot guys

    Im rly preocupied

  2. #2
    GettinSwole66's Avatar
    GettinSwole66 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    Dont worry about weight, keep an eye on how your clothes fit instead. My first cycle i gained weight but lost almost 3in off my waist. Keep at it, im sure you'll be fine. Also pay attention to water retention. Do you look soft or are you vascular? That could be a big issue also and you may need to bump up your AI.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You could be like the man said dropping bf but gaining muscle.You will do this if your diet is right.

  4. #4
    christian123's Avatar
    christian123 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2012
    Yes, i feel soft, water retention is not an isue IMO! Hopefully im doing the thing right, will do it another week to see how te results are and ill post a before and after pic so you guys can judge! Thanks guys

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    I also find it helpful to take pictures ever 2 weeks or so. Ignore the scale.

  6. #6
    christian123's Avatar
    christian123 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    I also find it helpful to take pictures ever 2 weeks or so. Ignore the scale.
    Yes im taking one every week, but every 2 week is a good option as well!
    I started t3 today, so we'll what happns , illet y guys know

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