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  1. #41
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadianbrah
    Hmmm one of the most eye opening threads I've read on here in my short time here. Most of the forum vets with lots of posts are on TRT. I'm 31 and considering my first cycle...but fcking my body up and being on TRT for the rest of my life scares the shit out of me....
    I had never cycled and was out on HRT at age 34, just before my 35th birthday. Men experience a decline in testosterone starting in their 30's. Some men experience it earlier then others. I wouldn't worry about messing up your endo system at your age. It's already on its down hill slope. While the idea of pinning every week or two for the rest of your life might scare you, I can assure you the way I look and feel makes it all worth while. I still feel like a 20 something year old man. I still look like I am in my late 20's to early 30's. I walk around year round with more size and definition then 99% of people half my age (4 weeks shy of 40). I wouldn't trade where I am today for natural normal testosterone levels for a 40 year old. I test on the high side of normal and love it. I never liked needles and still don't. But the sacrifice is worth the benefit.

    Even if you have no intention of ever cycling, I'd get blood work and consider getting on HRT if you are out of range. Give it a few months and you'll never regret your decision.

  2. #42
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andigity View Post
    He did have a heart condition that he was born with though. So, we can't just blame it on AAS. Plus he did try DNP and he took all sorts of recreational drugs. Nobody can say what caused his death.
    you are correct, but your rational before was the crew looks healthy. looks means nothing. Some one with cancer or aids can look healthy. So they could have fvcked their hormonal system up for like and "look" healthy.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #43
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    To the OP: Do A LOT of juice. Juice your brains out while you're young. Don't worry about the side effects - nothing will happen to you. Never come off. Run Tren for months at a time, you're invincible apparently...

    In two fvcking threads I told you my negative exp. and not to do it, yet you keep asking the same retarded questions over and over, so I hope I helped you with my above statements - that's what you wanted to hear right?

  4. #44
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    I have 2 close friends in this situation.

    1. Cycled at 19, he was well into it before I found out and I made sure he got onto HCG and did a full PCT. Cycle was Test 600mg week 12 weeks, dbol 4 weeks.
    PCT was clomid 100/100/50/50 NOlva 40/40/20/20 and HCG was run at 2 x 250iu week from week 6-14. He seemed to recover pretty well, kept a good anount of his gains as we dialed in his diet and training. He reckons it was 6 months later he noticed he just wasnt quite as hard as normal during sex but no big deal and by 21 he is now on TRT. Seemed that his general wellbeing went downhill slowly and it all kind of caught upto him, unlucky? Yes Quite possible to happen to anyone? Yes

    2. Started cycling at 18/19 ran numberous cycles (around 5-6, never too heavy or long) used various compounds and is on was on TRT by 26

    Im expecting to be on TRT myself sometime soon, things just arent the same for me anymore, Im hoping to be able to freeze some swimmers that are viable before I take that step, fingers crossed there is still some good ones there

  5. #45
    1000_DaysAsTheLion's Avatar
    1000_DaysAsTheLion is offline Junior Member
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    im only one short one down, but i recovered really easily from it. felt like shit for about a week during pct and could only sexor about once a day, other than that i was fine. im on my second one, a standard 12 weeks of test e, will start pct in about 6 weeks, so we'll see what happens. dont do it though if you are not absolutely willing to put up with the sides.
    Last edited by 1000_DaysAsTheLion; 04-11-2012 at 09:00 PM.

  6. #46
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    To the OP: Do A LOT of juice. Juice your brains out while you're young. Don't worry about the side effects - nothing will happen to you. Never come off. Run Tren for months at a time, you're invincible apparently...

    In two fvcking threads I told you my negative exp. and not to do it, yet you keep asking the same retarded questions over and over, so I hope I helped you with my above statements - that's what you wanted to hear right?
    lol, im just about at this point also.
    Every kid but i know a guy who knows ok that is ok. Or Arnold did it. Like anyone know Arnrolds health issues.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #47
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you are correct, but your rational before was the crew looks healthy. looks means nothing. Some one with cancer or aids can look healthy. So they could have fvcked their hormonal system up for like and "look" healthy.
    That wasn't me that said that before. I know full well that they could have messed up their systems, but we won't know until later on

  8. #48
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    To the OP: Do A LOT of juice. Juice your brains out while you're young. Don't worry about the side effects - nothing will happen to you. Never come off. Run Tren for months at a time, you're invincible apparently...

    In two fvcking threads I told you my negative exp. and not to do it, yet you keep asking the same retarded questions over and over, so I hope I helped you with my above statements - that's what you wanted to hear right?
    Relax bro I don't only want your opinion and story. I just want to hear a lot of people's. I don't even think I asked you a direct question in this thread at all. Good luck with your TRT goals of 2012.

  9. #49
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mosya
    looking at aesthetic crew, seems like they all got on A$$ at 19 .. Az probably even earlier, yet they all look healthy. Sometimes its just tempting
    Who's that? Some sort of boyband........

  10. #50
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    lol, im just about at this point also.
    Every kid but i know a guy who knows ok that is ok. Or Arnold did it. Like anyone know Arnrolds health issues.
    I'm not saying the consequences aren't real. They obviously are. I just like to see hard proof for everything I should believe in. Do you know of any actual studies that show this?

  11. #51
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andigity View Post
    Relax bro I don't only want your opinion and story. I just want to hear a lot of people's. I don't even think I asked you a direct question in this thread at all. Good luck with your TRT goals of 2012.
    1.) You sent me a PM last night asking the SAME questions
    2.) You asked the SAME question again in this thread
    3.) In the other thread you started, you asked me similar questions again

    My answers haven't changed but at this point, I should make things up, because you don't wanna hear the truth.

  12. #52
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andigity View Post
    I'm not saying the consequences aren't real. They obviously are. I just like to see hard proof for everything I should believe in. Do you know of any actual studies that show this?
    How this for proof. Or the hundreds of other users telling you the exact same thing. You have to realize how frustrating and annoying this gets. Every week there is a post like yours. They all say they want the truth and honest answers. Then when guys post what happened to them, thats not enough proof. You ask for peoples experiences. You were told them but a bunch of people and its still not enough.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #53
    canadianbrah is offline Junior Member
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    The thread is a pretty good read IMO...why all the hatin on the op?

  14. #54
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    How this for proof. Or the hundreds of other users telling you the exact same thing. You have to realize how frustrating and annoying this gets. Every week there is a post like yours. They all say they want the truth and honest answers. Then when guys post what happened to them, thats not enough proof. You ask for peoples experiences. You were told them but a bunch of people and its still not enough.
    Yea I understand your point, but I ask for the whole experience on purpose. I want to know what the people on TRT cycled with, but nobody really wants to share all that for some reason. Like the guy you linked me too took DECA . IF I was to cycle I wouldn't take something that harsh on my body especially at a young age. This isn't supposed to justify me going on a cycle... I just simply want to see everyone's experience because I like learning about these things. Unfortunately when I ask for details and stuff of the sort a bunch of you vets just rage at me...

  15. #55
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andigity View Post
    Yea I understand your point, but I ask for the whole experience on purpose. I want to know what the people on TRT cycled with, but nobody really wants to share all that for some reason. Like the guy you linked me too took DECA. IF I was to cycle I wouldn't take something that harsh on my body especially at a young age. This isn't supposed to justify me going on a cycle... I just simply want to see everyone's experience because I like learning about these things. Unfortunately when I ask for details and stuff of the sort a bunch of you vets just rage at me...
    Read post # 19 buddy. I give you answers, you ignore them, and repeat the same questions. I don't get it.

  16. #56
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadianbrah View Post
    The thread is a pretty good read IMO...why all the hatin on the op?
    Becasue all he is doing is hoping a few people will come along and say they did it and are fine, he is an imature kid that wont listen to solid advice becasue its not what he wants to hear

  17. #57
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    1.) You sent me a PM last night asking the SAME questions
    2.) You asked the SAME question again in this thread
    3.) In the other thread you started, you asked me similar questions again

    My answers haven't changed but at this point, I should make things up, because you don't wanna hear the truth.
    First of all I never even sent a PM to you. I have never even sent a PM for that matter. And what question are you talking about? You're obviously mixing me up with somebody else. You complain about the younger people being ignorant, but you're even worse...

  18. #58
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andigity View Post
    I'm not saying the consequences aren't real. They obviously are. I just like to see hard proof for everything I should believe in. Do you know of any actual studies that show this?
    How the hell would a proper study be executed by the medical community on people using well above prescribed doses of illegal substances? It isnt even like rec drugs where you could possibly compile medical data from detox or rehab centers that provide medical supervision.
    Be for real.
    At some point common sense has to come into play. The endocrine system operates at its peak functionality around age 25. Stopping it in its tracks prior to that , when people whos endocrine system IS operating at its peak who take these substances often dont fully recover, is obviously not a prudent choice. Let alone other issues like emotional maturity , discipline and other facxtors that make it less than prudent.
    I see people use everything under the sun to try to justify why its ok - even ask silly questions like are there any studies - but the fact is it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see its not the most prudent course of action.

  19. #59
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andigity View Post
    First of all I never even sent a PM to you. I have never even sent a PM for that matter. And what question are you talking about? You're obviously mixing me up with somebody else. You complain about the younger people being ignorant, but you're even worse...
    I apologize. I did get you confused with someone with the PM BUT you still keep asking the same questions in two of your own threads that I have already answered. The other guys are correct on here, you're just waiting for someone to say "yeah I ran test when I was 19 and I'm fine" then a green light is going to go off in your head despite the other 15 people telling you their negative experiences.

  20. #60
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Oh and I love the "well if you want to compete or be pro" lines.
    Reality check - Any idea how few people actually are ultimately able to make a living/pay their bills etc as a professional bodybuilder?
    The numbers would make hollywoods boulevard of broken drean look like a golden road.

    Only someone too emotionally immature to make an educated decision on taking steroids would be so foolish as to say "oh its worth it"

  21. #61
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    I'm not waiting for something like that. If I was I'd just say hey look at Arnold and all the bbers of his time. They started cycling young and didnt even have any pct. Yet Arnold still had kids much older. I'm not like the other young immature people. I'd just like to know about other people's experiences and compile my own data. What is so hard to believe about that. I've said it numerous times yet everyone thinks I'm trying to justify a cycle. I'm NOT THOUGH. Holy shit it starting to piss me off. I just want to learn more and more about AAS. I have an addictive personality. When I'm interested in something I want to learn A LOT about it. No other reason.

  22. #62
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Oh and I love the "well if you want to compete or be pro" lines.
    Reality check - Any idea how few people actually are ultimately able to make a living/pay their bills etc as a professional bodybuilder?
    The numbers would make hollywoods boulevard of broken drean look like a golden road.

    Only someone too emotionally immature to make an educated decision on taking steroids would be so foolish as to say "oh its worth it"
    Thanks and I'm fully aware. I don't think this is directed to me unless you mixed me up with someone else, but I already know that pro bbing is worthless. If anything when I get older and if I decide to cycle I might do some fitness modelling.

  23. #63
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    Then stop asking the same questions over and over again and do some homework,read through threads instead of asking the same question, the answers to any question you could possibly have related to AAS have already been answered here hundreads of times

  24. #64
    duecediamonds is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance
    cycled young, still young, currently regretting the first cycle.
    i think it came to a point for me in my first cycle where i was like 7 weeks in and i kind of realised what was instore even if everything went perfect and i just felt this over whelming sense that i made the wrong decision and that i didnt want to do this anymore.
    Thanks bro this helped me. I'm 20 yes old, ripped talking 8% bf and 160lbs of mean meat. I just wanted to bulk up. Glad I'm going to wait. I don't wanna ever be on any of this trt bullshit.

  25. #65
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    I know that taking gear before you are 25 is not good for you but are there any other times when taking gear would be a bad idea, like maybe later on in life or something. Is there an age limit to when you should stop taking them and people have mentioned that it can ruin your sperm production so if you are trying to get pregnant would it be better to be off roids?

  26. #66
    cherryking is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by cherryking; 04-11-2012 at 11:25 PM.

  27. #67
    cherryking is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    1.) You sent me a PM last night asking the SAME questions
    2.) You asked the SAME question again in this thread
    3.) In the other thread you started, you asked me similar questions again

    My answers haven't changed but at this point, I should make things up, because you don't wanna hear the truth.
    i sent you a PM lol!

  28. #68
    cherryking is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    1.) You sent me a PM last night asking the SAME questions
    2.) You asked the SAME question again in this thread
    3.) In the other thread you started, you asked me similar questions again

    My answers haven't changed but at this point, I should make things up, because you don't wanna hear the truth.
    i sent you a PM lol!

  29. #69
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    have a read

    there is endless threads like this around

  30. #70
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andigity View Post
    Yea I understand your point, but I ask for the whole experience on purpose. I want to know what the people on TRT cycled with, but nobody really wants to share all that for some reason. Like the guy you linked me too took DECA. IF I was to cycle I wouldn't take something that harsh on my body especially at a young age. This isn't supposed to justify me going on a cycle... I just simply want to see everyone's experience because I like learning about these things. Unfortunately when I ask for details and stuff of the sort a bunch of you vets just rage at me...
    Because some of us are in our 30's. and you want to know specifically what i ran and for how long on a cycle 12 years ago. Think about what you are asking?
    It doesnt have to be a harsh substance. Some people have issues just taking var. All you have to do is shit down your htpa once and that could be the end for you even with a proper pct.

    dont use other people experiences to justify your actions. You can always find someone who is ok or really bad with anything.

    I fvcked over 100 girls mostly strippers, one night stands from the club at 5am. i never use a condom. I never caught anything. got a gf prego once. So if you use me an example hell you can fvck anyone not matter how high risk they are and be fine. All it takes is you bang the wrong girl once and you end up with a burning d!ck.

    Its your life do what you want
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  31. #71
    thephil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    Because some of us are in our 30's. and you want to know specifically what i ran and for how long on a cycle 12 years ago. Think about what you are asking?
    It doesnt have to be a harsh substance. Some people have issues just taking var. All you have to do is shit down your htpa once and that could be the end for you even with a proper pct.

    dont use other people experiences to justify your actions. You can always find someone who is ok or really bad with anything.

    I fvcked over 100 girls mostly strippers, one night stands from the club at 5am. i never use a condom. I never caught anything. got a gf prego once. So if you use me an example hell you can fvck anyone not matter how high risk they are and be fine. All it takes is you bang the wrong girl once and you end up with a burning d!ck.

    Its your life do what you want

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  32. #72
    dren's Avatar
    dren is offline Associate Member
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    This was a very good read and I think I could make good money, doing some sort of therapy to the hard headded people who don't take advice from the vets who are telling their life story on how they effed up.......hmmmmmm I'm gonna sleep on this one

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