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  1. #1
    maxmz's Avatar
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    Bummed, Gyno symptoms? High Estogen? Anxiety! Need help...

    Hey bros, I've been a member of the forum for a while now. Mainly I signed up to learn about bodybuilding in general. My stats are: 32yrs old, 5'9'', 183lbs. Two years ago I did a prohormone cycle, tren /sust clone, did pct and was fine, started working lots of hours at work and did not workout for about 5-6 months which did not have any hormonal problems. Last August I did a Cyanostane 30 bottle, did PCT also, after that I've only taken Titanium XL (2months/1bottle, test booster)

    A week after this I took Animal Pak (21 paks). I took my last pak of "animal stak" March 31st. I was taking the animal stak & t-911, which both of these are basically test boosters. 4 days later after the last pak. I felt a sting in my left nipple, which it was not the first time I felt that cause I trim my chest and the hairs around my nipples (sorry for details) and usually I get those poking feelings from the hairs on my torso. Few minutes later I thought about gyno and started feeling my left pec there was nothing out of the ordinary. Later that night I kept checking my left pec and feeling around for anything abnormal, that was the first time me checking my pec. I had in the back of my mind that theres no way of gyno cause its only a test booster. Well I dont know if it was from all the digging in my pecs that that night I could not sleep. I felt my upper left pec area full and hard and bottom of my chest soft like a half filled water ballon. The hard part was sore that night but I guess from grabbing it or still a bit sore and pumped from working out my chest 4 days before. The next day I felt even more anxiety and started reading more about gyno. I knew about gyno from reading the board a few years back. I had it when I was going through puberty but went away by itself, Which it was basically puffy sore nipples when touching or pressing on them.

    As I started reading more on boards I got more anxiety (I have suffer from anxiety attacks since my early 20's, it was controlled with lexapro/effexor...for about 2 years, which I would never go back to them) the next day I started feeling my chest really full, like if it was full of water, felt like a sunburn feeling on the upper part of my pecs next to my armpits, which later would switch to the middle part of my chest. That feeling was almost thorough the whole day. I just couldn't think of anything else but gyno and my chest. At this point I didn't feel anything on my niplples. my pecs just felt sore at times from the fullness that would go away at times. That day I had to take a tea (passiflora) to calm my nerves/anxiety,for a few times. I must have taken more than needed cause I felt numb at night and could not sleep. That night I also noticed that my orgasm was pretty dull, like with no force, like weak. I didn't know but blamed it on the tea. Went to my local supplement store and told two guys there about what I was feeling. They told me it was all in my head, but if I wanted something to bring my hormonal levels to par to take "triazole". I bought it but did not take it. I also read about "erase" which I also but but also plan on returning it cause I dont wanna take anything else that might play with my hormones at this time. The next day I went to my family doctor and asked him to do blood work. He also checked my chest but told me he didn't feel any gland tissue, just muscle and fat. I get my results this friday. I was a bit calmed but started reading more about gyno experiences and even surgery cost. I must have checked my nipples and chest 20 times a day. After reading more about symptoms of gyno (puffy, sore, tender, itchy nips...) I started feeling different things throughout my 3 day weekend easter break.

    At times I would feel a discomfort in my chest, at times only on one side, but nothing on the nips/areaola. From grabbing and digging on my chest in my left pec the areal that tought it was sore is less sore (area between armpit and nipple, center of pec). While I'm laying down in bed or asleep I don't feel anything. two days ago I started thinking about nipple itch, later on that day I started feeling like a tingly feeling behind my right pec, like behind the nipple but deeper inside, not on the actual nipple/areola skin but like close to my lung. I went to a naturist doctor (family friend) 3 days ago and told him my concerns, he told me not to think about it (he knows about my anxiety). I don't know of any of you bros area familiar with these type of doctors, they look at your "eye iris" and can tell whats wrong with you. Basically he told me I did not have gyno and to relax and think positive, reassuring me I did not have anything. He told me though I have some congestion on my sinus area towards my forehead, my liver, left kidney also. Nothing to worry about. He gave me a diet which is basically avoid dairy products, less red meat and will be eating more salt water fish. Sorry bros for this long thread but I'm really anxoius and worried. Last night I was feeling normal, then I was trying to avoid thikning about my chest area, half hour later at work I started feeling a tingly feeling on my left pec, deep inside kinda like in front of my heart, not even the nipple/areola area. switched from the right to the left. I went prob to the restroom 6 times to check on my chest, my nipples were sticking out a bit which I find to be normal. I do not feel any pain in my nipples. I did not feel anything on my right side last night.

    Bros this is driving me crazy, I'm thinking I might be hypochondriac. I do not wanna read anymore about gyno or experiences, I'm just want this to be over. From feeling my pecs and nipple area I dont even know if its normal or from me just poking, digging and pulling. I have began to lose weight cause I end up throwing up or get nauseus. Dont feel really hungry throughout the day, shaky most of the time, worried. Even stupid thoughts have come to my head since I've been so desperate. I went to a yoga class last night, came home relaxed, few hours later I had the same anxiety and toughts which brought the uncomfort crap to my chest area again. I want to feel normal again. I'm in the process of leaving my apartment and been looking to homes and putting offers, I also got a promotion at work which I will start in a few weeks. This has dragged me down, this is the 3rd time in my life since started with anxiety attacks, I don't wanna worry, cry , feel ashamed or hide how I feel inside to my family, which I told them already but they say everything will be ok and not to auto suggest stuff to myself. I've read on boards that even test boosters can give you gyno if youre prone to it but lots of people say its impossible and even joke about it. I understand it but I just want to know any other opinions about it. I've read about taking letro to kill the estrogen but at this time I don't wanna put anything else into my body, I just want to eat a better than before diet and stay with it without even touching test boosters anymore.

    My chest feels full at times, like tight, which I dont even know if my symptoms are created by my brain and anxiety or I really have them. Also for the past week and a half my chest feels like that and also the fat on my torso and stomach area is showing more and flabby. I had fat but not this flabby. My arms still look the same, not cut but not full of water. My legs look smaller, my neck also, I still have veins showing on my forearms but a bit less like in my right bicep. I've began to think that the more fat and fullness at times of my chest is from high levels of estrogen. Like I mentioned before my orgasms feel dull, erections are alright, which know I got it in my head I must have messed up my stuff down there, thinking about sterile posiblilities. Which scares me cause I would like to start a family soon but this has left a dent on that which I don't know what to even think anymore. I noticed my libido was kinda on the neutral side, while I was on the animal stak, I could get hard whenever I wanted but used to be higher before. As I'm writing this I don't feel anything, the fullness of the chest I was feeling it and hour ago. Maybe writing this calmed me a bit, sorry for the long essay but I just want this to be over and feel normal again. I want to Feel that motivation and excitment I used to feel when I would wake up and just wait for the gym to open so I could start lifting. Don't mean to bother anybody or put a bad rep on any supp company, they're great products and work great as the reviews from other users say. I guess I messed up even knowing lots of stuf about supps and lifting that I've learned from this board. If you bros have any input is greatly appreciated. Or if this helps a newbie or anybody in anyway at least something good will come out. I'm sorry but I just feel down and wish I would feel different and not be in this state. I'm just gonna wait till friday gets here and see my results, it worries me about having symptoms of gyno and thiking I have a lump or will have it in a few days or weeks, cause if everything was ok I wouldn't feel this uncomfort feeling in my chest. My libido is down at this time and sex doesn't feel the same, kinda numb and delayed orgasm, erections are ok but were better. If my estrogen levels are high, would they be normal again with time, in case the doc say the ranges are normal? I would want to jump into taking Letro, Arimidex or place on HRT, for the reason that I would feel sooner or later I would get a gyno rebound once I'm off and would be a life in a roller coaster adjusting my hormone levels and dealing with this symptoms. I just wish this burning chest, fullness, tingles feelings would go away. Sorry again bros for this long post but just want to feel normal again. Thanks
    Last edited by maxmz; 04-11-2012 at 12:24 PM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    I can't even read that.

    Add some line breaks (paragraphs) and I'll give it a go.

  3. #3
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    ok ill have a go give me 5 mins

  4. #4
    maxmz's Avatar
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    Sorry D7M, Thanks for your time, I've broken it down a bit. I'm gonna keep this thread going after seeing the results from my blood work this friday. And post the next steps. I want to add to this thread until its resolved or come to a conclusion. The other threads I've seen on other boards are left halfway with no final outcome. I want to finish this so if anybody is searching or has a similar experience can see this thread. Thanks.

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
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    Get blood work to confirm levels and go talk to a professional about your anxiety/hypocondria issues. I'm being serious. It will help.

    And stop playing/digging at your pec, it's probably just making it worse/more sensitive.

    Honestly, it doesn't sound like gyno to me. Men know when they have gyno, because it's painful as hell for men to get breasts. If there's no NIPPLE sensitivity, no pain, and no lump, you're probably fine.

  6. #6
    binsser's Avatar
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    Right firstly your working yourself up stupidly bud and its just racking your brain panicing gets worse if you think its worse so for the next couple of days your going to work on being calm, things go away just as easy as they come ok right...

    Next stop taking pro=hormones or any of that sht because thats what it is there full of sht (right so now there out the window) NEXT....

    You seem to be gyno prone which isnt a problem get youself some nolvedex to start with and jut start taking one pill eod(someone can correct me if theres a better way)
    the nolva will and eventually get rid of your gyno and youll now be back to normal arimidex is a very good tool to have also as thats what i use to lower my estrogen to the right levels (or close too)

    You need to calm youself down panicing is because you want it now, now gradually get your diet in check and your training and most important you sleep then your now living correctly and on the road to recovery so you need==


    see how you fair for a couple of weeks if it isnt starting to go which it should up the nolvadex alittle!

    IF anyone can add to this to help him or know a better way lets help him out yeah!;-)

    you libido could be down because your taking sht test boosters and sht pro-hormones they all stop today !!!!!

    does any of this help you in anyway m8 ???? Your just in a rut now its time to jump back out and carry on!!!
    Last edited by binsser; 04-11-2012 at 12:46 PM.

  7. #7
    maxmz's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply D7M & Bisnner. I get the result of my bloodwork in two days. I hope everything comes back normal. I dont feel any pain when touching the nipple area. I dont want to start taking nolva or adex since I dont know where I stand on my levels and honestly I dont wanna take anything else thats gonna play with my hormones anymore. I have seen the letro, nolva, adex steps to fight or control gyno but honestly I dont wanna mess with it right now. I'll see if friday the doc gives me my levels so I can post them here.

  8. #8
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    sweet stay happy bud IT'LL ALL PAN OUT IN THE END bud always does thats life it has too good luck bud speak soon ;-)

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