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  1. #1
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    2 year cycle at 18 years old

    First off I would like to say no, this is not about myself, I have never done a cycle and I come on this site every day for hours and learn more and more about steroids . I am a very paranoid person and I would never do that specially at an age like that. I am currently 23 years old and still think I'm too young to cycle. Anywhom, I recently met a high school student who is 18 at the moment and He told me he started when he was 16 years old. So I asked him how many cycles he's ran he says "I haven't come off in 2 years" He's run everything from tren to deca to test to winstrol etc. No HCG , no AI, never has done a PCT or anything of the sort. Now he says he wants to come off in a few months and not cycle for a few years, in case he wants to have kids etc in the future. So I was just wondering, actually how much damage has this kid done to himself? and do you guys think someone like this would be able to avoid TRT? He thinks it will be a piece of cake just getting his test levels back.

  2. #2
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Fishy story, and if true he will not see the damage untill he get a little older...but something says BS

  3. #3
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    I am serious, this is what he told me though, cannot guarantee anything 100% but for 18 years old he is pretty big so I believe that he has used steroids , he's actually a nice guy, I would just say he;s a dangerous steroid user lol

  4. #4
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    At this point the kid needs to go the the Dr. and get thoroughly checked out monthly for about 6 months. Might want to go to a sports medicine specialist, endocrinologist, or even an HRT specialist. Sooner he starts trying to get clean the better. I see HCG , Nolva and Clomid in his near future, maybe more. Hopefully someone else here has a better direction to aim this kid. Keep us posted on how this turns out.

  5. #5
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    I will update this thread when he gets off, but he doesn't seem worried at all, I think I'm more worried about him than himseld! is just for example he tells me, "nah man you don't need an AI" and "You should try tren for your first cycle, did wonders for me" and "HCG and Nolva are a waste of money" and I definitely at first believed him then I researched more and found out this is absolutely false, and he's very wrong

  6. #6
    C-BuZz's Avatar
    C-BuZz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    Fishy story, and if true he will not see the damage untill he get a little older...but something says BS
    Steroid .com should start charging $1 for every "Friend of a Friend" story posted in Q&A. They'd be millionaires in 24hrs. We all know the OP's is really that so called "Friend".

  7. #7
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    I'm being serious Idiot, check my previous threads I ask for advice on first cycle using a simple compound like testosterone . Why would I waste my time doing that when according to you I've run tren and a million other steroids before. As I stated before I am 23 and still consider myself too young to juice but I am going to go through with it anyways, have not started.

  8. #8
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    He might be legit, I hope it's not you.

    Being on trt from 18 and on seems not so fun.

  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djjohnnied View Post
    I'm being serious Idiot, check my previous threads I ask for advice on first cycle using a simple compound like testosterone. Why would I waste my time doing that when according to you I've run tren and a million other steroids before. As I stated before I am 23 and still consider myself too young to juice but I am going to go through with it anyways, have not started.
    Good save. What an idiot, gosh.

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    That kid must have a lot of money or dumb parents.

  11. #11
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    I think it's a mixture of both, also has straight connections with an UGL

  12. #12
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bad idea for an 18 but youth may be on his side. He may recover just fine and then again he might not.

  13. #13
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    Well considering your hormones are peaking around that age things could definitely go wrong for good if his body stopped its production of test at 16 and been off for two years while his hormones should have been raging.

    But ive heard of people breaking their necks and walking out of hospitals so he just has to have some optimism for the situation

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