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  1. #1
    freak1's Avatar
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    joints killin on deca ????????

    so im in like wk 9 of test e 600 wk and deca 400 a wk and and dex .25 eod and evrythings goin great but when i do shouldrs they hurt so much im in agony and i have to wait so long in between sets and stretch thm to make em feel also runnin gh 4ius ed so im wondring if its the gh or maybe my estro is too low but shouldnt deca be helping this anyways?on a side note i take lots efa's and joint complex as well and have beeen for a while.

  2. #2
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    adex kills joints, sometimes ai's are not needed unless you get signs of teh gyno. Deca helps with joint lube, but if you have injuries you will still feel them

    if they in so much pain id say stop doing what you are doing to cause teh pain.

  3. #3
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    get on the fish oil, it may help.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    AIs are needed on your cycle.Swifto had a good thread on that.Now if you are having should problems you may need to see a Doctor.You could have arthrightous (ok spelling sucks) or a rotorcuff problem.

  5. #5
    freak1's Avatar
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    thx for ur input guys.i have not had any previous injuires.shoulders are actually in pretty good shape (knock on wood) .i take pretty good care of them.warm up really good streches ,supplements etc .my shouldrs almost feel like a burning senssation after i start trainin thm.they get better when i stretch thm bewteen pretty sure might have to do wit my estro.gettin bw done to confirm this but only prob is i cant get a sensitive assay estro test where im from so im not to sure how accurate or useful the one im gonna do might be.

  6. #6
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    who's in the picture in your avatar? how old r u?

  7. #7
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    ur running adex but no dosinex?

    taking adex for deca gyno as far as i have experienced can harmful.

    killing estrogen with adex will cause some pain in some people, again the burning sounds like a tear or inflamed tendon. is it the shoulder or closer to teh clavical where teh muscle insertion point is?. Or is it range of motion/ put your arm behind you head with your wrist resting aginst your head. now keep your elbow pointing out and press yoru head back. Do you feel the pain, or another pain?

    Ronny might not be teh end all on steriod info but alot of what he says about dont be too eager to jump on the ai for teh sake of being on an ai sounds like solid advice.

    i run test at 700mg and i dont take it, i hold water, my nips are always hard. but i am in good form. with letro and adex to suicide with "if" i get sides.

    i torn the top of my brach where it attaches just below teh delt. high reps with low weight and deca healed this in 3 weeks to the point of it being stronger then before. Oh with deep tissue massage every second day to countinously break scar tissue

  8. #8
    Blitz88's Avatar
    Blitz88 is offline Associate Member
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    I am having issues also. I'm in week 4 of an androphen cycle. (550 mg a week mon/thur) I was taking .5 mg of adex eod and backed it to .25 mg eod. Should I just lay off the adex entirely unless I get signs of gyno? Right shoulder feels like crap.

  9. #9
    freak1's Avatar
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    -ironbeck tht is a pic of me from my last how i did which was my 1st 35 yrs old.
    -bodyby im not running dex for deca gyno im runnin it just to keep cntrl of my estro levels.i havent been able to locate any caber or dostinex to cntrl prolactin sides which i knw i shouldve had in the 1st place when running a 19 far as my shoulders they feel great except on shoulder day .im pretty bsure my joints might be dryin out from too much estro gettin killed off.i didnt think .25 eod would be enough to do thius.
    -blitz88 im not an expert but i would say say back dwen to @ least .25 eod .im actually thinkin of goin to e3d now.guys say dex is pretty powerful shit andf u dnt need much

  10. #10
    Blitz88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freak1
    -ironbeck tht is a pic of me from my last how i did which was my 1st 35 yrs old.
    -bodyby im not running dex for deca gyno im runnin it just to keep cntrl of my estro levels.i havent been able to locate any caber or dostinex to cntrl prolactin sides which i knw i shouldve had in the 1st place when running a 19 far as my shoulders they feel great except on shoulder day .im pretty bsure my joints might be dryin out from too much estro gettin killed off.i didnt think .25 eod would be enough to do thius.
    -blitz88 im not an expert but i would say say back dwen to @ least .25 eod .im actually thinkin of goin to e3d now.guys say dex is pretty powerful shit andf u dnt need much
    Thanks I'll try e3d.

  11. #11
    blazinballa is offline New Member
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    r u still take the adex? im thinking doing testE 400mg, & deca 300mg/wk, for 10wks. mby start adex .25 eod 2nd wk?

  12. #12
    freak1's Avatar
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    if you askin me blazin its really hard to saay cause i guesss everyone reacts diff but with that dose i would start at e3d. i posted before about my cycle 600 test and 400 deca which is a bit more than you and some said eod might be overkill for that dose.from what ive researched u dnt wanna kill your estro but you dont want too much .seems like a tricky thing to do .also my nxt cycle im gonna run aromasin .seems to be the ai of rrebound,doesnt kill joints and better for your lipids.

  13. #13
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    read the sticky up top of forum by ronnie, he has about 900 posts in 97 pages where he suggests not to take adex for teh sake of taking it. Because of teh sides people tend to ignore.

    drop the a dex and let teh deca bloat you up and make you feel better,

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