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  1. #1
    hulk hogan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    Need urgent help with test e/tren e dosing and recepters....

    im on my 4th my last cycle was as follows....

    test e-500mg 1-8
    tren e-400mg 1-8
    dbol -30mg wk 1-4

    i was happy with the now ive got the following cycle planned which i was due to start tomor....

    test e-500mg 1-12
    tren e-400mg maybe 500mg 1-12
    dbol-40mg wk 1-6

    but now someone has suggested for me that the cycle above is good, but i need to cut test down to 250mg a week because both test and tren will be fighting for the same receptrs and cancelling each other out...

    whats all this about...should i use 500mg test as orignaly pland or 250 as suggested??

  2. #2
    hulk hogan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010
    ....anyone at all...any input will due to begin cycle tmro....need to know.....

  3. #3
    chickenwing1 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2012
    Bro I would go 400 tren 3-400 test. Test shouldn't be higher.

  4. #4
    Mr. swoll is offline New Member
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    If anything run them both at the same dose. You can run your test lower and will still see excellent results bro.. As you kno tren is an amazing compound so let it work, if you feel you need more test later on you can always bump it up. As far as them both fighting for the receptor idk about that. Tren bonds stronger then any AAS out there so I doubt more test will stop that.. Not positive on that just an assumption. Let me kno how this cycle goes as I was curious about this, I am running the same cycle starting next week. Good luck bro enjoy that tren!!

  5. #5
    Mr. swoll is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012
    Just re-read ur post.. If u were happy with ur last run then do the same dose.. Should be fine!

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Kinda depends on what you are looking for. I am on home TRT and blast with Deca and Tren and of course Test frequently. I had run Test higher than tren previously and had great bulk, lots of sides and major gains. This time I am running 3 times as much TrenA as Test Cyp and have a lot less sides, hardly any night sweats, bulk gains seem a little less but recomp (fat loss) is fantastic. I really doubt I will run any large test small tren blasts again as the clean gains are a lot more important to me than bulk.

  7. #7
    hulk hogan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010
    okay then peeps...ive had a good long think about it...and from what ive read iv decided im gna do 2o 250mg test 12 wks and 400mg tren 12 eks....because alot of people have said that by lowering the amount of test.. theyv had the same amount of gains with fewer sides...and my sideeffects last cycle were pretty harsh...

    thanz for your help pls

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I prefer to run my test a little higher but you're fine. Stop the tren before the test.

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