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  1. #1
    ChristianWarrior is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    Pushing it with Deca on 2nd cycle

    Wanting to try my 2nd steroid cycle in my life. 1st time around I used test cyp and dbol . I had fantastic gains, but I didn't manage to keep them, it was a tough time, I was and still am going through a divorce.
    I want my 2nd cycle, as per recommendations from my dealer, to be 500mg of Deca per week, with splitting it in to 2 250mg shots per week. Unfortunately I cannot afford to combine it with any other steroids . My question is, will I make healthy gains, nothing extravagant or unrealistic.
    I have been recommended to do this for 10 weeks.

    Also, I am 6 foot 2, 91kg and have about an 8 percent BF. I am deadlifting 352lb as well.

    All aspects of my training and diet are sorted... I am adopting a four times a week, heavy compound moves training, such as deadlifting, benching, squatting, clean and jerk. The whole 5 sets, 5 reps deal...

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    if you are fine with deca sides. 500-600 deca is possible. but not many people would sugest this as their dick wont work.

  3. #3
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1. I would not recommend Deca for a 2nd cycle. You are better off sticking with Test Cyp since you know that it has worked for you. You can employ a slightly higher dose of Test Cyp and/or increase the duration of your second cycle since you know how your body responds to it now.

    2. Deca will not yield the best results in 10 weeks, most users don't feel it until week 6-7. A proper Deca cycle requires to be run with a type of Test IMO, and if subjected Test is a long estered one too then kick-starting this cycle with an oral will not be a bad idea. But then, this means more money spent on gear, which is an issue in this case.

    3. You will certainly have issues with mood and libido if you run Deca alone at 500mg a week, not to mention you may also experience prolactin related issues if you are prolactin sensitive, and in this case you wouldn't know if you are since you have not experimented with nandrolone before.

    4. Regardless of the gear content of your cycle, you will NOT maintain the lean gains during and after PCT if you do not implement an overeating strategy, which is possibly why your gains were lost after your first cycle.

    In the last result, if I were to run a single compound for a second cycle, it would be Test only. IMO, Deca should not be involved as a compound in the first 4-5 cycles for various reasons, which does not mean that there are users everywhere who have benefited from introduced Deca to their cycles. However, Deca needs to be stacked with some Test and requires a rather prolonged cycle to attain best possible results.

  4. #4
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    ^ good post.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    yup + rep

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Pass on the Deca and tell him that you are only interested in Test.

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