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  1. #41
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    I dont want to read back through it all to find the comment about the prop because there is too many posts now and I'm lazy but people use prop as a kickstart, similar to frontloading a cycle, it just gets it going quicker and its actually very effective

    your endogenous test is something like 100mg per week I think it actually 80ish mg but dont quote me on the latter figure and your shut down by week 1 because of the tren (19nor), its not advised to ramp up doses like that because it generally causes more side effects from levels fluctuating so there is the flaw in your way of thinking that they may of been trying to point out

    LBM dosnt mean much when it comes to levels of AAS in the blood 500mg is 500mg, you can gain from 500mg test if you 140 or 240lbs and there is members here who dont go above 1g test and they run several cycles, then there is members that run 2g+ every cycle, some of the guys on the lower dose are bigger than the guys on larger dose

    What your doing is jumping the gun a little with your cycles I.M.H.O but its your body so ............

  2. #42
    Philly82's Avatar
    Philly82 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah you are probably right about me taking a bit much of dose, but it did yield impressive gains in size and strength thus far. Can't turn back the clock now. I mean there is no way I am going to run 500 mg /week...800-1000 will be the minimum. But considering all the comments I won't but doing as much as before. Have decided to grab at least 2 more vials and may cut out the Tren - experiencing a lot of sweating - from the forehead area mostly - at night and during sex as I would like to continue this cyclte till 10 weeks. Thanks for the input.
    Last edited by Philly82; 04-17-2012 at 09:19 AM.

  3. #43
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    If you want my opinion on what to do then drop the tren as you suggested, when you drop the tren cut the adex dosage in half and run for 10,12 weeks then run a strong pct

  4. #44
    Philly82's Avatar
    Philly82 is offline Junior Member
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    Will do. Thanks for the input. Will update as to results

  5. #45
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly82 View Post
    Oh yeah someone was going off about test prop in the beginning of cycle, demonstrating their ignorance as there are already esters with short half life in the sustanon which makes up a third or more of my shot.
    Let's see what was said about bringing Prop into the picture and if there is any truth in your retarded commentary:

    ''Philly82, you would have attained quite satisfactory results with a 12 week Test E and Winstrol cycle at reasonable doses per se. You could have kick-started this cycle with Test Prop by running it for the first 4-5 weeks, since you seem not to be disturbed all that much from having so many needles ED.''

    Do you have dyslexia that we should know about or are you just used to reading stuff backwards and screw up every time?

    Oh, BTW, I live in a city where Sustanon 250 (by Organon) has been legally manufactured and sold as an O/C without a prescription at the local pharmacies, which has led me to incorporate it to almost every cycle I have run thus far. Don't you dare about lecturing me about the short ester in Sust, you wise guy.

    Do you even have an idea when to start your PCT after your last pinning of Sust and how?

    You sure have a big mouth for a newbie and a lot of disrespect has come out of it in your most recent posts. Calling experienced forum members ''trolls'', ''suckers', 'claiming that they are ''hand wringing and wet nursing'' about your dosage, da fvck you are talking about boy? I don't know who do you think you are but you better man up and suck up the friendly fire you have been getting from forum members with comparatively more cycle experiences instead of being a bitch and replying like one. What now, you did 2 cycles before and you think you are sitting on top of the world??? You are the one who asked for opinions regarding your cycle dose and duration, so just take the opinions as they come.

    Save your insinuations and insults for your roid dealer who recommended you run 4 compounds at 1700mg without any HCG and AI use during the cycle, since you will virtually stand without balls and mood swings when you are done with your disastrous cycle, you clever dick. I hope you get bitch tits and cry into a soap opera with a box of chocolate on your lap

    And as for your daily cal intake calculations, your knowledge about nutrition is seemingly not any better than your inadequate knowledge about AAS. If you think you are only burning 2500 of 4000 daily cals and the rest turning into fat, you need to be schooled a lot more than you think.

    You are only gonna get dissed from now on for being a straight up dick, period.

  6. #46
    Philly82's Avatar
    Philly82 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey you ****ing goof. I asked for opinions and I got them I just didn't expect so many of them to sound like snitty little girls. If you read the thread you will see from the OP that I have been taking Arimidex since day one of the cycle.

    Of everyone who answered this thread the only one who had anything valualbe to contribute and who actually made suggestions that I would use is DanB.

    You need to open your Turkish (read camel humping) eyes and learn to read. I commented that there is no need to add Test prop to this stack since there is already test prop in the sust, which is dosed at 400 mg/ml. Injecting EOD this is plenty of short acting esters of test in the beginning of the cycle and throughout.

    As far as dosage; yeah almost 2 grams / week was probably killing it so I dialed back to one gram. The only one who is crying like a little bitch is you. **** I hate internet gangsters.

    Get off the dick if you don't want to blow that.
    Last edited by Philly82; 04-18-2012 at 01:52 PM. Reason: typo

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