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  1. #41
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    will do mate. Sounds sorta legit tho. Considering thats how people might bring them in from the us or something. To avoid detection putting them into an aftershave bottle then squirting the juice back in. The colour matches up with other peoples unigens etc. No doubt its probably real. No doubt it might be peanut oil. I emailed him again so am waiting for reply.

  2. #42
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    if this was teh case? they would throw away the old vials, and put it into new "sterile" vials. sterile gear is more important then having labels.. In this games labels mean shit. most Aussies get gear from Thailand, and u can just put a order in ffor them to mail u labels.

  3. #43
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    if this was teh case? they would throw away the old vials, and put it into new "sterile" vials. sterile gear is more important then having labels.. In this games labels mean shit. most Aussies get gear from Thailand, and u can just put a order in ffor them to mail u labels.
    maybe there not that smart and dont care about being sterile. Who knows bro ive emailed him and just waiting for a reply he normally replys around night time so a few hours to go. I just hope its not fake, 5 weeks being wasted man. 5 ****ing weeks. I hope not!

  4. #44
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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  5. #45
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    color doesn't matter,

  6. #46
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    color doesn't matter,
    it does when ur asking other people what colour theere unigen depo test is. Ive talked to 2 different guys now and both are the same colour as mine. I asked what theres smells like and it matches the smell of mine aswell. And its very smooth, oily but smooth to shoot. Same as mine.

  7. #47
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    what if they have fake gear too?

    go get blood work done, 75 bucks for test level . then you dont have to worry, you;re loking for reassurance its not fake. Please just go get blood work done

  8. #48
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    and you are fine injecting non sterile gear?

  9. #49
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    and you are fine injecting non sterile gear?
    lets not assume that its not sterile mate. It may well be sterile. yES I plan on getting blood work done tomorrow after work.

    lol if they have fake gear to thast all of us having fake gear. And what if they dont?

  10. #50
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    re read your own post. your avoiding important details.

    u trust gear to be sterile after its never been caped, its been drawn out, drawn back in. i have half a clue what im talking about. What was it stored in? was that container sterile. ask someone on here if they ever one time skiped swabbing their injection site and it got infected.

    powder isnt sterile, oil isnt sterile, buying sterile vials and sterile needles and barrels is what are...

    so pathology labs here will havee results monday, msg me tuesday if you got scamed

  11. #51
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    re read your own post. your avoiding important details.

    u trust gear to be sterile after its never been caped, its been drawn out, drawn back in. i have half a clue what im talking about. What was it stored in? was that container sterile. ask someone on here if they ever one time skiped swabbing their injection site and it got infected.

    powder isnt sterile, oil isnt sterile, buying sterile vials and sterile needles and barrels is what are...

    so pathology labs here will havee results monday, msg me tuesday if you got scamed
    i understand that bro im doing everything i can to make sure its sterile, wiping the injection site, the top of the vial etc.

  12. #52
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    that wont change it being sterile if its not to begin with. the compound has been compromised fake gear doesnt hurt people if its just oil, but pushing dirty oil deep into your body can run health risk.

  13. #53
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    that wont change it being sterile if its not to begin with. the compound has been compromised fake gear doesnt hurt people if its just oil, but pushing dirty oil deep into your body can run health risk.
    its been 5 weeks and i havent run into any health risks that i know of lol

  14. #54
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    how do u suggest i go about re filtering it then?

  15. #55
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    im not being negative, i know teh chemistry like teh back of my hand.

    your posts come off like "iff a bro makes a post and says dont worry its legit, im good to go" then no dramas

    u have a few issues to look at, if its fake,, there is no harm, just lost money...

  16. #56
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    order some whit filters from ar

    try nuking it but not to high or too long as some oils go rancid easy

  17. #57
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    a few hundred bucks lost mate lol. alright ill order some whit filters. Can u please give me step by step instructions on how to use the whit filters.
    Or nuking it.

  18. #58
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    and what filters mate? theres heaps, link me

  19. #59
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    alright guys, half way thru week 5. My pumps are insane, im looking bigger, weighing more and im getting looks from people in the gym now. THose that use to see me around a fair bit. one of the Personal trainers there knows what im on and couldndnt help smile and stare at me after i finished a set!,

  20. #60
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    having sweaty men look at you when doing bent over rows, thats hawt

  21. #61
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    having sweaty men look at you when doing bent over rows, thats hawt
    lols. not quite, cable rows actually haha. so does that sound like test e kicking in? Also its 10.15pm here in melborune and im tired as shit. bout to fall asleep but i still have 4 cups of eats to eat missed eating them during the day due to work so quite a few calories, is it going to be all a big deal if i miss them? Im quite tired.

  22. #62
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    soounds like placebo

    missing meals means you;re not serious or ready

  23. #63
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    wtf is a placebo? Bro dont pull that shit on me, im not ready, **** it was just a question. I cant be ****ing perfect with everything jesus.

  24. #64
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    wHY ARE you using gear then if you are not 110% to do it right.

    this stuff can kill you and ruin your life and body.

  25. #65
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    wHY ARE you using gear then if you are not 110% to do it right.

    this stuff can kill you and ruin your life and body.
    BRO IM GIVING IT EVERYTHING I HAVE, I AM ALSO A VERY BUSY PERSON. I understand what it takes to do it i took the risk before i started injecting but sometimes im not going to make it 100%

    sorry to come off arrogant, my father died last night and i had a brawl with my best mate today on top of that my body changing hormones mate

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by leather daddy View Post
    BRO IM GIVING IT EVERYTHING I HAVE, I AM ALSO A VERY BUSY PERSON. I understand what it takes to do it i took the risk before i started injecting but sometimes im not going to make it 100%

    sorry to come off arrogant, my father died last night and i had a brawl with my best mate today on top of that my body changing hormones mate
    OMG thats terrible news. so sorry for your loss. you coping alright?

  27. #67
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    im not giving you a hard time cause it makes me feel good. Doing these drugs are serious business and more people that abuse them and have life long side effects or even death "mad dog" makes it harder for the rest of us that just wanna live our life and do our gear.

  28. #68
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Man sorry to hear about your dad. No one should question your. Comitment to this. Even with your loss you went to the gym , searched for filters , worried about eating your meals and got on the steroid form. Your stronger than me. When my dad died I was worthless for weeks.

  29. #69
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    Steroids dont make people big. PEOPLE, DEDICATION & DRIVE make people big. Steroids are just merely the requirement for growth beyond natural genetic predisposition.

  30. #70
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    thanks guys. Im alright, miss him to hell tho. Wish iwas there more for him. Im tearing up as i write this, but im trying to be strong, its what he would have wanted

  31. #71
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    keep us updated m8

  32. #72
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cruzetor View Post
    keep us updated m8
    Uhhhhh you bumped a year old thread and then asked the guy who is banned to keep you updated....

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