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  1. #1
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    winter bulk for next years contest

    whats up guys I just want some second opinions on what to add to my offseason cycle. Stats 5'9 200 about 12% bf. I competed about a month ago at 173. Goals are to gain approximately 10 pounds of lean muscle (lofty I know). have done 4 cycles thus far and used most common aas at one point or another.

    So my main gripe is that I'm very prone to water retention and I'd rather not look and feel like a balloon for the entire time. The cycle will start in september and I will be priming with ckd for 8 weeks before to lose some of the weight I gained post contest (yes I binged hard). The base of the cycle will be test and eq, I know many of you dont like eq but it has worked for me. here are some options but feel free to post your own suggestions

    1. test 600 1-15
    eq 600 1-14
    dbol 20/day 1-6, 12-17

    2. test 300 1-15
    eq 600 1-14
    deca 300 1-14

    3. test 300
    eq 600
    tren e 300

    4. test 300
    eq 600
    npp 300

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Option 3 or 4. But i would raise the dosage of tren or npp to 400-500.

  3. #3
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    only problem with the tren is a get a little anxiety about health running it offseason and precontest as well. I know it would be the most effective however I'm leaning towards npp. Never used npp before but deca bloated me like a moose at 400/week

  4. #4
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    I'd go with 3 in your case as said with a higher dosage of tren , due to you not wanting to retain much water.

  5. #5
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2010
    i really dont want the tren to be screwing with my sleep or appetite though. I Find that a long time to run it also I may do something like this
    test 600 1-15
    eq 600 1-14
    dbol 15-20/day 1-8
    tren ace 100 eod 8-14

    at least that way I wont have to deal with the sides for the entire duration and if I feel shitty i can cut it ou

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