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  1. #41
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    Well the above being said, I'm not going to state how many employees my 2 companies have....because it is not relevant. It is all about your relationship with your doctor. If you know and are friends with your doc and are very clear about what goes into his/her little computer/notes then you have nothing to worry about.

    But as lovbyts said if there is a chance his notes went into the file, you are going to have play stupid and say b12 or something like that.

    Honestly thinking more about this, I know my doc...very well...i trust him....I don't know your relationship with yours. He could have written anything in your file. I would def. go in and check out what was put in your notes.....and be very specific and change your story if you have to and play stupid.

  2. #42
    ttufan111's Avatar
    ttufan111 is offline Junior Member
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    Just got back from my follow up visit. Luckily the antibiotics are working and I didn't have to get my thigh drained.

    There is no cause for the infection in my chart only the treatment, so I'm good there.

    I ask him why he recommended glute over thigh and he said the thigh is load bearing so if it gets sore it makes it worse which I thought was pretty logical thinking.

    Now here's my dilemma, did I contaminate the needle or the bottle? If it's the bottle then next time I pin I'll get another infection and since I don't know how I got the infection in the first place, I can't say for sure if it was the needle or the bottle.

    I'm gonna have to think about this one for a bit.

  3. #43
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was going to post on this. I have the same pain in the quad. I think I injected too fast. Last time I had the same pain, it ended up being an infection and needed antis. I hope it goes away for me. I read too much BA can cause it also.

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