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  1. #1
    toil1823 is offline Banned
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    Cycling at a young age

    PLEASE READ OP BEFORE RESPONDING: I have very little knowledge on steroids in general and only just started reading this forum. I read the stickied threads including those on cycling at a young age. From that thread I gathered that the main basis for opposing cycling at a young age is simply because you haven't yet reached your natty limit and thus taking roids means you cannot maximise your gains. But if one does not want to get extremely huge and just wants to get a decent body fast then that wouldn't matter?

    However, I also read some of the more general threads and people are saying that they ****ed their test for life and ended up extremely depressed taking it before 21. I have utmost respect for the guys on here that have spent a lot of time learning about this subject and I will 100% listen to what you guys say. Was just wondering if you could concisely explain all the inimical effects of steroids for youth.

    Background on myself:

    Age 21 (nearly 22).
    time lifting: 4 years (diet has only been good for 1 year)
    stats: 5'9
    weight: 165 lbs
    bf: 10-12%

    I think my natty limit is not very good. very small bone structure and males in my family are quite small. My lifts are good, Bench 220lb x 7. deadlift 350 x9 . squat 310 x 9. Though the first few years i lifted on maintenance calories as I knew nothing about diet. Last year I read up a shit load on it and have a strict diet now.

    To reiterate, would appreciate if someone could concisely explain all the negative effects of lifting at my age. The stickied threads did not seem to fully explain them and some suggested roids at 21 was okay yet elsewhere on the forum people say 25. Again, I have utmost respect for your expert opinions and will listen to what you have to say.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    one of the main reasons is when you take exogenous hormones you shut down your natural production. In your early 20's your system isnt fully developed. So shutting down a system that isnt fully developed can damage it.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    toil1823 is offline Banned
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    but at age 25 they are fully developed?

    Also, I hit puberty a year or two later than most guys my age therefore would waiting till i am 27 be advantageous?

  4. #4
    big88sub's Avatar
    big88sub is offline Associate Member
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    Look at it this way of you didn't hit puberty as fast as someone else do you think maybe your system wasn't ready for puberty and still had to develop so that would me to believe that it would typically be developing few years later then someone else's.

  5. #5
    toil1823 is offline Banned
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    yeah i dnno i am kinda babyfaced maybe that is it? wonder if theres a way to test my development. anyone know?

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    I believe you can easily reach your goals mate by training hard and eating the right foods...

    Everyone runs a risk of damaging their endo system when using aas and besides depression, no libido, hair loss, unwanted hair in the wrong places you may lose the ability to ever start a family.....

    Just some things to consider when thinking about using aas...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    toil1823 is offline Banned
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    but once you turn 25 the chance of these effects is virtually nil if you pct properly?

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Read the young and steroids thread.

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Think of the big picture. You have plenty of time to experiment w/AAS in the future if you decide to do so. For now, it simply isn't worth the risk and you'll get more satisfaction in the long run training naturally. And the gains will, more than likely, stay w/you for a lifetime.

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