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  1. #1
    Godzhand is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011

    Delt Injection now Swollen lump

    I did my first Delt shot into my right arm I usually use my glutes but I need to start rotating.

    I did 1.5ML of Test E the next morning I had a large lump kind of going down beside my bicept.

    A Day later my bicept seemed really swollen on the side and I could see redness all over it so I put a heating pad on it for the night and started taking my Antibiotics I have on hand.

    The next morning I wake up and hurts to even try opening my arm all the way bicept is still red looking. I cleaned the area of the lump on my delt I felt around it and found the softest feeling spot pinned it pushed it all the way in and pulled back on the syringe and about half a ml of white fluid came out. I stuck myself in 2 diff places to make sure I got all of it then within 5mins my arm was literally feeling 5x better.

    It's been about 6hours since I did that and the lump is starting to do down the redness is still there but it feels a lot better.

    Anyone have an suggestions? I think I cought it at a good time and it's starting to heal back up. I honestly do not know how I got the abcess I'm very careful when pinning I take a hot shower clean myself really good, I clean the area really good with an alcohol pad, I always use new needles and always clean my bottles with alcohol as well as I wipe the needle tip with alcohol and wash my hands for 5mins straight. 0_o

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i would go to the dr and get anti botics. There is no way you got everything and you def have an infection
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Godzhand is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    I got Antibiotics from the Dr. I told them I had a tooth Infection.

  4. #4
    Godzhand is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    I told them I have a tooth infection and it's starting to spread because I had one previously that did that and the bacteria got into my blood stream so they have me 10days of Amoxicillin 500mg 3x day

  5. #5
    Godzhand is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    Your right though I know I can't suck it all out but I stuck myself with about 10 diff needles in diff places on the lump and I did get a lot of white fluid prob about 2ml all together. I'm taking the antibiotics as told it does seem to be getting better although if it does change I will be at the doctor asap to have them take care of it.

  6. #6
    Godzhand is offline New Member
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    Turned out to be Cellulitis it's almost completely gone the antibiotics I started taking and the fact that I sucked out a lot of the infection slowed it down. They had to give me stronger antibiotics via IV and oral for 10days but the cellulitis is almost gone now prob 2 maybe 3 more days and I will be back in the gym. I can't lift until it's gone it can cause it to spread they said.

  7. #7
    Scabtree's Avatar
    Scabtree is offline Associate Member
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    You told the Dr you had a tooth infection? hmm... Not a bad idea.

  8. #8
    mass397 is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    man you guys gotta get a good dr that is okay with juice lol... But the tooth infection idea is not bad lmao

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