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  1. #1
    mzungu is offline New Member
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    May 2012

    Test and hairline

    Hello people.
    I am considering doing a cycle in the near future and will for sure be doing equipoise and possible winstrol .
    Can anyone tell me what test is the easiest on the hairline?

    Thanks for replies,

  2. #2
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Apr 2012
    Doesn't make difference

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1st hopefully you will read the sticky notes above about beginner cycle. Dont think that doing an oral is easier on your system, typically it's not. You need a base and typically 1st cycle of Test when you are actually ready.

    Hair falling out is all dependent on the person. I have a fairly high hairline (receding) but according to most people I should have been bald or mostly bald in my early 20s, I was always teased in high school Now almost 50 I have more than 80% of my class mates. AAS has not made it any or much worse but I have noticed significant gains on the rest of the body. I have back hair where I never had it. The arm hair became longer/darker.

    Visit the spa area. There is typically a lot of hair care talk going on in there since most of us are vain when it comes to hair or we just give up and shave it.

  4. #4
    Skyrinegt's Avatar
    Skyrinegt is offline Associate Member
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    I though aas ruined my hairline but my brother on no aas has the same if not worse I'm not sure how much it actually affects it

  5. #5
    mzungu is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    The first cycle I did was Enanthate , Anadrol and deca . It was a good cycle. I did notice that hair was left on the pillow each morning when I woke up. I might just shave it for the next test cycle.

  6. #6
    young_pr1nce is offline New Member
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    try using a dht blocker like finasteride or dutasteride as well as a topical solution like nizoral shampoo and possibly minoxidil.
    should be fine bro,
    i know people that have ran all different sorts of test cycles and typically as long as your not overdoing your dosage you shouldn't lose much/or any hair while on cycle.
    good luck homie

  7. #7
    mzungu is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    Thanks guys for all the replies. I appreciate it. I think next cycle will be Enanthate with Equipoise and Winstrol or Omnadren instead of Enanthate.

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