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  1. #1
    loulago is offline New Member
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    alacohol and injectables

    I'm running a 750mg test E cycle right now (no orals). Havent drank at all during cycle but planning on goin out this weekend for cinco de mayo with some friends and gettin hammered. Yes I kno you shouldnt drink during a cycle because of affected gains and estrogen conversion but Im not making a habit out of it. I will probably only get drunk twice on the 10 week cycle while those two times being the only times i drink while cycling. Question is besides affected gains and estrogen conversion am I lookin at any lethal or potentially deadly side effects from this one night of hard drinking?

  2. #2
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    Dehydration is really hard on your body. I have never drank on a cycle nor would I but if you feel you really need to celebrate why not skip the getting hammered and just have four or five beers loosen up and have a good time I see nothing wrong with that but I guess when its all said and done it just comes down to whats most important your cycle, health a night of fun and disorder that you wont even remember half of the next day .I personally go out with my buds but Im the guy that gets them all home safe and make sure they remember all the stupid shit they said or done the next day.

  3. #3
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Lets, be real here.

    It's all also been covered.

    Drink lots of water, shots over margaritas and try not to fvck yourself up beyond recognition.

    The cast of the Jersey Shore is living proof.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro at your age you shouldnt be cycling.

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Didn't even notice.

    Kinda late now. . . . .

  6. #6
    loulago is offline New Member
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    all I was wondering was if I do drink alot one night what could rele happen? not whether I should be using or only drinking a few because I kno that wont happen.. can anyone just answer that

  7. #7
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    I´ve gotten a good buzz on cycle before. Nothing happened, just bad conscience.

  8. #8
    blksavage's Avatar
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    well what do you think? ? ? seriously isn't your liver under enough stress? then you want to get "hammered" and we all know wants you get hammered your going to get hungry and I doubt you'll order a salad and some albacore white tuna. what a waste of gear not to mention your too young

  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blksavage View Post
    well what do you think? ? ? seriously isn't your liver under enough stress?
    Not from the test, from what I understand injectables don't hit the liver.

    Why does everyone young wanna get juiced?

    Good luck bro, the alcohol will most likely do less damage in the long run compared to juice.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    1 night of drinking is not going to make a difference in the enod of a 10-12 week cycle. It doesnt ruin the cycle or waste the juice.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Well at least your honest about getting hammered. But like Gixxer said, it's no biggie except for the dehydration that might follow.

  12. #12
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Drink lots of water...less headache.

  13. #13
    big88sub's Avatar
    big88sub is offline Associate Member
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    This is the perfect example why young people shouldn't cycle. They cannot make reasonable logical responsible decisions on there own. There are a lot of people like this including older people that think going out and getting hammered is a great way of life and that's all they think about. If your making the decision to get into the best shape of your life and put in endless time at the gym and spend a shit ton of money for the proper diet and gear why the hell would you want to waste any of that on something as pointless as "goin out and getting hammered". It's a childish decision. I used to drink at home almost everyday and then the girlfriend and I started going back out again wich is nice once in a while. Now if we go pit I won't have anymore then a few and I won't drink anything else bit water at home because I've made the commitment to myself for better health and alcohol doesn't help with that commitment. It might just be one or two nights now but eventually your going to be like well it didn't hurt me last weekend or I'll only. have a few and at your age it's not hard for you to loose sight of your goals just to try to impress your friends or chase some tail. It's you life man do whatever the **** you wanna do.

  14. #14
    capetown's Avatar
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    I have tried a couple of times but fir some reason cant handle the hangover I get while on a cycle. Might be all in my head but if I have 3 beer in the evening, I wake up hungover. Not worth putting the extra stress on ur body anyway.

  15. #15
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big88sub View Post
    There are a lot of people like this including older people that think going out and getting hammered is a great way of life and that's all they think about.
    He did say he has had nothing to drink, but it going out for Cinco. It isn't like he kicked a puppy or something.

  16. #16
    big88sub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    He did say he has had nothing to drink, but it going out for Cinco. It isn't like he kicked a puppy or something.
    I'm just saying if he's young dumb and full of come one seemingly harmless choice may lead to other poor choices down the road. The only way to stay on the straight and narrow is to never veer from your current path. I just wouldn't go out and save the money and myself the headache in the morning and unless your Mexican going out to celebrate Cisco de mayo then your only looking for a reason to drink. It's just my opinion and isn't ment to be takin personaly.

  17. #17
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big88sub View Post
    This is the perfect example why young people shouldn't cycle. They cannot make reasonable logical responsible decisions on there own. There are a lot of people like this including older people that think going out and getting hammered is a great way of life and that's all they think about. If your making the decision to get into the best shape of your life and put in endless time at the gym and spend a shit ton of money for the proper diet and gear why the hell would you want to waste any of that on something as pointless as "goin out and getting hammered". It's a childish decision. I used to drink at home almost everyday and then the girlfriend and I started going back out again wich is nice once in a while. Now if we go pit I won't have anymore then a few and I won't drink anything else bit water at home because I've made the commitment to myself for better health and alcohol doesn't help with that commitment. It might just be one or two nights now but eventually your going to be like well it didn't hurt me last weekend or I'll only. have a few and at your age it's not hard for you to loose sight of your goals just to try to impress your friends or chase some tail. It's you life man do whatever the **** you wanna do.
    everyone can make their decision. He did not say going out every night or every week. 99.9 percenct of the people on the is board dont make a living on how they look. They do it to feel better and look better. I also want to enjoy my life. Hell i went out wed night this week and am going out a little latter tonight. I have veins going across my abs and hips. you can enjoy life and a few drinks and look good.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
    BreakingFace is offline Banned
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    My training/diet suffers even if I drink one night a week.

  19. #19
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    Some can some can't and some shouldn't. I said not to take it personal. There is a line to be drawn though. You can enjoy yourself without causing any harm or suffering from a hangover but when you go out to get hammered that's not enjoying that's just being reckless. It's your body not mine. Everyone to their own.

  20. #20
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capetown
    I have tried a couple of times but fir some reason cant handle the hangover I get while on a cycle. Might be all in my head but if I have 3 beer in the evening, I wake up hungover. Not worth putting the extra stress on ur body anyway.
    You have to do cocaine when you drink!

  21. #21
    FCVtec's Avatar
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    For me a night of drinking on cycle can set me back as much as 2 weeks on my gains. I have done it in my first cycle or two but after that I wont, to much work to waste in one night.

  22. #22
    big88sub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD View Post
    You have to do cocaine when you drink!
    Exactly. So that way you can't feel your face or anything else and pound the shots down even harder and leave you hungover for two days. Add cocaine in with the steroids and I can see someone thinking that they are king ding a ling until they get their ass kicked like that one kid. He thought just cause he was on.sus he could take on four guys at once. What an idiot.

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