I'm 25 and just got into lifting in the past 2 years. I was in the Marine Corps so I've always been in shape, but never really tried to get big (focused more on endurance and stamina rather than size). I did a cycle of Halovar in the Fall, stuff worked great. I saw great gains in size and strength, but I don't want to touch ProHormones again because of the damage it does to your body. I've been doing a lot of research about Deca , but not sure if I'm translating all the information correctly. I want to do a cycle this fall to bulk up a little more, but I want to make sure I know everything there is to know before I start the cycle. What I want to know is this: How much should I take, how long should I take it, what should I take in support of it, what can I do to ensure that unwanted side effects are kept to a minimum or if a cycle of Deca is even for me.

Right now, since it's summer time, I'm focusing on staying lean. My goal is to add 15-20lbs of mass through the fall and winter, stay decently lean and maintian my gains (might be setting the bar pretty high but thats what I do). I want it to be relatively easy to trim up in the spring.

I'm just looking for some experienced advice. Any information would be appreciated. Also if there is anything out there other than Deca (non-steroid ) that you might suggest, that would be good too.

25 yrs
10% body fat