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  1. #1
    TInyTim89 is offline New Member
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    May 2012

    1st cycle complete. FREAKING OUT

    Hi, first post--I'll keep it brief and to the point. I was a dumbass and ran my 1st cycle without doing much research beforehand. Here's the cycle I ran:

    6 week cycle (w/ milk thistle):
    -week 1: 50mg anadrol
    -week 2: 50mg anadrol
    -week 3: 50mg anadrol + 30mg dbol
    -week 4: 50mg anadrol + 30mg dbol
    -week 5: 30mg dbol
    -week 6: 30mg dbol

    I am 23, weigh 175 lbs, and am 5' 10" (I know now that oral only cycles are most always frowned upon).

    I am now just a few days into week 6, almost done, and I've been doing a lot more research online. I am scared that I F'd up my body. I gained quite a bit, which is great, but now I am concerned about my health. What's done is done. Now I just want advice on what to do next to limit any side effects as best I can. I'm worried that my body will now start producing less natural testosterone for the rest of my life.

    Please help me out guys with your experienced advice. I regret what I've done and want to make things right with my body. What PCT would you recommend? (nolvadex 20mg + clomid 50mg for 1 month is what research has me leaning toward).

    Any other actions besides running a PCT that I should partake in??? Thanks in advance--I am REALLY WORRIED.

  2. #2
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    You didn't **** up your body don't worry....your cycle was an extremely poor one and you will prob loose a lot of water weight post cycle! but as long as you run proper pct things should go back to normal after about 4 weeks. You also should have waited to run your first cycle! you could have added another 20lbs to your frame naturally but that's neither here nor there....just run pct, take some milk thistle and drink plenty of water...your body will take care of the rest.

  3. #3
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    week 1: clomid 100mg/nolva 20mg
    week 2: clomid 50mg/nolva 20mg
    week 3: clomid 50mg/nolva 20mg
    week 4: nolva 20mg

    since your cycle was short and all orals you should recover almost 100% after 4 weeks....your liver values are prob high so again make sure you drink plenty of water and take milk thistle which you can buy at most supplement stores.

  4. #4
    ali_baba is offline Junior Member
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    The main reason oral only cycles are so frowned upon is that they can be very hepatoxic.(bad for the liver) First thing is first though, as for PCT, I would recommend taking clomid every day for 4 weeks (dosed at 100/100/50/50 mgs). Spread out your doses to maintain blood levels. That should bring the boys back. As for the hepatic (liver stress), go get a blood test that includes a full liver panel to find out if you actually did any serious damage to your liver. If you are really nervous and want to get a head start then you can start taking some himalaya liv.52 at the manufacturers recommended dosage. AND DO MORE RESEARCH, it can save your life and give you peace of mind

  5. #5
    Skyrinegt's Avatar
    Skyrinegt is offline Associate Member
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    Well your gains should be 90% water and hopefully you don't drink any alcohol because your liver is probably shitting itself. But good point was that it was short and hopefully you have your pct ready to run drink lots of real cranberry juice as well as your water

  6. #6
    TInyTim89 is offline New Member
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    OK guys, thanks for the speedy responses. I'll take your PCT recommendations, a lot of milk thistle, and drink a lot of water. The dude I bought the stuff from said that I "should be able to maintain most gains if I continue to lift and eat right." Is that a load of BS? He is a big guy who has over 10 years experience with roids, so I trusted him. However, after doing more research it seems that he steered me in the wrong direction.

    Also, I read somewhere that some people experience depression after a dbol only cycle. Any truth to this? Thanks.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Any actual muscle gains you have gotten will be dependent on your diet and training, not just training. You have proven that your diet has been inadequate to put on muscle due to being 175 especially after cycle. You wont keep any of it unless you learn how and what to eat quickly.

    Diet is always #1 with training being a close 2nd or vice verse but you cant have one without the other.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Where do you guys come up with these lame cycles? I can see Bear doing this beacuse he never listens to wat I have to say Thats why he is a chunky monkey at 12% bf But I really think he looks like 12.5

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