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  1. #1
    anabolics_anonymous is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    First Cycle Questions

    I could not find my original post so I decided to start a new one. I am 20 years old and I have been lifting for 7 years (5 of them very seriously with proper diet and lifting regime). I am currently 5'9'' 207lbs with 10-15% bodyfat. I bench 315, squat 550, and deadlift a little over 500. I have been plateu'd for about a year or so now and have decided to run my first cycle after doing some research. I know most of you will say I am too young my endocrine system isn't fully developed etc.. Don't waste your time, it's not going to change my decision. I'm looking to do 500mg test-cyp a week for approximately 10-12 weeks, possibly kick-started with oral anadrol . I know one compound is recommended for the first cycle but I would like to do an oral to start. Here is the basic cycle I have laid out:

    50mg anadrol every day for first 4 weeks (still debating due to the harsh effects on the liver)
    week 1-12 500mg test-cyp (250mg mon, 250mg thurs), 500iu hcg and .25mg Arimidex every other day
    week 15-16 40mg nolva 100mg clomid
    week 16-17 20mg nolva 50mg clomid

    My questions are primarily regarding the peptides:
    1) Is hcg necessary for this cycle and is the dosage correct? 500iu every other day?
    2) Is Arimidex the best AI for this cycle and is the dosage also okay?
    3) Do I need both clomid and nolva and are the dosages okay? The source I am recieving the test-cyp says that this is "too much pct" but I really think he doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, and again any posts saying that I'm too young won't help me, I'm just looking for advice and information.

  2. #2
    ali_baba is offline Junior Member
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    Most people here will insist that you are way too young, but I too am below the recommended age so I will try and help you so that you can minimize the harm you do to yourself. It's your first cycle, test cyp is all you need. Save the anadrol till later cycles like 4th or 5th, it is unnecessary right now. Use single substances for cycles for as long as you an. As for the HCG , it is dosed to high, most would recommend 250iu twice a week for the duration of the cycle. PCT should be 4 weeks 100/100/50/50 for clomid and 20/20/20/20 for nolva. The Arimidex is fine but do not use it until you see a start in gyno.(puffy sensitive nipples) Otherwise, the estrogen will help you get better gains on cycle. Excessive water retention is fine as it will subside once your off cycle. MAKE SURE YOUR DIET IS IMMACULATE. good luck

    p.s. I would recommend you cut your cycle to 8-10 weeks as that is when gains will generally begin to slow.

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you are too young..
    ali baba- his advise was wrong more then once..

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    wow a bad idea
    then bad advice. Ali baba your thoughts on an ai are wrong and cycle length
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    you are too young..
    ali baba- his advise was wrong more then once..
    lol you type faster then me
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I finally beat the famous gixxer!!! thanks for letting me, just this once bro..

    I was going to mention everything that was wrong, but seeing he is so young I didnt want to support.
    pct time is off also

  7. #7
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ali baba, please do not turn into parrot baba.

  8. #8
    anabolics_anonymous is offline New Member
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    Okay well if it is wrong can someone with a lot of experience please tell me the correct dosages and timing like I asked instead of just telling me I'm too young. I'm going to do the cycle either way.. I just want to do it as safely as possible, and don't give me the response that if I want to do it as safely as possible I should wait until I'm 25...

  9. #9
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well. I will say running an AI should be done from the start. Not only when you feel sensitive nipples. Elevated estrogen (E2) is a known carcinogen. You want to allow a cancer causing hormone to accumulate when you can easily suppress it? I didn't think so.

  10. #10
    anabolics_anonymous is offline New Member
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    I planned to use .25mg Arimidex every other day from week 1-12, is this what I want to do? Can you please just post me the correct cycle with the right amounts/timing I would really appreciate it.

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