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  1. #1
    luda281 is offline Junior Member
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    What is considered steroid abuse?

    Seems like more and more young people are getting on hrt for life. I've just recently got in the game. I'm 30. Started aas when I was 28. Have done 2 mild cycles. Once last June and started another 4 weeks ago. Started pro hormones when I was like 27.

    I try to do it the right way. Research, proper pct and break. Checked my labs before this cycle and my natural test was not bad for a 30 year old? 515 test. Lh was strong 7.8.

    I'm just curious. I know quite a bit of guys my age that are on hrt. How easy is it to **** your body up? What are these guys doing thats causing their natural production to be so shut down? Last thing I would ever want to do is get on hrt for life.

    When I went to hs in the late 90s, I had no idea what aas was. But I'm starting to wonder if people were already using in hs then and that's why they are so ****ed up now

  2. #2
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Use of steroids for any reason except for medical purposes is technically considered an abuse.

    TRT brings about the irony here. Most TRT patients have gotten onto TRT because they have previously abused AAS, now they can't abuse it since they are dependent on it (although blasting while on TRT may be considered an abuse also).

    When a person at the age of 30 is on TRT due to previous AAS use, it is highly likely that you are looking at a person who has started to use AAS at a rather early age and most likely ran long, hard cycles which he could not recover from, eventually ending up with very low Test levels and getting on TRT.

    On a last note, regardless of the age of beginning AAS use/abuse, if one runs cycles continually over a long period of time, it is highly likely that there will be TRT in the end of that road.

  3. #3
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    There are other reasons for low T levels in men. Just Google "declining testosterone levels " and you'll find numerous studies documenting the declining test levels in men. Some studies start back 75+ years. Yes taking AAS at a young age will definitely screw up your endocrine system. But there are other factors causing low T. That's why more guys are going on TRT at a younger age that have never used AAS.

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I have always thought of abuse as doing something despite obvious evidence of harm.

    I think there are a lot of young guys that are on TRT but don't need it. They have found someone willing to give them Test to achieve "optimum" levels even though they had acceptable levels no symptoms.

    There are also a lot of guys that do find out their system has crapped out early (I have read those studies that levels are dropping over time). I was on TRT at 41 and have not idea how long it had been low. I had symptoms for years and didn't know what the cause was. I had never used AAS, but production just tapered off early.

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails What is considered steroid abuse?-slika9.jpg  

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^^^ You always swore you would never post pics of yourself.

  7. #7
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    There are other reasons for low T levels in men. Just Google "declining testosterone levels" and you'll find numerous studies documenting the declining test levels in men. Some studies start back 75+ years. Yes taking AAS at a young age will definitely screw up your endocrine system. But there are other factors causing low T. That's why more guys are going on TRT at a younger age that have never used AAS.
    True, there are other reasons for someone to get on TRT other than having used steroids .

    I wanted to concentrate on the previous use of steroids aspect since OP titled his thread ''what is considered steroid abuse '' and also because this is a steroid forum, where young people everyday ask for a magic AAS cycle without realizing that this maybe their first step to the path of TRT for life.

  8. #8
    Focused88 is offline Associate Member
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    Yo bear.. traps and shoulders looking good man!

  9. #9
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    ^^^^^ You always swore you would never post pics of yourself.
    Peer pressure is a b!tch.

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focused88 View Post
    Yo bear.. traps and shoulders looking good man!
    I don't have traps & shoulders, they are no longer individual components, those are troulders or shraps...................which ever rolls of your tongue easier.................

  11. #11
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I have always thought of abuse as doing something despite obvious evidence of harm.

    I think there are a lot of young guys that are on TRT but don't need it. They have found someone willing to give them Test to achieve "optimum" levels even though they had acceptable levels no symptoms.

    There are also a lot of guys that do find out their system has crapped out early (I have read those studies that levels are dropping over time). I was on TRT at 41 and have not idea how long it had been low. I had symptoms for years and didn't know what the cause was. I had never used AAS, but production just tapered off early.
    totally agree on that point.

    there's no need to aim for the high end of normal. there is no need to even check your test level unless there is significant symptoms to suggest possible deficiency.

    maybe people just find it fashionable.. lol.

  12. #12
    nooby's Avatar
    nooby is offline Associate Member
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    What is considered steroid abuse ?...

    It is the use of hormones when there is no medical need. That is abuse. I have a medical need, as I have an endocrine disorder (non AAS related.) So my use of testosterone would not be considered abuse, but it is since I am taking much higher doses than medically needed, it is abuse. Basically taking any substance without being directed to do so by a Doctor, or taking higher doses than a Doctor prescribes IS abuse.
    Last edited by nooby; 05-10-2012 at 06:43 AM.

  13. #13
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Well for that matter, use of ANYTHING when there is no need, could be construed as "abuse". Like alcohol & cigarettes, everyone knows they're not good for you, but they can still be used without abuse. Like the guy that likes to sit in the den every night with his tobacco pipe & a newspaper or book. Or the guy that go's out every few weeks or so & has few drinks with some friends. Just because its not needed, doesn't mean its abuse.

  14. #14
    Zackery's Avatar
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    It's a good question. In my opinion abuse is more a argument of "too much". Like alcohol it can be used safely. Use or abuse, easy as that.

  15. #15
    Thunderforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nooby View Post
    What is considered steroid abuse ?...

    It is the use of hormones when there is no medical need. That is abuse. I have a medical need, as I have an endocrine disorder (non AAS related.) So my use of testosterone would not be considered abuse, but it is since I am taking much higher doses than medically needed, it is abuse. Basically taking any substance without being directed to do so by a Doctor, or taking higher doses than a Doctor prescribes IS abuse.
    I'd respectfully disagree with this.

    It's an excellent question really. What IS abuse?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I have always thought of abuse as doing something despite obvious evidence of harm.

    I think there are a lot of young guys that are on TRT but don't need it. They have found someone willing to give them Test to achieve "optimum" levels even though they had acceptable levels no symptoms.

    There are also a lot of guys that do find out their system has crapped out early (I have read those studies that levels are dropping over time). I was on TRT at 41 and have not idea how long it had been low. I had symptoms for years and didn't know what the cause was. I had never used AAS, but production just tapered off early.
    I kind of like this description but I also think it sort of contradicts itself. I too think doing something in spite of obvious evidence it is harmful is abuse. BUT, is the second part, doing test just to achieve "optimum levels" is abuse? I don't think so. Do optimum levels of test cause harm? If I attempt to achieve the highest test levels I can without harming my body but don't NEED to do it, is that abuse? I'd say no. I choose to supplement my bodies natural vitamin and mineral intake beyond my healthy diet as well. I add B12 when my energy levels re fine without it. Does that make it abuse?

    The example is a bit extreme I grant you. Steroids are a bit different than B12. But you see my point. The definition of abuse is subjective. Simply because my range is "normal" and using a substance to optimize it , it becomes abuse. But is it? Legally yes, because this is a controlled substance, but personally? No. I don't feel it is.

    I think willfully harming yourself is abusive of course, but even then it can be a grey area. What if I find the side effects acceptable in relation to the benefits? There's dozens if not hundreds of posts about Tren here. good and bad. The overwhelming majority of the ones I have read all boil down to the same thing. The sides are a bitch but people tolerate it for a period of time because the yield is so good. Is it abuse? It's obviously harmful yet they do it because it's acceptable.

    Food for thought.
    Last edited by Thunderforge; 05-10-2012 at 07:56 AM.

  16. #16
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderforge View Post
    I kind of like this description but I also think it sort of contradicts itself. I too think doing something in spite of obvious evidence it is harmful is abuse. BUT, is the second part, doing test just to achieve "optimum levels" is abuse? I don't think so. Do optimum levels of test cause harm? If I attempt to achieve the highest test levels I can without harming my body but don't NEED to do it, is that abuse? I'd say no. I choose to supplement my bodies natural vitamin and mineral intake beyond my healthy diet as well. I add B12 when my energy levels re fine without it. Does that make it abuse?
    I don't think achieving optimum levels is abuse either.

    There were two topics going on and I answered them together. My abuse definition ended at the end of my first sentence and the TRT stuff was just an opinion related the OP's comment that he knows a lot of young guys on TRT.

  17. #17
    Focused88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I don't have traps & shoulders, they are no longer individual components, those are troulders or shraps...................which ever rolls of your tongue easier.................
    I want some troulders!

  18. #18
    luda281 is offline Junior Member
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    I guess I see a lot of guys I know at the gym who is noticeable when on or off cycle. You see them get pretty big for a couple of months and instead of doing a proper pct and working harder and eating more to maintain gains off cycle naturally, they jump back on another cycle.
    I see many guys get big for 2 months, strink and lose almost all their gains for a month or two then get back on cycle again. If you don't take breaks, that to me is abuse

    To me, I would say 2 cycles a year would be the most I would do.

  19. #19
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    abuse is anything you do that damages your body.

    if it helps you- its therapeutic.

  20. #20
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    abuse is anything you do that damages your body.

    if it helps you- its therapeutic.
    what about playing rugby or football?

  21. #21
    boxin23's Avatar
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    Use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.
    The improper use of something.
    verb. revile - misuse - insult - vituperate - scold
    noun. misuse - insult - vituperation - invective

    I think there are many educated people here who ARE NOT abusing, but using wisely based on their knowledge base.

    I disagree with many people in this thread that say simply using AAS is abuse. So if you drink apple juice is that abuse. The shit is horrible on your teeth!
    Don't forget AAS is not illegal everywhere so don't pull that card either.

    Just be smart about it fellas.

  22. #22
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    abuse is anything you do that damages your body.

    if it helps you- its therapeutic.
    That's rediculous, that means getting out of bed, walking outside & breathing the crappy air produced by gasoline & diesel engines is abuse. Tearing down your muscle tissue at the gym is abuse. Getting a sun tan is abuse. Full contact sports are abuse..............
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 05-11-2012 at 12:56 AM.

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