Hello everyone i am new to this forum, i am currently on hormone repla***ent therapy, with a couple of add ons... i am trying to get right for beach season, currently at 185 LBS, 5'8" probably 20% body fat. 30 years old. i have done 4 cycles in my past a long time ago. currently half way through this cycle... seeing very good changes in my body, but does anyone have any advice for me as far as changes, additions to this...i am trying to maximize my bodies response to this as summer is quickly approaching... here is what i have going on...

Trenbolone acetate 100mg every 3 days
nandrolone phenylproprionate 100 mg every 3 days
test cypionate 150mg every 3 days
anastrozole and tamoxifen every 3 days
T3 week on/ week off
clenbuteral 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off
injectable amino acids every day
vitamins and NO2 daily
HGRH 5 days on / 2 days off

my diet is good in my eyes, i live on brown rice, veggies, steak/chicken/fish... (3 meals and 3 shakes a day).
30 mins of cardio, then lift heavy and keep my heart rate up through my entire workout... i dont leave till i am drenched or puke...

and i have PCT with clomidafine and HCG ...

any comments, advice, or concerns would be greatly appriciated... thanks guys...