Hey guys,

I have been training quite a while. I'll stat everything in a minute. I have had trouble putting on any decent weight for about 6 months and a few of my friends from the UK have advised me to get on a course of Test E. I did as muych reading as I could and see that it is a pretty entry level course. So in my drawer here I have:

25ml of Test E
Oral Nolvadex - enough to cover the PCT recommended on steroid .com
20x3ml plingers
20x19g pins
20x21g pins
Alcahol swabs

Now I am sure you want to know what's going on so... I joined the Military years and years ago, this got me fit and I started doing weights. Working more on fitness and strength than size. About 6 years down the line I appear to have topped out. My diet is pretty spot on for example yesterday I had:

05:00 - Porridge with some banana and apricot, 3 whole eggs and 3 white on Wholemeal toast (And 1 multi-vitamin)
08:00 - Shake
10:00 - (Break time at work) 2 large Tuna S/Wichs with Onion and Sweetcorn Wholemeal bread
12:00 - (Lunch) Lasagne 750g or so with brockley and salad
14:00 - (Second break) Lasagne (smaller) maybe 500g with brockley and salad again
17:00 - Tagiatelli with chicken and mushroom soup as a sauce (350g chicken)
20:00 - Batter Hake and chips (from the chip shop! Bit naughty but worth it, was lovely!)
22:00 - Double dose of Casein for slow release during sleep

I throw in an apple, or banana through the day not always with meals, sometimes with...can't think when I had any fruit yesterday other than breakfast...Also Most days I will use potatoes and brown rice with my meals. Yesterday was a bit of an indulgence day for me.

I calculated my daily intake over the last 6 months or so to be near 7000kCal a day. I have on occasion been caught outy and missed maybe one meal, but never really fallen off the tracks.

Ok time for the Stats:

30 years old
Training 6 years
185cm - 6'1"
95kg - 210lbs
12% Body fat (at a guess, not checked. can see muscle groups in legs and arms etc just not on the gut. Trying to stack on the weight so not concerned by the gut fat at this stage)

I'll try to upload a picture this weekend if I can.

Now my main questions are as follows:

1: Can I just use 2ml of Test a week on it's own, or do I need to stack any anti Estrogens during the cycle? (one jab every tuesday or something) It is 250mg so that would be 500mg a week. Other than the Nolva PCT of course.

2: Would it be advised to have any other gear on hand for Gyno emergencies other than Nolva?

3: I appear to have a bit of a snivle at the moment, nose is a little blocked but otherwise feel great. Would it be best advised to clear myself with the doctor first?

4: I have put some CRAZY cardio training in my schedule over the last month to prep for this cycle, want to make sure my heart is in good shape before I load it up. Is there any other tests or checks I should make or have before I start the course?

5: Last but not least I am looking to gain about 15kg during the 12 weeks and lose maybe 5kgs at the end, does that sound realistic?

Thanks for reading, if you need to know anything else let me know. And thanks for helping me out.

I hate to rush in until I am sure of everything.
